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Who has gotten to Glenn Beck?
The Radio Patriot ^ | April 2, 2011 | Andrea Shea King

Posted on 04/02/2011 8:54:17 AM PDT by patriotgal1787

. . . . .

Dear readers,

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times or more --- how can a guy who does as much reporting on what's going on in the World of Soros miss this? How can a guy who claims to be able to piece disparate pieces together to see the big picture miss this? How can a guy who tells his viewers and listeners to "Question with Boldness" and seek the truth because "The Truth Has No Agenda" deliberately turn his back on what is so glaringly obvious to millions of us? If he can uncover and report day after day on the evil being perpetrated on America by some of the most powerful people in the world, why won't he report on this?

Glenn Beck is anything but stupid. The incredibly talented Beck is nobody's fool. He knows better than most about what is going on behind the curtain, under the surface, in the back rooms. So what gives?

Has he been told to keep his mouth shut? Has he been told his children's lives are in danger if he shines a spotlight on Obama's eligibility? Has he been told he can go anywhere but "there"? Is the truth something so horrible he refrains from telling us because... because... what?

And if Beck's been threatened, what makes this any different from all the other threats he's received that requires him to have 24-hour security protection? What's he been told? Who told him? What does Beck know that we don't?

For a guy who claims to have America's best interests at heart and has dedicated his career to promoting and educating America about the values and history of our Founders and the founding documents, why does he actively disparage those who do "question with boldness" this socialist mystery man in our White House? Who has gotten to Beck?

On this very serious issue, Beck is playing the fool -- the rodeo clown. And never more so than when he makes his weekly appearances as the galoomphy buffoon playing off Bill O'Bloviator's superciliousness. (Lord, that man is an overrated ignoramus.)

When Beck starts with this foolishness, I turn him off. His mockery of those who question with boldness about something he obviously does not want to go near, insults us all. I am personally disappointed in him. And sadly, reluctantly, question his credibility. Every time he opens his mouth to disparage "birthers", he damages himself in the eyes of millions. I shake my head in wonderment. How can he be so stupid? If he honestly doesn't agree that it is a major issue, just shut up about it already. Why insult most of your audience? Or is he trying to signal us that this is such a dangerous area that he is dissuading us from pursuing it? It is baffling.

Note in the video below that Beck and O'Bloviator never address the essential issue Trump has brought forward about Obama's eligibility. Instead they dissect why Trump is making "provocative" statements, deciding it's "because he likes the attention."

O'Bloviator's so ignorant, one wouldn't expect him to think it through any deeper than "announcements were published int he newspaper. But Beck is brighter than that. He's not a stupid man. So who has gotten to him? Who has gotten to Beck???

Pay close attention to what O'Bloviator says at the very end of the segment when he responds to Beck's comment about stating the truth of what's going on: "But then you and I would be off the air."


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TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; Politics; TV/Movies
KEYWORDS: beck; birthcertificate; birthers; certifigate; donaldtrump; glennbeck; naturalborncitizen; obama; wrldsdmbstcnsprcy
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To: humblegunner
And what exactly does that accomplish in terms of defeating Obama?

Even my left-wing liberal synagogue friends get weak in the knees when confronted with obvious FRAUD. If you think debating the intricacies of socialized medicine and the next four round of Quantitative Easing are a better way to reach the unwashed you are sadly deluded. As Rush has said many times, the left will tell you what issues they are afraid of. They are sh*tt*ng in their pants about this one.

The rest of my message was sarcastic, but I guess you couldn't tell.


141 posted on 04/02/2011 2:00:48 PM PDT by ml/nj
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To: ml/nj
I'm not aware of this. Could you provide more information?

The entire thread is actually rather entertaining...

142 posted on 04/02/2011 2:06:13 PM PDT by Tex-Con-Man
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To: Tex-Con-Man
Okay, I looked at your link. I'm not going to read 140 posts to try to find some nugget. The specific post you linked complains that Polarik called the poster a bad name. I do this sometimes too, after some flak thrower repeats himself for the third time. I also looked at the first post on the thread which looks like a typical Polarik thread. Where's the post that demonstrates that the border Polarik is talking about is really genuine?


143 posted on 04/02/2011 2:16:40 PM PDT by ml/nj
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To: ml/nj
Weak-in-the-knees is very dramatic.

I repeat my question:

And what exactly does that accomplish in terms of defeating Obama?

It's established that his pappy is not a citizen.


Yeah, shoulda-coulda-woulda but he's IN THERE and this esoteric crap ain't taking him out.

How about looking to VOTE HIM OUT?

Because this birther crap doesn't seem to be doing much so far.

144 posted on 04/02/2011 2:17:26 PM PDT by humblegunner (Blogger Overlord)
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To: humblegunner
How about looking to VOTE HIM OUT?

I assure you that some of those weak-in-the-knees leftists will be doing just that. Last week Bret Stephens (WSJ) came to talk to us and one of them asked the question I might have asked about Obama.

I also assure you that if the MSM made a big deal about his illusionary biography, he would be in prison already. They're still talking about all the jobs he's creating.


145 posted on 04/02/2011 2:29:55 PM PDT by ml/nj
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To: imfrmdixie
Because if he is a fraud then everything he has signed into law or actions becomes fraudulent and illegal.

Says who? You cannot possibly think that the Supreme Court is going to throw the first black President of the United States out of office and nullify every law he signed.

Do you know how much chaos that would cause??

146 posted on 04/02/2011 2:33:31 PM PDT by Dianna
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To: ml/nj
I also assure you that if the MSM made a big deal about his illusionary biography, he would be in prison already.


But we must deal with what IS and move past that which IS NOT.

Voting the bastard out is a good plan.
Wishing him gone because of some documents is futile at this point.

Everyone is allowed an opinion.

We may disagree on which weed killer is best, but we agree the weeds need to go.

147 posted on 04/02/2011 2:35:40 PM PDT by humblegunner (Blogger Overlord)
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To: biggredd1
Cain, speaking of Donald Trump's torrent of comments rehashing the debunked idea that Obama was not born in the United States...

This is the line in the article that jumped out at me. Sorry Politico, the idea hasn't been debunked. The kenyan has yet to release an actual birth certificate, and the fact that the governor of Hawaii "can't find it" doesn't help his case. I needed a copy of my birth certificate to get into the Navy. The one I had was badly mutilated so I wrote to the Bureau of Records in Brooklyn NY and had one in a few weeks. This was back in the 80s before things were computerized, so I know it can be done. Also, I'm the same age as Hussein and not the President, so this should be a no brainer for him.

148 posted on 04/02/2011 2:40:05 PM PDT by YankeeReb
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To: ml/nj
Post #173 is the best synopsis of what happened, but reading the entire thread reveals Polarik for the snake he is. The numerous “deleted posts” on the thread were Polarik revealing personal information about a freeper who was actually trying to help his research.

149 posted on 04/02/2011 2:42:40 PM PDT by Tex-Con-Man
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To: Dianna
Would the SCOTUS decide to remove a sitting President with, what, a year left in his Administration? Would they take on that fight and remove him? I don't think they would.

You're probably right but it will stop Hussein from getting a second term AND more importantly it will stop the same type of fraud in the future, which will be important as we flood the country with third worlders and LaRaza types. Otherwise we'll set a precedent allowing this same travesty.

150 posted on 04/02/2011 2:44:38 PM PDT by YankeeReb
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To: bronxville
He may already know that Hillary is going to run and setting the stage. He’s a good friend of hers and a Dem at heart.

Congratulations, you've got it exactly, precisely half-right.

Here's a clue, though - the real world is just a tad bit more complex than television, or even, the internet.

151 posted on 04/02/2011 2:54:52 PM PDT by Talisker (When you find a turtle on top of a fence post, you can be damn sure it didn't get there on its own.)
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To: Republic
Glenn-do what is right for you...nobody is going to like everything you do-including me.

But I will FOREVER respect the investigations you have undertaken and reported upon to all of us...GOD BLESS YOU!

Glenn may be out to lunch on this issue, but I'm sure he has his reasons. The fact is he's done more to expose this regime than anybody out there. He's usually way ahead of the curve. Really, who was talking about Soros or the left and the Mid East prior to Beck bringing it up? Nobody. He's started the discussions and others have picked it up. He's even been ahead of Rush on a lot of issues, so like you I refuse to dog pile on him.

Glenn keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight.

152 posted on 04/02/2011 3:11:57 PM PDT by YankeeReb
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To: rolling_stone
How do I explain that? You'll note that I didn't set out to make any argument for the theory that Obama's grandfather is really his father, only that the thing being covered up might be less a legal than a moral situation, and that its revelation, at the right moment, might manufacture an emotional backlash and harden voter decisions at the height of a close election cycle.

I don't want to pour cold water over the theory Barry O was born in Kenya, for example, nor any of a number of theories set out to explain the smoke. There's probably a fire, somewhere, certainly.

I sure can't explain an announcement of the man's birth in Hawai'i while his purported Grandmother so clearly remembered his birth in east Africa.

None of it meets the smell test, as they say. (Aside from the smoke, that is.)

I'm in accord with the strict interpretation of the Constitution, but there are both precedents and sound arguments that would leave the final decision on the qualifications of any American to be President of the United States with the Electoral College, or the voters, respectively.

For example, not long ago in North Carolina a Democrat was elected to the North Carolina Senate who did not, in fact, live in the district he was elected to represent. The North Carolina Constitution requires a legislator to actually live for at least a year in the district he represents to be eligible for office. (Not so Congress, where a representative need only actually live in the State.)

Precedent in law, however, left the determination of his eligibility in the hands of the Senate, and that, of course, left the final determination of this person's eligibility in the hands of the majority Party (of which he was, naturally, a member) and if I remember correctly a similar clause is in the U.S. Constitution, as well. The precedent, any way, goes back to the origins of Parliament and the Magna Carta.

If the Supreme Court were willing, or somehow forced, for example, to decide whether a sitting president were prima facie unqualified to be president I'm fairly sure that's the way their opinion would fall. Though it's doubtful such a challenge would get that far.

This issue matters a great deal but it bothers me more that Citizenship is so poorly valued by Citizens of the nation, that legitimate questions as to a person's bonafides has fallen by the wayside.

In the end, however, if, after every hurdle is crossed, and the Electoral College elects someone president, they're president.

The place to determine someone's eligibility is at the ballot box, and it bothers me more that this "two-bit carny hypnotist" ever managed to get on the ballot to begin with, for so many other reasons other than the unresolved circumstances of his birth.

It's the man's policies, including his obvious and outspoken contempt for the Constitution, and, it follows, his Oath of Office as well, that is the most detestable thing in this on-going tragedy.

It's the cover-up that bothers me, too. But my beef is with the unholy marriage between the political parties and the state, no better illustrated in the ridiculous presidential primary system.

But... that's another rant for another time.

153 posted on 04/02/2011 3:13:54 PM PDT by Prospero (non est ad astra mollis e terris via)
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To: rolling_stone
Uh my opinion is as good as anyones...

If there ever was an actual Obama eligibility case before the Supreme Court and both freeper rolling_stone and Landmark Legal Foundation offered friends-of-the-court briefs, which do you suppose the Justices would actually read and consider?

154 posted on 04/02/2011 3:24:58 PM PDT by Tex-Con-Man
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To: ml/nj

You have to read more closely. I didn’t say he was pursuing it at all; that’s the whole point. Try again.

155 posted on 04/02/2011 3:40:21 PM PDT by RightOnline
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To: rolling_stone
I don't know if you clicked the link to read the article on the blog, but if you did then you should click again; it has been updated to include information on how Hawaiian newspaper birth announcements came to be.

The short answer is, "[T]hey were the result of a registration record taken by the municipal health authority, not a medically verified “Live" birth documented as occurring at a Hawaiian hospital, per an officially defined "vital event" by the U.S. Department of Health, National Vital Statistics Division protocols."

The article goes into great detail.

156 posted on 04/02/2011 3:54:01 PM PDT by Creme Brulee
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To: Tex-Con-Man; dandiegirl
...birtherism lacks facts.

The only facts that "birtherism' lacks, are those that Precedent Obama refuses to divulge. What birthers DO have, is solid logic and reasoning on this issue...

Hat tip to Freeper dandiegirl:

"What’s crazy about this issue? We saw all Bush’s records which were demanded by the liberal press. Would you think this issue was crazy if it were President Bush that was hiding his college records, birth certificate and his whole past—I think not."

157 posted on 04/02/2011 4:12:51 PM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: Tex-Con-Man
If there ever was an actual Obama eligibility case before the Supreme Court and both freeper rolling_stone and Landmark Legal Foundation offered friends-of-the-court briefs, which do you suppose the Justices would actually read and consider?

Well Con-Man if it gets to the SCOTUS and they actually read and consider anything impartially I'll be elated. But I think as a member of FR pajama patrol,(with 100,000 Freepers outside the SC building backing me up!) they would have to read and consider mine and other Freepers Amicus's before or at least along with those others, err who were they again?

158 posted on 04/02/2011 5:03:30 PM PDT by rolling_stone ( *this makes Watergate look like a kiddie pool*)
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To: biggredd1

I stopped watching and listening to him as well, and, most of it was because of him ridiculing the “birthers.” None of us has the evidence - yet, but, I think Trump is getting close to the truth.

Besides that, his radio program is just stupid. It reminds me of the male version of the View, which I also detest.

How sad, that someone so talented, has gone this route.

159 posted on 04/02/2011 5:19:12 PM PDT by Catsrus
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To: Creme Brulee; Red Steel; Danae; butterdezillion

thank you very much for bringing that to my attention. It is what I suspected all along. None of the birth announcements include WHERE the baby was born as they do in some other announcements, which made it suspect to me along with other things. The interesting part of the article to me is below (I wish ther was a little more detail):

....Did anyone notice the announcements are not in any alphabetic order, or in order of birthdate? This is because, in 1961, birth registration numbers were issued based on the location of the local Vital Records office in which the registration was recorded. The hospital does not assign these numbers, the DOH does. It appears that Obama’s birth was registered in an office not used by any of the birth registrations offices who received birth certification from either Kapi-olani Medical Center, or Queens Medical Center which use two local offices near those facilities,” said Crosby.....

160 posted on 04/02/2011 5:19:38 PM PDT by rolling_stone ( *this makes Watergate look like a kiddie pool*)
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