Sure sounds silly ... what age is your son?
Your son should have replied: "Do I look like Larry Sinclair to you?"
R U freakin’ serious?
What grade is your son in?
My grandaughter would have been suspended for her response to this stupid teacher. She is not an Obozo supporter.
” If Obama walked in this class right now,
what do you think he’d think about you?”.
That I’m a typical white kid?
Maybe his teacher should get in her thick head that not ALL adore BHO.....we adore the only one, the truth, the light and the way...our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
I’m tired of this over-rated child and his swooning goons! Put down your bong, teacher and STFU!
When my 27 yr old son was in grade school, a black priest told my son he clapped liked a white boy. He looked at him funny and said, “ I am a white boy.” No response from the priest.
Your son in a school where at least one of the teachers is a lunatic.
Imagine if the teacher had asked him what Jesus might think about him...
So my son says: "That I want to grow up to be President?
It would be worth the detention.
Wow, so the lefties are using Obama like Santa Claus now. He’s keeping his list, and checking it twice...
i don’t know what he would say to me... nor would i care... but i do know what i would say to him.
“what are you doing an a jr high classroom? isn’t there a war going on? aren’t Americans putting their lives on the line right now?? we’re paying you... the least you can do is show up for work.”
just give me the opportunity... i would have NO problem talking this impostor down.
freakin poser (i really hate libs)
Good for your son for not smarting off. I am sure he was tempted! I also have a 12 year old conservative son. He’s in a small Lutheran school, so he hasn’t run across an rampant Obama supporter for a teacher yet. I hope in the future when he goes to a different school he can handle an incident like this with as much class as your son.
Our District delayed the showing of the “Dear Leader” speech to school students (so that a plethora of teachers, administrators, etc., could review it.
When it was finally shown, parents could still opt out, but my 15 year old begged me not too (he didn’t want to have to leave the room). So he watched it (he is a HS sophmore).
During that school day, in appropriate history/law/govt classes, the students who viewed it were asked to write their thoughts (not for a grade as some students did opt out). Now remember this was midSeptember...
My smarta$$ son (who has his mom’s sense of humor) wrote “I really didn’t pay attention to the President’s video, but I know Beyonce’s was better.”
I was made aware of this (with a smirk and thumbs up from the teacher at his Open House Night).
I had a teacher tell the class that,
“I always wanted to go to a Billy Graham crusade, I have never seen a man make people bark like dogs before.”
The class bell rang just as she finished so I didn’t get a chance to challenge what she said. I decided later not to tell her she was wrong. Billy Graham was speaking locally in a few weeks. If I told her she might not go.
The cult of obama is growing desperate in the face of his continued mental deterioration and instability as embodied by his continued attacks on on a news outlet for failing to prostrate themselves like the rest of the media.
Some people are truly followers, programmed to be led by anyone who can use a soothing tone and mesmerize them with his soulless eyes. Sheep in the truest sense nothing more than prey animals for predators.
This teacher needs to be retired and quickly.
A teacher asked her sixth grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny.The teacher asked little why he decided to be different. Little Johnny said "Because I'm not an Obama fan." The teacher asked "Why aren't you an Obama fan?" Johnny replied "Because I'm a Republican." The teacher asked him why he is a Republican. Little Johnny answered, "Well, my Mom's a Republican, my Dad is a Republican, so I'm a Republican."
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked "If your Mom was a moron and your Dad was an idiot, what would that make you?" With a big smile, little Johnny replied, "That would make me an Obama fan."
Go talk with the principal. A teacher should not be pushing these points with students.