,,,,, Boy that must have hurt ,,,,,, MSNBC that is . . .
The police made a determination when this happened. I’m going with that.
I sure hope so.
You mean MSNBCLSD is betraying Obamas son?
Ed Shultz won’t report this,even if a gun was held to his head.Sharpton won’t say (expletive deleted)either.
I like how BSNBC had to “concede” the injury. What? Did they have some kind vested interest in the other side of the story?
There are a lot of posters here on FR who jumped on the bandwagon claiming Zimmerman was not injured because they didn’t see a bandage.
NBC News got caught with their credibility down around their ankles when they pixelated/distorted the video.
Now, they are doing an ‘internal investigation’ [who gets a slap on the wrist and who gets shown the door?] and using MSNBC to do damage control.
I remember the other night or two ago when they first released the grainy out-of-focus video, I thought the local network affiliate news chick was going to squeal with excitement over this `proof-positive’ that Zimmerman was in fact “unharmed”.
The beginning of the end for the Trayvon Martin story?
Hey, I can hope.
Mr Zimmerman has apparently elected to shut up and lawyer up. I can’t wait until phase two of that plan begins.
Sorry, but if they don’t come out and apologize and state that all need to calm down (for the problems they caused) they are guilty of causing racist problems at the least.
NBC is a racist TV station!
these jackals thought they had a really big story and at every turn, its just biting them in the arse....
lets start with that our little tray was not so sweet and nice....not that he should have been killed for that, but the possibility, and the PROBABILITY is that the story was exactly what Z had said...
That’s the most MSNBC I have ever watched in my life.
Is this how an actual news channel works these days?
No no no! They’ll say George (white name) Zimmerman (Jooo name) stlaked the innocent Treyvon, shot him in cold blood, and then broke his own nose and threw his head onto the cement as cover!
(One of the race-baiters is actually on recod saying the part about the broken nose, so no /sarc.)
Maybe I'm an idiot, but if someone has punched me in the face and is trying to knock me unconscious by slamming my head on the concrete, they're using deadly force on me. My common sense,especially during a beating while calling for help is use anything at my disposal to make the beating end, even if it involves deadly force.
Anyone who would disagree needs to have their nose broken and their head slammed against the concrete repeatedly until common sense allows them to think clearly.