Even my left-wing liberal synagogue friends get weak in the knees when confronted with obvious FRAUD. If you think debating the intricacies of socialized medicine and the next four round of Quantitative Easing are a better way to reach the unwashed you are sadly deluded. As Rush has said many times, the left will tell you what issues they are afraid of. They are sh*tt*ng in their pants about this one.
The rest of my message was sarcastic, but I guess you couldn't tell.
I repeat my question:
And what exactly does that accomplish in terms of defeating Obama?
It's established that his pappy is not a citizen.
Yeah, shoulda-coulda-woulda but he's IN THERE and this esoteric crap ain't taking him out.
How about looking to VOTE HIM OUT?
Because this birther crap doesn't seem to be doing much so far.