Posted on 10/10/2018 7:49:15 AM PDT by Sean_Anthony
March of the Shrieking Uglies will continue on unless and until they are treated accordingly, with not just our disdain, but with our laws
The hysterics the past few weeks has indeed not weathered well on Americas so-called feminists who demonstrated once again that they allow feelings to rule over rational thought and logic, in their devotion of Alinsky means-to-an-end tactics.
In their attempt to run SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh out of Dodge by protesting his confirmation hearings, their antics have shown just how ridiculous, nonsensical and preposterous they are.
Haven’t seen much news, did the pack of screaming banshee’s go home yet or are they still invading our Nation’s Capitol?
And yes, many of them far exceeded the bounds of protesting and should be prosecuted.
It’s gratifying to see Dox Boy denied bail. I wonder if he cries himself to sleep every night?
They were actually shrieking and clawing at the huge doors into the Supreme Court.....wanting to disrupt Justice Kavanaughs swearing in.
I think he is rightly so being made an example .....just like the young snowflake who ignored her security clearance....Reality Winner
Throw the book at em!
Feelings schmeelings. It's all acting for money. Just like the after pictures of the 2 'protestors' after screaming at Flake in the elevator hugging and laughing with each other just showed the level of fakery.
They are driving people away from the Democratic Party in droves.
Keep it up, Screaming Mimis. You go, girl!
Canada gets it right. What’s wrong with our own country that we can’t see that people are acting irrationally and out of control.
We have laws to stop this.
Encourage them to scream more. Bang on doors. Attack cars. Keep it up. Good formula to drive away moderate and independent voters.
We should send a Thank You card to Soros. The low IQ’s need work too and he is supplying these morons with paid work.
Bubba comforts him
The screaming hysterics are the face of the dem party. Insane and unfit to vote.
Agree. We need more screaming women. Be on the news every night. Power that red wave that’s coming.
YUP...Salem Witch Trials had nothing on the Harpies of today.
You never hear these shrews protesting this do you...
Yep. The beating should commence until the idiots shut their pie holes.
Only if those foaming at the mouth get air time in the media which will surly censor them.
How can we find out which Senators provided the gallery passes for the Valkyries? Those responsible Senators should be censured.
They looked like the zombies in the Walking Dead.
Virtue signaling convinces the left of its own unimpeachable morals. When push comes to shove, it rejects guilt for any of its wrongdoing and attributes such allegations to conspiracy theories.
Peter Daou, a Democratic strategist and former advisor to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, tweeted on Monday that Ford will be "attacked, smeared, and demonized" and that people must "BELIEVE WOMEN."
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