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DUmmie FUnnies 04-25-07 (“'Barack The Magic Negro' Plays on Rush. And he is still on the air?")
DUmmie FUnnies ^ | April 25, 2007 | KOmmies and PJ-Comix

Posted on 04/25/2007 6:06:43 AM PDT by PJ-Comix

I KNEW this would happen but not quite so quickly. A few days ago, Rush Limbaugh was talking about how Liberals simply cannot figure out his show. Most of them don't even listen to it and get their information about his broadcasts second- or third hand from biased sources such as Media Matters with absolutely no sense of humor nor context. The hilarious example that Rush provided was the case of former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder who, after Rush JOKED that he would give his mother a can opener to open up cans of pet food to eat, got up in the floor of congress to denounce the insensitivity of Rush. Yes, Pat Schroeder was so CLUELESS as to believe that Rush made this can opener proposal in all seriousness. Her problem, like a lot of other Liberals is that they don't actually LISTEN to Rush thus they get everything out of context, usually with all the humor removed. Later in the show, I heard Rush play a parody song called "Puff The Magic Negro" supposedly sung by Al Sharpton. When I heard that, I just KNEW that somewhere down the road the Liberals would denounce Rush as a racist for playing that song even though at the beginning of each song play, Rush clearly identifies the inspiration of the parody ---an L.A. Times ARTICLE titled, "Obama the 'Magic Negro'" written by LIBERAL David Ehrenstein. The LIBERAL author condescendingly wrote off Obama as a "Magic Negro" as a comic book type superhero whose main purpose is to assuage white guilt. Without that article there would be NO parody song. However, leave it to the Daily KOs KOmmies to be unable to figure it out as you can see in this KOmmie THREAD titled, "'Barack The Magic Negro' Plays on Rush. And he is still on the air?" Yes, the KOmmies really pile on Rush until an honest KOmmie sets them straight downthread and the FUn begins as the other KOmmies attempt to pretzel twist themselves out of the bind they put themselves in. So let us now watch the KOmmies slam Rush based on second hand information in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent hoping that Rush references this KOmmie thread on his next broadcast, is in the [brackets]:

“Barack The Magic Negro” Plays on Rush. And he is still on the air?

[Keep digging because this song parody of an article written by a LIBERAL won't be getting Rush off the air.]

This is a head-shaker. Imus gets canned for calling some college women basketball players "nappy-headed hos" and yet Rush Limbaugh plays "Barack The Magic Negro" on his show and he is still on the air?

[GASP! And is LIBERAL David Ehrenstein who coined "Magic Negro" as a description for Barack Obama still writing for the L.A. Times?]

How is that even possible?

[Media Matters needs to work on more out of context Rush quotes with all humor removed.]

To hear the song yourself, hit this YouTube link. The audio is from Rush's show, the video portion was done by someone else.

[LOL! Thanx for that link to the parody song based on an article written by a LIBERAL author.]

It is a parody by Paul Shanklin impersonating Al Sharpton and based on the Peter, Paul, and Mary hit song "Puff, the Magic Dragon". I am really at a loss of words. I heard it for the first time yesterday on the radio and was sickened.

[And of course, IF you heard it on Rush, you conveniently NEGLECTED to mention that it Rush always prefaces the song by explaining that the inspiration for this song was an L.A. Times article written by a LIBERAL.]

Again, how is this man on the air?

[Because Media Matters needs to take more Rush Limbaugh material completely out of context with all humor removed. Now let us hear your fellow KOmmies go out on the limb until it is hilariously sawed off from under them downthread...]

The link to the FCC complaint page is here.

["Dear FCC ---Since we can't beat Rush in the field of ideas, we would like him removed from the airwaves because we mistakenly thought he was racially insensitive with a parody song inspired by an article written by a liberal."]

Everyone do this. Just write Rush Limbaugh in all the slots you don't know.

[Everyone mindless do this and write in Rush Limbaugh in all the slots you don't know about a situation you don't know.]

I PRESUME that all who're down with "swamping" Limbaugh and advertisers are also targeting David Ehrenstein and the LA Times, yes? Since that was the origin of the "Magic Negro" material the pig Limbaugh was quoting, and which the song was parodying...? NO? Well, why the f*ck not? If it's racist on Rush, it's racist in the LA Times.

[OOPS!!! An honest KOmmie (who might be a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL) is now setting the KOmmies straight on the TRUE inspiration for this parody.]

Does the FCC regulate newspapers?

[LOL! Nice pretzel twist there. Sorry, KOmmie. It is going to be tough to untwist yourself out of the predicament you put yourselves into.]

ummm.... is racism racist regardless of context? phrases and concepts magically become racist when broadcast, but not when printed? fascinating turn of mind.

[And KOmmie RabidNation (who might be a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL) sets them straight again.]

But just to clarify, if it's print, they probably want to hit the newspaper's ombudsman, at least initially. If airwaves, FCC is the place to pile on.

[Not a PEEP from the KOmmies when the article first come out but now they need to do retroactive outrage against it in order to get at Rush.]

Who are limbaugh's sponsors. Complain to them. That's the way to get him off the air.

[Rush's sponsors are the ones doing TONS of business thanx to advertising on his show. However, when a sponsor dumps Rush they immediately flush themselves down the sales toilet which is exactly what happened to Snapple.]

Republican Party Donors sponsor him. It's not like Imus who was independent. Limbaugh is a Republican Party operative. Limbaugh will be dumped only if Republicans find someone else more effective at doing his job.

[You must be confusing Rush with Blowhard Ed Shultz who got paid by the Democrats to undergo a magical "conversion" and become a liberal. Rush doesn't need or take GOP dough. Unlike the Err America shows, Rush's broadcast is PLUSH with ad revenue because MILLIONS listen to him daily. Oh, and how is Al Franken doing nowadays?]

If Rush's sponsors haven't had a problem with everything else he's ever said, then they're incapable of dumping him.

[Yup! And this is why the Democrats are now trying to reinstitue the "Fairness" Doctrine aka the Hush Rush act.]

I've written my local station, noting that this is a local as well as national issue, and that conservative blacks (all four of them) may resent Limbaugh's naked appeal to the rabid racialists.

[Did you also write the L.A. Times with the same complaint about the LIBERAL author of the "Magic Negro" piece?]

If everyone on this site would complain, it would make a difference and could even snowball into something...

[What's AMAZING here is the DESPERATE effort by the the leftwingers to remove Rush from the airwaves. Notice that they NEVER debate him on ideas. Contrast this attitude with what conservatives think about Leftwing radio hosts. Is there an organized effort to remove Randi Rhodes and the rest of her ilk from the radio? No. We prefer to let them rant unmolested since their ideas are completely laughable and pose no threat.]

No one said it wasn't racist in the LA Times. by all means, post the LA Times mail address, let 'er rip. This is a diary specifically addressing Rush.

[Translation: In order to get Rush we must show phony retroactive outrage at the liberal source of the article that inspired the parody in first place.]

The radio segment was mocking Al Sharpton, which is racist. The newspaper article was being academically superior about Obama and white guilt and was bitter at worst.

[And, of course, Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton must NEVER be mocked.]

the LA times editorial by ehrenstein was not just a racist caricature. the limbaugh song just revels in the word "negro." apples and oranges.

[Strange but Ehrentein's normally chatty FABLOG makes no mention of his "Magic Negro" article nor of Rush's parody of it. It seems like even the LIBERAL author of this article is trying to distance himself from it.]

It's funny how this concept was developed to show how fiction marginalizes African-Americans, and now people on the right have taken it up as a cudgel to beat Obama over the head with as if being a "M.N." was a good thing.

[Obviously you don't understand PARODY. The purpose of the song was to MOCK the liberal assumption of Obama as the "Magic Negro" as was illustrated in the article of the same name.]

but since we're talking context, let's take a REAL look at what was in fact being said by Limbaugh and whether or not all the righteous umbrage and the calls to yank him off the air in this thread are really called for - and whether or not they are precisely what limbaugh was counting upon, to be leveraged for his own gain.

[Rush always counts on the liberals taking his broadcast out of context. How do I know? Because I actually LISTEN to his broadcasts. However, since you are making an incredible amount of sense, KOmmie RabidNation, please continue...]

I read the ehrenstein piece when it first appeared. I considered it racist in its own right - a cloying divide-and-conquer hatchet job predicated upon providing material for leverage by miscellaneous and sundry opportunists. I would consider both Limbaugh and Sharpton to fall into this category. This site was silent on the matter, by and large

[There is only phony RETROACTIVE outrage against Ehrenstein in KOmmieland. Continue...]

Limbaugh took the opportunity to use ehrenstein's crappy piece to go after ehrenstein, sharpton, and by extension all of us who constitute his favorite target, the "loony left," BANKING on the notion that we would respond exactly as we are in this thread - by calling for his head while leaving ehrenstein alone. and whaddya know: we now have a thread wherein people misattribute ehrenstein's statements to limbaugh and misattribute the shitty video to limbaugh - both demonstrably false, making us look foolish. just as he would want. meanwhile, he'll get to play martyr all the way to the bank, saying he was only QUOTING "our side" and using that quote to highlight our hypocrisy. and you know what? in the public mind, it'll work.

[It works because it's TRUE. Continue...]

did limbaugh actually say any racist word or phrase that ehrenstein did not? not that I can see. the song is dull-witted, offensive, tasteless, and no doubt unpleasant to sharpton. but it very carefully confines its mockery to ehrenstein and sharpton. neither the song nor limbaugh called anyone "N----- H---- H--s," nor any other Imusesque hate speech; it implies plenty, and states nothing. Meaning: Nothing can or will be done by the FCC, advertisers will not pull their ads, and Limbaugh and company will have a great laugh at the left's expense while continuing to yowl that it is we, in the person of ehrenstein and his column, who are the actual racists.

[Please don't forget the DUmmie FUnnies. We are also having a great laugh at the left's expense over this. Please finish up your mostly sensible post, KOmmie RabidNation...]

If any boycott or petition activity on this gets any attention, we'll hand Limbaugh multiple victories as we provide him and others of his sickly ilk the opportunity to present us as censorious, histrionic, and hypocritical. Which is precisely what he wants, IMO.

[Presenting the Left as censorious, histronic, and hypocritical? Gee, where could we get such a crazy idea that the Left is exactly that way?]

Not having read Ehrenstein's piece, I don't know if it is as objectionable as Rush playing that song. I DO know that there is a ton of racist garbage out there and we could keep ourselves busy 24/7 filing complaints to no particular effect. But if we can make Rush the next Imus, well that would have a chastening effect on all these racist SOBs and would have a real impact on public discourse.

[Key KOmmie Phrase: "I don't know."]

Has anyone called the reps for Peter, Paul and Mary?? The use of the tune is a major infringement on their royalty rights.. I misspoke in the email and said copyright, but the idea is the same. Theft of intellectual property.

[Sorry. Since it's parody, that doesn't apply. Back to square one on how to get Rush off the airwaves.]

Going after some kind of copyright infringement here is just stupid.

[Just like every other Hush Rush gimmick.]

I was also sickened and enraged by this. I'm a believer in non-violence, but Limbaugh's aiming for up-against-the-wall status in my imaginary revolution.

[FEEL the love! Liberal compassion at work.]

But it was satire, clearly humor, bad humor yes, repellent, yes, but it's a mistake to try to force him off the air.

[Don't worry. Your fellow KOmmies will pay NO attention to you.]

If his sponsors flee from him, then the free-market fetishist is stuck. What. Does he complain that the market is out to get him? But the market is perfect and all knowing! I don't want the FCC touching this. BUt I would love for Rush's sponsors to abandon him like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Let the gas bag broadcast on three stations from midnight to 4am.

[Too bad for you that won't be happening. Any sponsor that dumps Rush under pressure will suffer the same sad fate as Snapple.]

The only way to get rid of Rush is to just not listen to his show. Make sure everyone you know doesn't listen to the show. Get the word out. We don't need to make a huge media fuss because then you get the inevitable backlash. A quiet, but effective boycott of his stupid program will get him canned. Do not listen to him, ever.

[Liberals already don't listen to Rush's show but that doesn't stop them from complaining about what they don't hear.]

Contact Limbaugh's advertisers.

[And tell them to commit Snapple sales suicide by dumping Rush.]

Did Rush make any comments on-air after this played? I think I'll call and email my local station that carries Rush about this parody.

[And complain even though I don't listen to Rush.]

Fresh from their Imus firing, why not take down Rush Limbaugh? Rush has been bashing NBC for days for airing the Cho video. NBC should do a little payback.NBC should play this video on TV. This should be a battle between NBC and Rush.

[Which Rush would instantly win hands down since the YouTube video posted here was NOT uploaded by Rush.]

limbaugh didn't make the f*cking video. the video was made by some goof for youtube using audio from limbaugh's show. big f*cking difference. unless people get that fact through their heads, they'll only succeed in making themselves look extraordinarily stupid.

[Please don't dissuade them from making themselves look extraordinarily stupid.]

Could be a tipping point. Or not.

["Or not" is the operative term here.]

File a complain. Contact an advertisor. If everybody here takes one form of action or another, maybe we'll start a ripple.

[Toss everything at the wall. Maybe something will stick in our desperate attempts to Hush Rush.]

I listened to the Magic Negro song and found it pretty funny. It's a joke against Sharpton (who is a joke)and actually made Obama sound pretty good.


f*ck accuracy, f*ck the first amendment. fresh from the meaningless "takedown" of the boring, tired old swine Imus, people are all set to try for porcine rush limbaugh now, eh...? not. smart.

[More inconvenient truths from KOmmie RabidNation who distills the Leftwing attitude perfectly.]

That fat ass will get away with this one because it was an editorial in the LA Times by David Erenstein that called Obama that in an article about two weeks ago. But there will be others. We will catch him when he's not looking.

[Thanx for presenting us with the censorious Leftwing Hush Rush agenda. They will try to "catch" him on ANYTHING, not matter how trivial.]

Free speech does not mean free access to three hours on the public airways. I have a lot of things on my mind, too, but no one is giving me my own radio show.

[Because no one listens to your liberal idiocy. With no ratings you get no sponsors which means you don't get on the air. And if you accidentally do get on the air, you will soon be removed due to the market effect. Ask Mario Cuomo, Jim Hightower, Al Franken, and a host of other failed liberal radio talk show hosts.]

More of an attack on Al Sharpton than on Obama. Rush has been criticizing and parodying Al Sharpton for well over a decade. Imus made his non-apology on Sharpton's radio show. Other black leaders that Rush has gone after include Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan. To Rush it's only incidental they are black. It's far more important to him to criticize "Liberals" and what he considers to be the extremes of the left.

[And this KOmmie WINS a Kewpie Doll for having a brief moment of mental clarity!]

Who uses "negro" anymore either?

[Liberal writers for the L.A. Times.]

What precisely was so racist and offensive about this parody? Personally, I found it funny, but then again, to me, anything that lampoons the walking waste of protoplasm called Al Sharpton IS by definition, FUNNY! The phrase "magic negro" was not coined by Rush and has been the subject of numerous articles and commentaries. This is totally different than Imus, whose comment was not only inately offensive but was directed at an innocent group of college kids rather than public figures. Stop the thought police mentality and learn to participate in the marketplace of ideas, which includes expression you may find objectionable and offensive. If you don't even listen to Rush, how were you offended?

[Sorry but I have already used up my Kewpie Doll quota for having a brief moment of mental clarity.]

We have a responsibility to our national civility and citizenship to take him out, by any means possible and for any reason conceivable.

[Let the purges begin by any means necessary even if we have to make them up!]

Rush needs to be removed from the air. Among other things, contact the FCC with a complaint, and also contact your local Rush-affiliate and keep that pressure up especially since the local affiliates sell advertising to local businesses during Rush's show to profit from airing it. Also, start contacting the sponsors you hear on Rush's show, many are local to your region.

[HUSH RUSH! Do something, ANYTHING!!! People must NOT be allowed to hear conservative thought on the public airwaves. Please everybody! Find SOME WAY to get Rush off the air! PLEASE!!!]

KEYWORDS: alsharpton; barackobama; kommies; rushlimbaugh
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To: Rocko

I wrote my #40 before I read your #30.

41 posted on 04/25/2007 7:19:56 AM PDT by Charles Henrickson (NAACH)
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To: PJ-Comix

It was announced yesterday that Rush would be back today.

42 posted on 04/25/2007 7:23:54 AM PDT by AxelPaulsenJr (Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.)
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To: kevkrom

I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that for liberals, every non-white is a different race from Whitey.

They’re calling non-whites subhuman and we let them get away with it.

I will never allow myself to be called racist, because I like all humans (with particular exceptions).

43 posted on 04/25/2007 7:30:12 AM PDT by Xenalyte ("A cat can give birth to kittens in the oven. That don't make 'em biscuits." - Quanell X)
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To: PJ-Comix
this has now hit the DU and the following is one of their posts

ShortnFiery (1000+ posts) Wed Apr-25-07 10:12 AM Response to Reply #6 9. Then this columnist is NOT a *liberal* - no he's TV Liberal = Moderate Republican. n/t

so, anyone who writes this stuff, even though a liberal (who cannot be attacked), ceases to be and becomes a republican (who can be).. I swear, these people are truly out in the ozone..

44 posted on 04/25/2007 7:30:13 AM PDT by GeorgiaDawg32 (The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese..)
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To: PJ-Comix
PJ, here’s an idea for handling those little b@stards. (no, I don’t mean DUng beetles.)

This is for skeeters, but it should work for other flying bugs.

45 posted on 04/25/2007 7:41:41 AM PDT by Dr.Zoidberg (Mohammedanism - Bringing you only the best of the 6th century for fourteen hundred years.)
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To: PJ-Comix

I would strongly recommend Demon Max (either WP or concentrate), Demand CS Concentrate, or Permacide. These are strong pesticides and should be used with caution and a good respirator properly worn.

You can get this stuff at the following location:

I’ve used the following with great success in the past:

Demon kills everything!

46 posted on 04/25/2007 7:51:09 AM PDT by jurroppi1 ("You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make him think." - Milton Berle)
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To: PJ-Comix
We have a responsibility to our national civility and citizenship to take him out, by any means possible and for any reason conceivable.

The dripping irony of that statement is killing me. How very civil of the writer. ROFLMAO!

47 posted on 04/25/2007 7:55:56 AM PDT by The_Victor (If all I want is a warm feeling, I should just wet my pants.)
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To: PJ-Comix
Republican Party Donors sponsor him. It's not like Imus who was independent. Limbaugh is a Republican Party operative. Limbaugh will be dumped only if Republicans find someone else more effective at doing his job.

Liberals ARE Mind-Numbed Idiots!!!! They have NO idea how a free society operates. They have NO idea how capitalism works. They have NO idea that just because Air America had to be funded mostly by George Soros that COMPANIES pay LOTS OF MONEY to advertise between 12 and 3, Monday through Friday on the stations that play Rush.

For all of you idiotic, lurking Liberals who have no clue, RUSH IS NOT PAID BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!!!!!

Air America failed just like MANY businesses in America fail. IT FAILED TO MAKE MONEY! And it had a lousy business plan. A great analogy is a person on life support. Air America was on life support, being kept alive by machines. But, everyone knew that if the machines were turned off, Air America could not survive on its own.

And do you know WHY Air America failed? Because Liberal philosophy fails in the realm of ideas and logic. It is a philosophy based on feeling, not on reality or results. So, when people begin to debate your ideas on the air, your philosophy makes no sense because you continue to have to spin to avoid losing the argument.
48 posted on 04/25/2007 7:58:24 AM PDT by Eagle of Liberty (The United States of America is the only country strong enough to go it alone.)
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To: PJ-Comix
I'm a believer in non-violence, but Limbaugh's aiming for up-against-the-wall status in my imaginary revolution.

The desire for violence by the self-proclaimed "non-violent" is breathtaking. Hypocrite, thy name is liberal looney.

49 posted on 04/25/2007 8:01:29 AM PDT by hsalaw
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To: PJ-Comix
I'm a believer in non-violence, but Limbaugh's aiming for up-against-the-wall status in my imaginary revolution.

Cho had his 'up-against-the-wall' list, also. He figured out how to act on his imagination. Is that the only thing that makes him different from these idiots?

50 posted on 04/25/2007 8:13:55 AM PDT by bcsco
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To: PJ-Comix

Rush has been running this bit for at least 3 weeks that I know of. Not only are the libs morons but slow ones to boot.

51 posted on 04/25/2007 8:17:18 AM PDT by Hillarys Gate Cult (The man who said "there's no such thing as a stupid question" has never talked to Helen Thomas.)
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To: PJ-Comix

“Also, start contacting the sponsors you hear on Rush’s show, many are local to your region.”

Now that’s just funny. They are proposing getting Rush removed from the air by increasing the listening audience. How else will they know who advertises during his show?

52 posted on 04/25/2007 8:23:58 AM PDT by CSM ("Americans only want the word freedom. The practice of freedom disgusts them." - mysterio 3/30/2007)
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To: PJ-Comix
"File a complain. Contact an advertisor. If everybody here takes one form of action or another, maybe we'll start a ripple."

That's RICH!

Sitting among the empty pizza boxes in his mother's basement, 31-year-old Toby fires off another scathing email on behalf of DUAC:

TO: General Steel
RE: Rush Limbaugh Advertising

Sirs: I had been saving toward purchasing one of you super-huge, deluxe, mondo office condo buildings to be installed on my land in Yellowstone park. But not until you do all you can to remove that vile Limbaugh person from OUR pubic airwaves!

Sincerely, Toby

53 posted on 04/25/2007 8:29:32 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel
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To: redgolum

Rush has played this parody quite often in the last three or so weeks. I have detected a slight increase surrounding the Imus dust-up.

I think he is daring the libs to take him on over this one.

54 posted on 04/25/2007 8:31:56 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel
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To: The_Victor
We have a responsibility to our national civility and citizenship to take him out, by any means possible and for any reason conceivable.

Ooooh, you're right KOssie! Pwease save me fwum the mean, old, waskaly, weepubwican. He hasn't taken contwol of my wee, wittle bwain.
55 posted on 04/25/2007 8:33:51 AM PDT by Eagle of Liberty (The United States of America is the only country strong enough to go it alone.)
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To: PJ-Comix
[What's AMAZING here is the DESPERATE effort by the the leftwingers to remove Rush from the airwaves. Notice that they NEVER debate him on ideas. Contrast this attitude with what conservatives think about Leftwing radio hosts. Is there an organized effort to remove Randi Rhodes and the rest of her ilk from the radio? No. We prefer to let them rant unmolested since their ideas are completely laughable and pose no threat.]

And for that reason I'm sorry to see Rosie go from 'The View'. I've never watched it, but I believe giving such idiots major air time helps get the point across just how demented the left is. But then again, how can the left debate conservatism on ideas? They'd need something to come to the table with.

56 posted on 04/25/2007 9:15:06 AM PDT by bcsco
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To: PJ-Comix
Limbaugh and company will have a great laugh at the left's expense while continuing to yowl that it is we, in the person of ehrenstein and his column, who are the actual racists.

Actually, I don't find it funny how racist liberal really's very sad.

57 posted on 04/25/2007 9:28:57 AM PDT by highlander_UW (I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who holds my future)
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To: PJ-Comix

Absolutely hysterical! You’ve outdone yourself with this one, too funny!

58 posted on 04/25/2007 9:37:47 AM PDT by Fudd Fan (The word "Conservative" needs no modifier!)
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To: Dr.Zoidberg

Noseeums have wings but I don’t think they fly. A lot of folks think they are ants but they are related to sand fleas.

59 posted on 04/25/2007 10:09:49 AM PDT by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: jurroppi1

Is Demon Wax available at Home Depot?

60 posted on 04/25/2007 10:11:01 AM PDT by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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