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From Price Controls To Mass Starvation: Does Kamala Realize What She's Getting Us Into?
Money Metals ^ | 08/30/2024 | Peter St. Onge

Posted on 08/30/2024 8:09:57 PM PDT by SeekAndFind

From taxes to spending, Kamala is the most left-wing major party candidate since George McGovern -- who proposed a Universal Basic Income in 1972 and went on to win a single state.

But her most hare-brained scheme -- so far -- has been price controls, where she's to the left of McGovern, threatening to punish grocery stores for daring to charge more than their costs.

In fact, grocery stores make 1 to 2 pennies on the dollar. Meaning they have to pass along costs that come straight from the Washington money printer.

That means price controls would, in short, break food.

Price Controls Always Fail

In a recent video I mentioned how price controls have been tried many times, and each time they failed so spectacularly they were repealed. After much pain, suffering, and empty shelves.

When France tried, they got a black market that actually did price gouge. Even Venezuela repealed price controls in 2016 after food shortages and nationwide riots.

But what do price controls look like in reality? For that I go to a great thread by Robert Sterling, a former M&A executive at one of the biggest food producers in America.

Robert walks us through a thirteen step process from grocery price controls to widespread food shortages -- something we haven't seen in this country since the Great Depression, when FDR also imposed price controls.

Stage One: Bankrupt Grocers

So, first, the government announces grocery stores can't raise prices even though inflation continues -- courtesy of the Fed and Wall Street. That means their costs keep going up, so those pennies of profit turn into losses.

Like any business that's losing money, they shut down.

Of course, not all grocery stores are created equal -- small ones lack economies of scale, and while rich people buy high-margin vegetables and expensive cuts, the poor buy low-margin packaged foods.

So the small stores and the low-income stores go first.

You get food deserts, as people in urban centers or rural areas have to drive miles -- or take multiple buses -- to find food. And, ironically, you get more concentration, as the little guys drop out.

The survivors increasingly aren't even selling food. They shift shelf-space to things that aren't price-controlled. Clothing, furniture, supplements.

Grocery stores start to look more like a Dollar Store, with a little food and a lot of junk.

As cities clear of food, you'd need police patrolling parking lots and armed escorts on delivery trucks -- perhaps you could even have government-run groceries like Chicago just announced.

Stage Two: Bankrupt Food Producers

The only way to save any grocery stores is to price-control their costs. Meaning food producers like Kraft, Heinz, Tyson, Hormel.

Of course, again, Kraft's costs aren't being controlled -- their ingredients, wages, parts and electricity. So now they're losing money.

Like groceries, they wind down, closing marginal factories and running out equipment then not replacing it.

As food producers downsize or go under, now you start getting actual shortages. And the only solution -- once again -- is price control the next level down. Farmers.

Stage Three: Bankrupt Farmers

Which brings us to the final stage. Because remember Farmers, too, are now forced to sell at a low price, yet their inputs like fertilizer or tractors are still going up.

They, too, go under.

You are now full Venezuela, with the only alternative to starvation a complete government takeover of the food supply, centrally planned from farmer to grocer.

As Sterling puts it, "The government will struggle to operate one of the most complex industries on the planet. The entire food supply chain starts imploding."

“Imploding” as in starvation.

What’s Next

It's very unlikely we'll get to the point of starvation. For the simple reason that at some point the frog boils and the voters -- or rioters -- share their thoughts with policymakers.

That's exactly why price controls fail, from France to Venezuela.

Having said, we managed it before under FDR.

And, unfortunately, if the morons running Kamala's brain trust are dumb enough for price controls, they're dumb enough for a whole lot more.

(Article image is Florence Thompson "Migrant Mother," a migrant pea farmer family by Dorothea Lange in March 1936)

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Food; Government; Society
KEYWORDS: awareness; centralplanning; classwarfare; economics; economy; groceries; harris; kamala; preppers; pricecontrol; pricecontrols; shtf
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1 posted on 08/30/2024 8:09:57 PM PDT by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind

She might not, but her administration certainly does.
I don’t know why, but black minds are drawn like flies to honey when it comes to communism.

I remember when my father was paying nearly 30% for a mortgage in 1980 in Canada, thanks to Trueshit sr’s wage and price controls.

2 posted on 08/30/2024 8:14:29 PM PDT by Jonty30 (Genghis Khan did not have the most descendants. His father had more. )
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To: SeekAndFind

Long before starvation and food riots Civil War would end her rule. China doesn’t want a National Depression in America. Why? We go out in a deep 1930 style depression and we will pull the whole world with us. Such a depression would cause starvation and uprisings in China that will topple the current “Communist” who run the place. They exist as long as no one starves—if real communist took over all the big wigs running things would be shot. Same for Europe too—A rise in new fascists would come as desperate people turn to fringe groups and a charismatic leaders for solutions. Fascists do work and will solve many problems. But, think of it like a powerful medicine that can cure a nations problems but with awful side effects—like a loss of freedom in exchange for order.

3 posted on 08/30/2024 8:23:41 PM PDT by Forward the Light Brigade (. War is Hell)
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To: SeekAndFind
I love this cartoon...
* You charge too much, you are "gouging."
* You charge too little, and you are "predatory pricing."
* You charge the same as your competitor and you are "colluding."

Choose any of the three and Harris will throw you in jail. And there are NO OTHER choices.

4 posted on 08/30/2024 8:31:14 PM PDT by ProtectOurFreedom (“When exposing a crime is treated like a crime, you are being ruled by criminals” – Edward Snowd)
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To: SeekAndFind
Farmers are starting to go bankrupt already. Scary stuff going on. All part of the "Delete American" policy.


5 posted on 08/30/2024 8:41:39 PM PDT by Karl Spooner
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To: SeekAndFind

Some may soon learn the difference between ‘hungry’ & ‘starving’.

Go to 5:30 below

6 posted on 08/30/2024 8:45:06 PM PDT by logi_cal869 (-cynicus the "concern troll" a/o 10/03/2018 /!i!! &@$%&*(@ -)
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To: SeekAndFind

If she’s not enough of an idiot to realize that it will, she does.

7 posted on 08/30/2024 9:17:46 PM PDT by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”)
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To: SeekAndFind; Tilted Irish Kilt; CottonBall; Pollard; Diana in Wisconsin; null and void

There’s still food and meds = there’s still time to get ready.

8 posted on 08/30/2024 9:19:43 PM PDT by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; BraveMan; cardinal4; ...
Realize, yes, Supports it, yes, Cares, no.

9 posted on 08/30/2024 9:37:26 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: SeekAndFind

She doesn’t but her handlers most certainly do.

Especially since they didn’t get everything they wanted during the ChiCom Flu scam.

10 posted on 08/30/2024 9:38:55 PM PDT by castlebrew (Gun Control means hitting here you're aiming!))
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To: SeekAndFind

We can fill the universe with what she DOESN’T realize

11 posted on 08/31/2024 4:49:33 AM PDT by SMARTY (In politics, stupidity is not a handicap. Napoleon Bonaparte I)
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To: SeekAndFind; metmom; 4everontheRight; 4Liberty; 5thGenTexan; 45semi; 101stAirborneVet; 300winmag; ..
Prepper Ping - The Economic 'Law of supply and demand' vs. price controls that the Harris administration is proposing will lead to national food starvation.
Food Price Controls always fail because they leads to bankruptcy, in sequential order, of local grocery stores , then corporate food producers operating at a loss,
then farmers who can't afford to stay in business when their expenses exceed their income.
There you have it – price controls lead to national “third world” starvation,
as it was practiced in Venezuela and then repealed, because it doesn't work and never has worked

"From taxes to spending, Kamala is the most left-wing major party candidate since George McGovern-- who proposed a Universal Basic Income in 1972 and went on to win a single state."
But her most hare-brained scheme -- so far -- has been price controls, where she's to the left of McGovern,
threatening to punish grocery stores for daring to charge more than their costs.
In fact, grocery stores make 1 to 2 pennies on the dollar.
Meaning they have to pass along costs that come straight from the Washington money printer.
That means price controls would, in short, break food.

"In a recent video I mentioned how price controls have been tried many times, and each time they failed so spectacularly they were repealed.
After much pain, suffering, and empty shelves."

"When France tried, they got a black market that actually did price gouge.
Even Venezuela repealed price controls in 2016 after food shortages and nationwide riots."

"But what do price controls look like in reality?
For that I go to a great thread by Robert Sterling, a former M&A executive
at one of the biggest food producers in America."

"Robert walks us through a thirteen step process from grocery price controls to widespread food shortages
-- something we haven't seen in this country since the Great Depression, when FDR also imposed price controls.
So, first, the government announces grocery stores can't raise prices even though inflation continues
-- courtesy of the Fed and Wall Street.
That means their costs keep going up, so those pennies of profit turn into losses.
Like any business that's losing money, they shut down.

"The survivors increasingly aren't even selling food.
They shift shelf-space to things that aren't price-controlled.
Clothing, furniture, supplements. Grocery stores (will) start to look more like a Dollar Store, with a little food and a lot of junk."

"As cities clear of food, you'd need police patrolling parking lots and armed escorts on delivery trucks
-- perhaps you could even have government-run groceries like Chicago just announced."

"It's very unlikely we'll get to the point of starvation. For the simple reason that at some point the frog boils
and the voters -- or rioters -- share their thoughts with policymakers.
That's exactly why price controls fail, from France to Venezuela."

12 posted on 08/31/2024 5:16:04 AM PDT by Tilted Irish Kilt
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To: SeekAndFind; metmom; Tilted Irish Kilt

Heels Up Harris promises a rice cooker in every Proletariat’s hovel!

But no rice.

13 posted on 08/31/2024 5:47:08 AM PDT by Diana in Wisconsin (I don't have, 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set.)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

Did Stalin realize what he was getting Russia Into? You do not need a PhD in history to know.

14 posted on 08/31/2024 6:06:09 AM PDT by Vehmgericht
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To: Diana in Wisconsin; metmom
Diana in Wisconsin: "Heels Up Harris promises a rice cooker in every Proletariat’s hovel!
But no rice."

I just saw a report on Reuters, that the Japanese rice crop is suffering from 'climate change' (too warm), and will be reduced/short this year.
Japan already imports 60% of its rice from foreign countries, and its aging farmers are not being replaced by new farmers
They have already instituted 'price controls' on rice, and in some places are limiting the amount you can purchase.
"But no rice" may come true there in Japan this year.

15 posted on 08/31/2024 6:21:13 AM PDT by Tilted Irish Kilt
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To: Tilted Irish Kilt

“government-run groceries like Chicago just announced.”

I believe we are headed for this. Along with ration cards. EBT style.

16 posted on 08/31/2024 6:43:09 AM PDT by dynachrome (Auslander Raus!)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

Like Bernie’s twisted, demonic thinking.

Bread lines are good. It means there’s food.

As if no lines mean there’s no food.

I’d say *What an idiot* but that would be an insult to idiots.

17 posted on 08/31/2024 6:56:14 AM PDT by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”)
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To: SeekAndFind
Harris doesn't "realize" anything, but those pulling the strings know exactly.
Bear in mind we had 40 years of stable currency, including the Clinton and Obama years.

In the 1970s, it was incompetent central planning and it was bi-partisan.

Today, it's deliberate and very partisan.
Part of the same project as the "climate" war on farmers.

18 posted on 08/31/2024 7:03:42 AM PDT by Salman (It's not a slippery slope if it was part of the program all along. )
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To: SeekAndFind

Kamala doesn’t realize ANYTHING…

This is the 0bama team speaking THROUGH her.

Kamala couldn’t manage her own staff, let alone manage an entire country’s administration…

19 posted on 08/31/2024 7:08:34 AM PDT by joethedrummer (We can't vote our way out of this, folks..)
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To: dynachrome

Only the lazy, fat immigrants/freeloaders will be able get food through their agreements with the state.

20 posted on 08/31/2024 7:57:36 AM PDT by wgmalabama (Censored! )
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