Posted on 03/22/2011 9:21:01 AM PDT by driftdiver
FULL Title - Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan, Crash The Stock Market, And Redistribute Wealth In America
A former official of one of the country's most-powerful unions, SEIU, is detailing a secret plan to "destabilize" the country.
Specifically, the plan seeks to destroy JP Morgan, nuke the stock market, and weaken Wall Street's grip on power, thus creating the conditions necessary for a redistribution of wealth and a change in government.
The former SEIU official, Stephen Lerner, spoke in a closed session at a Pace University forum last weekend.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It seems like that is where all our money goes.
They're going to "nuke" their own pension fund investments?
I guess they assume that Uncle Sugar will make good any losses.
They bused in their forces, but they were all in Wisconsin. They can only do one state at a time. There's not enough of them to create crowds that size all over the country.
Sure, a few could do some damage, but imagine the person needing a nurse who doesn't show up. Do they think the people will support them for acting like that? Do they really think this nation will side with their vitriol and violence for much longer? Most people have real lives. They don't want to simply exist to give free stuff to wanting left wing special interest groups. They have their own lives and families to support. They have their own bills to pay.
These people are nothing but low life thieves. They want to steal other peoples money. It’s as simple as that.
Here’s what I don’t get, Let’s suppose they crash the government and redistribute the wealth. Then what? What wealth will there be is the dollar is worth nothing? There will be nothing to redistribute. I’m trying to understand why this is so important to them but I am at a loss. I know many will say “power” but it’s their workers who give them money and power. If those workers have no job, it follows there is no continuing money or power. What is the outcome they crave so much?
They're loud. They make a lot of noise. They talk big. Actually, there's not as many of them as you think. Unions hold only about 12% of the population. The rest are just followers who know not what they do, and would easily back off once they see the unions are hurting them as well as all the other innocent tax payers in the U.S. Their power lies with campaign contributions - it's the politicians they own.
They're selling vinegar. They're sour. They're bitter. They don't make good neighbors. They're unlikable. I think people will turn against them. They're going too far.
“These people are nothing but low life thieves. They want to steal other peoples money. It’s as simple as that.”
To paraphrase Franscisco D’anconia in Atlas Shrugged: “do you think this is only a conspiracy to steal your money? You who know the source of money should know that it is much bigger and much worse than that. It is a conspiracy against man’s mind.”
Their "leaders" have them believing they'll get money for free if they just follow them - lots and lots of every one elses money. They'll never have to work an honest day ever again. Satan said the same thing to Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus knew better. He knew it was a trick.
The goal is not to get free stuff for their followers. It's to create a socialist dictatorship with the "leaders" in charge. In the end, the union member will suffer as much as everyone else. They're "expendable." They're useful idiots.
"Bow down and follow me, and all the riches of the world can be yours." --- These "leaders" are giving a tip of the hat to the first left wing radical who broke all the rules and still inherited his own kingdom - Lucifer.
One of the leftist’s tactics is to make people think there are more of them than there really are.
At a townhall meeting, if you have as few as THREE people, you can overwhelm the crowd. Assuming the stage/focal point is North, station one at each point of the other compass points. If you have four people, put one down front, too.
Then, a person makes a conservative point, each of them shouts, boos, or whatever and the middle of the audience has the illusion of being surrounded because they hear protests “all around” them.
It doesn’t take a huge number of them to cause chaos.
“Bow down and follow me, and all the riches of the world can be yours.” -— These “leaders” are giving a tip of the hat to the first left wing radical who broke all the rules and still inherited his own kingdom - Lucifer.
What good is a kingdom that most people make an effort to avoid? I know that pure evil drives these “leaders”. I guess our knowledge of where they will end up is the justice God will deliver. In the mean time I guess we just have to try to wake up their “useful idiots” so they can see what they are really bringing about. I think Glenns’ new audio will help quite a bit. I’m sure we can wake up the “normal” ones, the other ones ( like Michael Moore, Maddow, Schultz, etc.) never will.
They're demanding other peoples money. Period.
I don't think average Americans, the majority, are just going to say "OK. Take all my money so you can live a comfortable life. My family can go without."
We already go without because of the taxes we pay. And they want more.
Vacation? What’s that? It’s taking a week off work and staying home.
“Lerner also says explicitly that, although the attack will benefit labor unions, it cannot be seen as being organized by them. It must therefore be run by community organizations.”
1. It will not benefit labor unions, in fact the Big 3 UAW’s pension and health care funding is managed by JPMC.
2. Again prooving that leftists can not be honest.
3. Community organizations are no different than terrorists.
I think you’re forgetting just who determines what the average American thinks and believes. You are NOT the average American. Your mere presence here is proof. You do not believe the MSM; most do. Most Americans will side with whomever the MSM wants them to side with. Barack Obama has an approval rate around 45%.
Most importantly, as FrogMom said “It doesn’t take a lot of them to cause chaos”. And CHAOS is the goal. Communism and despotism come later, possibly many years later. What they are trying to do is create anarchy.
See “Fight Club”.
“What is the outcome they crave so much?”
Destruction of others is their desire. It is the distinguishing characteristic between Jealousy and Envy. If I am jealous of what you have, then I will work harder to be able to acquire the same standard of living. If I am envious of what you have, then I am just as happy destroying your life so that you have to live like me.
They are miserable people that want everyone to live in misery. They have no interest in striving for happiness. This is also a good explanation of why they hate God, they have rejected his joy.
They are miserable people that want everyone to live in misery. They have no interest in striving for happiness. This is also a good explanation of why they hate God, they have rejected his joy.
I know God will punish them but I really hope we (and Beck) can put this puzzle together so that history never repeats itself for the sake of our children (who will probably be the ones most impacted by all of this). We need to elect Tea Party government officials to put the brakes on unions, welfare, pensions, term limits and all the other policies that got us in this situation.
“The only problem with that repeated story is that socialism can’t be installed without big revenues. Stopping revenues is not the way to start a commie regime.”
It’s worked in many different places, Cuba, Russia, Vietnam, China in the 50s and others.
Both political parties are about to lose the revenues that enable their favorite few constituents to control big, fascist government, and they’re getting more hysterical. Fascism is evident in the weird social pathologies (e.g., homosexual activism) embraced by approved companies and employees.
As for China, it’s still a communist nation in some ways (over 150,000 businesses and all banks owned by the state) with some fascism (some businesses allowed to operate only while in agreement with the PLA).
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