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‘Good Lord’! Kavanaugh critic John Kerry sickens with this demented take on Ted Kennedy
Twitchy ^
| October 2, 2018
| Sarah D.
Posted on 10/02/2018 5:10:48 PM PDT by kevcol
John Kerry says Ted Kennedy was very different from Kavanaugh: "[Kennedy] stepped up and owned moments where he knew he stepped over the line." [video at link]
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TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Government; Politics; Society
KEYWORDS: abortion; brettkavanaugh; demdeathmarch; dnctalkingpoint; dnctalkingpoints; hanoijohn; iran; johnkerry; kavanaugh; kerry; lurch; maga; maryjokopechne; massachusetts; scotus; senate; tedkennedy; tehranjohn; traitor
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posted on
10/02/2018 5:10:48 PM PDT
To: kevcol
When did vehicular homicide become stepping over the line?
posted on
10/02/2018 5:11:54 PM PDT
Not A Snowbird
(I'm really starting to believe in term limits.)
To: Not A Snowbird
Every time a Democrap does it.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:14:09 PM PDT
(Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
To: kevcol
Oh. He stepped up and owned moments? Like the way he got back to the hotel after going over the bridge in Chappaquiddick and tried to pull down an alibi?
According to Kennedy’s testimony, after he dove in the water near the ferry landing he swam across the 500-foot (150 m) channel, back to Edgartown, and instead of reporting the accident he returned to his hotel room, where he removed his clothes and collapsed on his bed.[35] Hearing noises, he later put on dry clothes, left his room and asked someone what the time was: it was something like 2:30 a.m., the senator recalled.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:17:28 PM PDT
To: kevcol
"stepped up and owned moments where he knew he stepped over the line"
That's why Kennedy ran to the nearest house and sought help to save Mary Jo Kopechne.
Oh, I forgot. Kennedy ran away and left her to die.
To: kevcol
Treasonous Troll of Tehran has spoken
posted on
10/02/2018 5:18:13 PM PDT
(BigEdLB, Russian BOT, At your service)
To: kevcol
Stepped over the line?
Has a murderer and coward.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:19:17 PM PDT
("Trust Sessions" Yeah Right)
To: freeandfreezing
Oh, I forgot. Kennedy ran away and left her to die. IIRC, his first phone call was to the Kennedy "compound," to engage the family's staff of fixers.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:20:10 PM PDT
Steely Tom
([Seth Rich] == [the Democrat's John Dean])
To: kevcol
Carrie Fisher: Ted Kennedy once asked me if Id have sex with Chris Dodd
So, [in 1985,]...Senator Kennedy, seated directly across from me, looked at me with his alert, aristocratic eyes and asked me a most surprising question.
So, he said, clearly amused, do you think youll be having sex with Chris at the end of your date?...His retort: Would you have sex with Chris in a hot tub? Senator Kennedy asked me, perhaps as a way to say good night?
Im no good in water, I told him.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:23:29 PM PDT
Mr Rogers
(Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools)
To: kevcol
John Kerry says Ted Kennedy was very different from Kavanaugh" Yes. Kavanaugh didn't kill anyone.
To: kevcol
To: kevcol
posted on
10/02/2018 5:32:55 PM PDT
Governor Dinwiddie
(I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!)
To: kevcol
Ted is swapping jokes with Castro.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:32:59 PM PDT
( ~ Just Consider Me A Random Fact Generator ~ Eat Sleep Fly Repeat ~)
To: kevcol
Kerry is a freaking cuckholded moron
posted on
10/02/2018 5:34:49 PM PDT
(Democrats Hate America)
To: kevcol
Lurchs cerebrum is probably no more than 50 percent of a normal-sized cerebrum. He really is a COLOSSAL dum@ss.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:36:28 PM PDT
("Democrats haven't been this angry since Republicans freed the slaves.")
To: Mr Rogers
So, he said, clearly amused, do you think youll be having sex with Chris at the end of your date?...His retort: Would you have sex with Chris in a hot tub? Senator Kennedy asked me, perhaps as a way to say good night? Im no good in water, I told him.Neither was Ted.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:40:49 PM PDT
Mean Daddy
(Every time Hillary lies, a demon gets its wings. - Windflier)
To: Beowulf9
Fat Teddy the Swimmer Coward did not report the accident for NINE HOURS. Mary Jo did not drown, she suffocated. She was in a pocket of air in the car and probably was alive for 45 minutes after the car went in the water. She could have been saved.
Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo and got away with it. And Lurch defends him. SPIT.
posted on
10/02/2018 5:42:58 PM PDT
("Democrats haven't been this angry since Republicans freed the slaves.")
To: kevcol
All I can say is........JOHN, YOU IGNORANT SLUT!
posted on
10/02/2018 5:45:09 PM PDT
(I'll take a bad dog over a good politician any day!)
To: kevcol
speaking of stepping up, when is Kerry going to step up and admit the Swift Boaters were right - he’s a coward who hid out during Vietnam crying for his daddy
posted on
10/02/2018 5:45:37 PM PDT
( "...this moment is your moment: it belongs to you... " President Donald J. Trump, Jan 20, 2017)
To: RooRoobird20
His cerebrium looks to be average sized, but his wallnut sized brain is surrounded by some form of gray snot incapable of rational thought.
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