Posted on 07/19/2016 8:49:59 AM PDT by SatinDoll
[Original title too long: Erdogan Holding U.S. Tactical Nukes At Inkirlink Taking Control Of The Second Most Powerful Army In NATO And Is Hailed As Mahdi]
Turkey, in less than 24 hours was occupied by Erdogans pro Muslim Brotherhood militia and entered the U.S. base where tactical nukes at Incirlik are held. Period. Plain and Simple. Yet there are no headlines in any media that reveals this global catastrophe in this way. Why?
Even the air base, which is used by NATO and stores US tactical nuclear weapons, has been invaded by Erdogans militia. The militia entered the base in southern Turkey on Monday, state-run Anadolu news agency reported, adding that the investigation is connected with the coup attempt. The electric power supply to the base has also been cut off, forcing the US military to switch to its own internal power supply in order to resume its anti-terrorist campaign in the region. U.S. refueling planes are parked at Incirlik airbase, near the southernTurkish city of Adana. © Fatih Saribas
U.S. refueling planes are parked at Incirlik airbase, near the southern Turkish city of Adana. © Fatih Saribas / Reuters AddThis Sharing Buttons
This is a bingo for the Erdogan-Obama plans.
Are you listening?
Here, let me explain Erdogan for Dummies. Islam gained Constantinople in 1453 by Muhammad the Conqueror and according to Islam, lost it when the Ottomans were wounded in 1924 with the abolition of the Caliphate. The secularization of Turkey meant that Constantinople needed to be re-conquered. This has been the grand-dilemma for all Muslims. According to Muslims worldwide, Erdogan the Prince fulfilled a prophecy.
Erdogan a month prior prophesied hinting that he, with his Muslim army (not secular), will conquer Constantinople. This is major, for the conqueror of Constantinople according to Islamic prophecy is The Mahdi. In Islam, Many Muslim scholars from various countries will set out to seek the Mahdi We are looking for the Mahdi (a.s.), who will end this Fitna (strife) and conquer Constantinople. Islam has its own version of Armageddon involving Constantinople where:
The greatest war, the conquest of Constantinople and the coming forth of the Dajjal (Antichrist) will take place within a period of seven years.
In Islam this is done without weapons:
The conquering of Constantinople by Muslims will occur without a fight and their weapons in that day will be by chanting (Allahu Akbar).
فتح القسطنطينية على المسلمين بدون قتال وسلاحهم يومئذ التكبير والتهليل وبقيادة المهدي
This is exactly what happened, the Islamists controlled Turkey on July 15th without a war. Tons of Muslims rejoiced referring to Erdogan fulfilling the prophecy. Even Syrian revolutionists tweeted on July 16th:
in Erdogans era, people entered Islam by the droves and Constantinople was conquered yesterday by chanting Allah Akbar:
It is time to now watch Erdogan, not just as leader of Turkey, but also as a prophet for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Erdogan repeated the words of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam saying: Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya (Thou shall conquer Constantinople). This Thou is the Mahdi. It was Erdogans prediction he made hinting to his people:
Erdogan in Arabic: Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya wa lani`ma al-amiru amiruha wa lani`ma al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh.
Translation: Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her Prince be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!
This Prince (Ameer in Arabic) is now Erdogan (the Prince who is to come in Daniel), this army is no longer the Turkish secular army, but his Muslim Brotherhood army. Erdogan had converted the police in the past to be Erdogans Muslim militia. He established a militia as well and while some American conspiracy theorists were worried that Obama will do this in America, here this happened to the second most powerful army in the world in Turkey.
This conquering of Constantinople (Istanbul, al-Qustantiniyya in Arabic and the New Rome) by Mahdi was a dilemma as to how can Erdogan orchestrate this since it is a prophecy still to come?
Well, it was self-fulfilled, right in front of all Muslim eyes, especially that this prophecy is to be fulfilled by The Mahdi of end-times.
Here, watch, a month ago, Erdogan regenerated this prophecy. Watch him say it in Arabic, and watch the crowd giving him allegiance: Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya wa lani`ma al-amiru amiruha wa lani`ma al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh.
After reading this article, if you have an hour and a half, to understand all this, watch the typical Muslim understanding explained by renowned Sheikh Imran Hosein on the conquest of Constantinople in Akhirulzaman (end-times) by Mahdi:
Erdogan heavily armed his Muslim Brotherhood militia and now over 6,000 secularist soldiers have been arrested after Friday nights attempted coup and now they must be humiliated and paraded in the nude just as ISIS paraded Iraqi soldiers and then piled up and crammed like sheep, even tortured inside mosques.
Here, behold the Turkish military who were used as scapegoats by Erdogans pro-Muslim Brotherhood militia:
The torturing of Turkish soldiers is also happening inside mosques.
Behold Turkeys top secular generals conquered and humiliated:
Even pro-Muslim Brotherhood reporters from TRT alongside what appears to be obviously bearded Islamists participated in slaughtering a Turkish soldier ISIS style:
Islamists are not the only ones who blow themselves up. This is a suicide mission of every American who voted for Obama.
Erdogan has been preparing for this conquest for months. Here, behold Constantinople, or Constantine The Great. If you hate Constantine and the Apostolic Succession, then Erdogan is your man who agrees with such hatred in this magnificent display where Islam destroyed Constantine and the Cross in the most lavish show created by Erdogans regime. In this he destroyed the crucifix, Constantine, and even displayed the flood of water (the red dragon spewing flood out of his mouth, Rev 12, watch 6:21) which swallowed the Christians who were drowned by his flood. Here, Revelations speak for all who hate Constantine the Great:
Erdogan staged a plan. He enters Istanbul just as Ayatullah Khomeni did at the Istanbul airport as a new conquering hero. He has made a peace covenant with Israel. The media in Turkey hated it. So now he closes them down. He then fired all the judiciary and arrested thousands of the secular police. This was the perfect Reichstag right from Hitlers book. He created his own militia and now controls the military were only 10% of the Turkish army sides with Erdogan. Several times, the army refused to enter Syria taking orders from Erdogan. He had to do something. In January he said that he will use Hitlers tactics. Even Erdogans classmate says that Erdogan used to walk around with a copy of Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf.
Entering the dark haul, the Hitler of the Muslim world and listening to him mesmerize the crowd as Hitler should be quite the wakeup call. This is not a Hitler who is calling for an Arian race, but an entire globe under the rule of Allah and his messenger, to rule Spain and crush the Trinity:
Erdogan says in this video:
Praise be to Allah the lord of the two worlds [this world and the underworld] where ownership belongs to Allah alone, victory is to Allah alone. He has no associates [denouncing the trinity]. In the pathway we came out asking Allah to strengthen our feet on the straight path We have dressed up in our shrouds and are prepared to confront as did Sultan Alparslan We have believed as Sultan Saladin. That victory is not from the sword but comes from Allah. We have went to the path after we have burned the ships of return behind us as did the conquerer of Spain Tareq Benziad.
Erdogan wants Italy and Spain. He wants to be Tariq Bin Ziad, the conqueror of Spain. He wants to be the tyrant Alp Arslan and Saladin. These are the Muslim leaders who fought against Christendom and he also wants to be Saladin who conquered Jerusalem. He wants to be all in all. He wants to declare war on the strongest fortresses to advance his foreign God, Allah, through warfare.
When it comes to Antichrist, most hold on to a verse or two as evidence to their personal theories on who this man is. I am convinced, through countless verses, Erdogan or someone after him will emerge leader of a beast, the most dangerous foe to Gods people, but the dilemma is convincing Gods people.
Erdogan's militia is now in control of the Second Most Powerful Army in NATO -- if you're an atheist and the religious part of this situation seems silly, the fact this despot now has nukes ought to frighten everyone.
Out for comments.
Erdogan has arrested 16,000 and he just fired 21,000 teachers
Another one of Obola’s Missions Accomplished!
Anyone know what this means for our DEFCON ?
I’m thinking (actually, hoping) this situation is mistaking sequestration of US/NATO nuke capability for “actual control of”...... Control to me implies ‘ability to use’ versus ‘keeping someone else from using.’
So he seized our nukes?
Hmm. Now what if other NATO countries, especially those that want a EU military, get the same idea?
He DOES NOT have control or possession of our nukes.
How many will go missing ?
The airbase is Incirlik, not Inkirlik.
Excuse this the bus to Ezekiel 38?
Nukes stored in Turkey.
What could possibly go wrong? :-(
There is sometimes a fine line between stupidity and treason.
My understanding is that the nuclear weapon stockpile on base was pulled out some years ago. Is that true?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict that this situation does not end well.
For anyone, anywhere.
“It is time to now watch Erdogan, not just as leader of Turkey, but also as a prophet for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Erdogan repeated the words of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam saying: Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya (Thou shall conquer Constantinople). This Thou is the Mahdi. It was Erdogans prediction he made hinting to his people:
Erdogan in Arabic: (snip)
Translation: Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her Prince be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!
I have known for several years the Turks would start some trouble, but this could be catastrophic - May God help us!
Keep telling yourself that.
In the meantime Erdogan will no longer be part of the U.S.’s anti-ISIS program. No more flights against ISIS out of Incirlik. And we better hand over that Imam hiding out in Pennsylvania. Screw legalities!
Where are the shaped charges used to destroy the nukes if you are overrun?
I refuse to believe Turkey has control of the nuclear weapons.
As for going missing, how many people think that is likely?
We have had nukes there for decades. I had heard they were removed around 15 years ago, but only third hand.
But even if they are there, I don’t believe we would allow any of them to knowingly fall into the hands of Turkey.
If we do, that is a watershed event.
If Erdogan has control of these I expect a military action from Russia on Turkey concerning this quick. However getting at these things is not easy.
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