I was FReeping that morning. We had endless threads like this one.
To: Responsibility2nd
Oh. And if you want to see the sidebars, click ‘Pings’.
2 posted on
12/11/2012 2:53:39 PM PST by
(NO LIBS. This Means Liberals and (L)libertarians! Same Thing. NO LIBS!!)
To: Responsibility2nd
Have we been DUibed? :-)
3 posted on
12/11/2012 2:53:39 PM PST by
To: Responsibility2nd
Just noticed that here too, no sidebar either.
4 posted on
12/11/2012 2:54:13 PM PST by
Las Vegas Ron
(Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism)
To: Responsibility2nd
TY for heads up. I was wondering.
6 posted on
12/11/2012 2:54:37 PM PST by
Psalm 144
(Not so "commanding", not so "inevitable".)
To: Responsibility2nd
Is that all? I saw the thread title and thought it might be about a Mormon pitbull terrier that fought for the Confederacy to preserve the institution of darwinism.
11 posted on
12/11/2012 2:57:45 PM PST by
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: Responsibility2nd
this is hugh and series!!!!
be sure to set your beebers to stune!!!
14 posted on
12/11/2012 2:59:16 PM PST by
joe fonebone
(The clueless... they walk among us, and they vote...)
To: Responsibility2nd
I did it. Won't tell you how.
All your post are belong to us.
16 posted on
12/11/2012 3:01:21 PM PST by
( Exploring the fine line between cynicism and outright depression)
To: Responsibility2nd
If the idiots would quit replying to these threads, there wouldn’t be a problem!
19 posted on
12/11/2012 3:06:48 PM PST by
Ken H
To: Responsibility2nd
20 posted on
12/11/2012 3:08:36 PM PST by
(I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
To: Responsibility2nd
Whatever it is, it is getting worse quickly.
“It will be fixed soon.”
What does soon mean...hours, days, months?
Or all of the above...standby to standby this might be a maybe.
22 posted on
12/11/2012 3:10:00 PM PST by
( Believe the Gospel: how that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again)
To: Responsibility2nd
I was reading
this thread, which has 72 responses but could only scroll down to response #16. However, #50 to #72 are accessible. I've never had that hapen before.
27 posted on
12/11/2012 3:33:46 PM PST by
Fiji Hill
(Io Triumphe!)
To: Responsibility2nd
Is this the thread where we talk about dope smoking ‘cause I just feel soooo stoned looking at FR screens when this happens!
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