Posted on 07/24/2021 11:11:56 AM PDT by Enlightened1
CDC finally pulling PCR tests as they can't differentiate between Covid and the Flu...
"CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses."
"After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel"
"In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses."
You will have to draw your own conclusions...
For some of us the implications of this staggering when it comes to every single PCR test performed on people who where classified as COVID positive yet with out the clear differentiation of whether it is / was a flu... So now we know how the flu disappeared (as if we did not already know)
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) has been a cloak to use faulty testing and untested synthetic gene therapies.
I'm starting to feel sexually harassed and oppressed.
OJ gots the 'rona? I consider that a win.
“ Your point?
What do you got to say about the men, women, children, and people in the womb who are no longer walking on the earth cause they took Fauci’s, Gates’, and your poison vax?
I thought you were done riding that poor Freeper’s circumstance to win an internet argument. Guess not, ghoul.
If just one life can be saved by convincing people NOT taking the poison vax, then yes. Saving lives.”
My point is misleading information, out right false information, unverified people and/or their information has resulted in someone known here being gravely ill.
The comments launched at us that we’re paid by a whole host of places, China, Big Pharma, CDC, Fauci himself fall flat because the case of that Freeper that is at deaths door because he listened and believe you and others is why we come on these Threads to counter the rumors and lies.
The most amazing thing here, is that not one of you have displayed a single remorseful thought. Not one of y’all seem to care and don’t accept any responsibility for this.;page=1
You keep speaking about what I don’t know about Covid.
You say my knowledge is limited to Emergency Medicine.
I agree.
I don’t dive into the technical aspect.
But what’s your knowledge? What’s the knowledge of your peers that have now caused someone great harm?
They dive right into technical words and phrases they haven’t a clue on.
There was a day on FreeRepublic when news broke, or something came up, we had someone or even many that were experts in the field.
Pilots, Engineers, Military of all sorts, Doctors, even Chefs.
It was impressive that not only did we get news but we got more facts from the experts.
Now, the experts are ignored, insulted, and rebuked in favor of Dudes on Twitter, unverified people putting up memes or videos on Bitchute.
This is what Q did. Now the cancer has spread. Today it’s vaccines, tomorrow? Who knows, perhaps a well played Psych-Ops. And nothing convinces me y’all won’t fall for it.
If you only do a COVID test, you’re not going to find flu. If you only do a flu test, you are not going to find COVID. A panel lets you test for both from a single sample. This is not nefarious, people at FR don’t understand (can’t or won’t I can’t say) how these tests work.
“ You always ignore the fact that the inventor of the ‘test’ (it’s actually called an ‘assay’) said it can’t be used to diagnose illness. Why?”
Because the inventor died in 2019 and was elderly and well retired before her death.
Time marches on and things that were invented are often made better, inventions are tweaked for performance or to keep up with the times.
You ignore REAL people here right in front of that have knowledge of Labs, tastings and even Doctors that treat Covid patients.
Also, you cute memes are just that……cute memes.
I could make memes that say whatever I want.
I could make a meme where the President of Tanzania is talking about a BBQ party with a free bar.
You are basing your argument and relying on Memes of unknown origin over real people here that you may have known for years.
I guess loyalty doesn’t matter in a Real Live Action Play of Conspiracies and Saving the World.
Yes the world needs saving. From you.
Kary Mullis said that (1996??) before we had the technology to accurately detect the exponential increase in DNA over time. At the time he invented PCR, no such technology existed. The way he had to “do” PCR looks nothing like it does now.
Not saying he’s dumb, but I think this quote is being taken WAY out of context.
It seems like every response from you is some sort of Ad Hominem attack. It’s not a very convincing way to present an argument, FYI.
I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything.
I’m commenting.
Funny how you ignore the attacks to me.
Long list of of people chiming in with snarky or insulting attacks are better?
I don’t think it adds to the argument from either side.
But I have noticed you respond this way to people merely posting research and data as well. Why not counter with facts of your own?
“ But I have noticed you respond this way to people merely posting research and data as well. Why not counter with facts of your own?”
Personal attacks are not a fact worthy venture.
Memes…….I wont counter Meme for Meme. That is just a waste of time.
I have posted links many times to information. Guess you missed them.
Speaking of noticing……..why so concerned with my posting habits??
Again, you don’t seem to give posting advice to the people attacking me personally………….
Charts, memes, arrows this way or that way are Not creditable sources of information. They are graphics that anyone can make to help their narrative.
Thank you for proving my point.
CDC Finally Pulling PCR Tests As They Can’t Differentiate Between Covid And The Flu...
Yet we have a COVID pandemic, HAH!
Now we know where those outrageous numbers came from don’t we?
That vax troll tool outs itself, every time!
You just can't stop using that poor woman's grueling hardships as a talking point, can you?
You are lying.
We didn't give false information.
You know from reading that thread terart battled to protect her family, proactively getting medications and then fighting the medical system every step of the way only to end up admitted to the hospital but without treatment. Ivermectin was one of the few resources she had.
You apparently wanted to be sure we refused to assist her too.
FReepers tried to help. Her doctor had already refused to prescribe medications to her family when they became ill. Ivermectin was the most assistance she had up to that point and it usually works quite well - many on FR report great success with it.
...that Freeper that is at deaths door because he listened and believe you and others is why we come on these Threads to counter the rumors and lies.
They would have been denied all treatments until being placed on a ventilator if we hadn't shared what others have used successfully. You repeatedly state vaccines are not 100% effective and then denounce those of us who recommended Ivermectin because it wasn't 100% effective.
The most amazing thing here, is that not one of you have displayed a single remorseful thought. Not one of y’all seem to care and don’t accept any responsibility for this.;page=1
All who tried to help are blameless and bear no remorse.
~~~Here you are, David, on terart's thread, ridiculing the efforts to help in an emergency.
~~~Here's someone else against Ivermectin advising another 'official treatment', before another points out it is banned by the CDC (she valiantly tried to obtain this treatment and never could)
Every door closed in the faces of people seeking medical help and there sneering and the other recommending treatment unavailable as of about a month ago.
Your kind doesn't have superior knowledge and yet repeatedly insisted she ignore all others and and obtain that (unavailable) treatment. (98 ). A freeper noted elsewhere that you have to have additional comorbidity(s) to obtain the treatment and some doctors just won't prescribe it.
Other anti-Ivermectin people urged that unavailable treatment (monoclonal antibodies) and urged that person not to listen to those recommending alternatives when conventional treatments were unavailable.
I can state categorically, that advice was no more helpful than your sneering.
You are blaming us for trying to prop a door open, share some information, help a freeper.
What’s the knowledge of your peers that have now caused someone great harm?
We didn't cause great harm! FReepers provided about the only obtainable medical help she had received at that point, and other FReepers report success with it as do Dr. McCullough, and others.
They dive right into technical words and phrases they haven’t a clue on.
The words 'Ivermectin' were not too technical for us to use and we have ample research to consult in times when physicians refuse treatment to us. We are not the problem. The CDC, Fauci and people like you are the problem.
One of your anti-Ivermectin clan told her to see a doctor, after she had already done so and was refused treatment. When she explained, he jeered that she was untruthful! In a crisis, your people are worthless!
That's how thoroughy detatched from compassion, and reality, your kind is. All this lashing against Ivermectin and how we should listen to experts. The experts failed this family, along with most of America and the only help comes from peers reading a researching. Why should she have to defend herself in times of duress when ASKING FOR HELP!
I would not have believed anyone who told me 'pro medical-establishment' hostility is so strong among your kind that one of you might become abusive in an emergency, but I was wrong. Here, an anti-Ivermectionist advises her she's killing her family....yes, he said it.
Oh, he wasn't done. He again implied terart was killing her family. 100
That dear woman once again refuted him well.
Oh but he wasn't done 'helping'. 114 And she wasn't done identifying him for what he was: 129
David Chase, where is your post berating him for his behavior? He was abusive to someone in crisis. Are you 'amazed' he shows 'no remorse'?
Among all the anti-Ivermectin apologists running interference on the thread, some of whom claim medical expertise, you people were largely worthless when not destructive.
Ivermectin is a good choice and helps many, particularly when physicians and hospitals are refusing help, but some took the opportunity to try to talk her out of using that lone treatment available to her. I really don't see how that 'helped'.
For anyone reading this far, please note the advice given by more than one FReeper, which echoes the advice of Dr. Zelenko and others - avoid hospitals.
Yes, despite all the posts advocating ER or (likely unavailable) monoclonal antibody treatments, here's why you should use caution unless you can somehow be guaranteed the treatment you want BEFORE admitted to the hospital/er. (Note that terart called ahead of time and asked what treatments were available to those hospitalized).
Terart had done her homework and was carefully navigating this risk. Without comorbidities, her son was likely to be denied treatment.
Another FReeper (I lost the name) helpfully offered this advice:
"If anyone goes to the hospital, give them a megadose before they go, since it might be the last dose they can get."
Many FReepers offered helpful links and comments you so despise. Many of you anti-Ivermectionists used the thread to lobby for the Faucist/CDC stance against Ivermectin and alternatives, even after she said she was using Ivermectin, and couldn't get other treatments.
Excerpt of post to another on the thread: "Our medical system is the best in the world because those who practice have the professional integrity not to jump the gun. Until FDA approval, Ivermection for COVID-19 is just Snake Oil.
I can get over myself, but I cannot get over people like you who do not read the label and follow medical protocol." 173
So on a thread posted by someone stating her family is using it and she's barred from other treatments, your kind show up to call it failed medications and snake oil. Helpful?
That's the lie the anti-Ivermectin/Pro-jab lobby labors to maintain. You are pretending our medical system is functioning. It is not and has not functioned for some time.
Look what they did to her, after all she's done to track down monoclonal antibody diffusion centers:
Treatment for Covid is almost unobtainable, but your kind pretends it's there for the asking and we're just thinking up strange alternatives for political reasons or to harm people.
Early treatment is key. The medical establishment has installed delays to prevent early treatment. Top tier medications are withheld and less effective, token prescriptions (if any) are offered. She's being refused the most effective medications and treatments, told that she will get oxygen only, but still your kind urges her to place her trust in the failed institutions.
We've always known we have to advocate for ourselves. But that was before the weaponization of the medical establishment. The FDA, CDC, NIH, FAUCI are harming us and your kind keep pointing back to them as if they have not betrayed us, and sneering when we resist. (another example. 179 )
Here's an update posted by Mom MD on 7/18:
*Continuing in prayer for Terart and her family.*
Terart has not posted since 7/14. The end of the thread is pro-vaxxers pushing the vaccine and insisting Ivermectin is bad.
Terart's family are being abused by the medical system.
The policies are designed to sicken and/or frighten people watching this nightmare into getting a vaccine that is actually WORSE. Many people, and in fact large populations in countries around the world benefit from alternatives like Ivermectin, but the Faucists insist we line up like sheep for unavailable treatments or ventilators, or get the 'vaccine' instead.
TO all reading this. Pro actively reading, making decisions, possibly even storing anti-covid medications aside ahead of time can save your life when our medical establishment won't.
David Chase, You are completely without honor, so pointing out you are a manipulative liar means nothing to you.
I just had to write to you anyway because I was astounded how your lobbying group comported itself, only to see you complaining the rest of us 'lacked remorse', claiming our advice resulted in 'grave harm' and "that Freeper that is at deaths door because he listened and believe you and others is why we come on these Threads to counter the rumors and lies."
How could you make such false, evil claims? You're working to deter us from helping each other, and to scare us back into the jaws of the Bill Gates/Chinese medical establishment.
Oh and you 'utilized' this tragedy to blame Q. You bless Fauci/CDC/FDA while you ridicule FReepers for trying to help, accusing them of driving a family onto 'death's door, and you still have the energy left over to blame Q.
This is what Q did. Now the cancer has spread. Today it’s vaccines, tomorrow? Who knows, perhaps a well played Psych-Ops. And nothing convinces me y’all won’t fall for it.
For all reading this far, I collected some of the helpful comments on the thread below, in case you should find yourself denied medical treatment in the time of Covid. I think there's much more on the thread worth reading, I just don't have time and this post is already so large.
Here is the direct link to telemedicine from Front Line Doctors:
Here's the MATH+ Protocol by Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance.
MATH+ Protocol | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (
To get medications online:
Treatments - America's Frontline Doctors (
Someone said good things about this - HCQ source.
Good post with overview of treatment.
Need some input concerning using Ivermectin (
Interesting post:
(Preface this by saying I am not good at understanding how to post properly or the etiquette-just trying to publicly reply to gitmo so others can also see comments) gitmo-You’re lucky. Where do you live that you were able to find a doctor willing to prescribe it? Curious and so very glad you were able to and sounds like hopefully all family did well ultimately- thank God. Most physicians won’t prescribe it. I’m a nurse and it blows my mind that they won’t treat a Covid patient until it’s too late- when they’re dying! Ivermectin and hydroquinone are safe and effective when given early but the doctors and powers that be (and chat room know it alls) want everyone to believe that they aren’t- because condition of EUA for vaccine is that there is no alternative safe treatment! They’ll also say not precribed for Covid which is ridiculous ‘excuse’ - physicians prescribe meds for ‘off-label’ use all the time and do not need special permission to do so. It’s all a bunch of dangerous BS. They insist on making your choice be vax or watch you die, when those aren’t only choices possible!! 😡 Continued good health to you and yours
The fact that the little VP gang has been trying to exploit the tragic situation of a fellow FReeper has been beyond shameful and disgusting.
Hopefully this puts an end to it.
You keep saying “she”………terart is a He.
Here are the 2 post I made to terart, #s 5, and 13.
You conveniently left those out……….
To: terart
Go to an E.R.
If after one day there is no affect get to real medical treatment.
I don’t what you think or feel about it.
I’m urging you to get professional medical treatment.
5 posted on 7/9/2021, 9:49:27 PM by David Chase (DavidHereToHelp)
To: terart
This virus is known to react differently for different people.
Just get medical treatment. It’s not going to hurt.
In 2 days you’ll think you’re getting better, then it hits you harder.
I pray for you and your family.
13 posted on 7/9/2021, 9:53:04 PM by David Chase (DavidHereToHelp)
The post you used was #27 where I was replying to someone who recommended vitamin D3 and Zinc for someone that needed better.
————————————————-Here’s post #19:
To: terart
Don’t forget vitamin D3 (5000 IU, daily,) zinc 50mg, daily, and a zinc ionophore (eg., hydroxychloroquine or quercetin.) Quercetin will be much easier to obtain, but it’s not as potent as is HCQ.
High doses of vitamin C might also be helpful, but you have to do it every few hours, because it doesn’t last long in the bloodstream.
19 posted on 7/9/2021, 9:54:44 PM by sourcery (#MakeThouhtFreeAgain)
Then my reply:
To: sourcery
Yeah……make sure you do all of that B.S. when you’re infected.
Arm chair helpers are not helping.
27 posted on 7/9/2021, 9:58:41 PM by David Chase (DavidHereToHelp)
Why did you exclude the only 2 post I made to terart??
Yet, you included the one I made to someone who was advocating Vitamins for terart’s Covid-19 infection.
You claim I have no honor.
But here are the post I made.
Clearly showing my concern, and maintaining my honor.
When you hide or intentionally exclude the truth, it places your honor and integrity in question.
Very interesting, except that headline doesn’t reflect what is being said in the article. Nice try though.
Sources? Not that I would be surprised if there were several. The CDC/Pharma response has been as much about getting a big win for "Science!" as much as dealing with Covid.
What do you call people who claim to be MDs, and who then encourage and/or participate in an ongoing genocide via denial of medical care or early treatment.
The FRoctor medical nutcases are a bunch of lying, evil, deceitful, sociopathic weasels.
No, no...sorry.....LYING, LOWLIFE, n00b vax troll.
Lower than low for attempting to take advantage of an ill FReeper who'd reached out, to ALL, on a public forum...and, as you have painstakingly pointed out...was replied to, by MANY...who are, as you say, blameless.
This weasel of bot is the one who should feel remorse. For spamming thread after thread with posts that he (admittedly) knows NOTHING about.
Here is a reply post I was about to post, earlier, today, when we had to make a quick road trip......
My point is misleading information, out right false information, unverified people and/or their information has resulted in someone known here being gravely ill.
Hmmm....and, to think that some of them call themselves doctors. 🤔
The comments launched at us that we’re paid by a whole host of places, China, Big Pharma, CDC, Fauci himself fall flat because the case of that Freeper that is at deaths door because he listened and believe you and others is why we come on these Threads to counter the rumors and lies.
What a sick f......ool you are. Repeatedly invoking the situation of a FReeper, who is ill and posted a thread asking for public advise, and was replied to be many, as can be seen by replies.
The most amazing thing here, is that not one of you have displayed a single remorseful thought. Not one of y’all seem to care and don’t accept any responsibility for this.
Remorse? For advice that was given by MANY, that NO ONE has control over? Did any of the VPs (vax promoters) offer remorse?
I saw where many have publicly posted prayers up. At this point, it is out of any forum poster's hands, and in God's and local medical team's hands....of which many of us have prayed for His healing and His guidance, over their medical team. sick are you, calling for remorse of anyone. Especially from a few, and not all who gave 'advice'.
You keep speaking about what I don’t know about Covid. You say my knowledge is limited to Emergency Medicine.
I agree. I don’t dive into the technical aspect.
We know. You blather on, post after post. Accusing people of lying about actual and REAL china flu deaths, etc.
Nonstop. Your credibility was shot soon after your recent sign up date....that just happens to coincide with the push of these BigPharma FRAUDci shots.
And, in case you've been too busy pushing these shots to notice....YOU are in the minority, here.
But what’s your knowledge? What’s the knowledge of your peers that have now caused someone great harm? They dive right into technical words and phrases they haven’t a clue on.
Again, you're invoking the situation of a FReeper that you have NO business doing and NO first hand knowledge of the situation. Especially OBVIOUS since you repeated don't realize that HE is actually a she.
There was a day on FreeRepublic when news broke, or something came up, we had someone or even many that were experts in the field.
There was a day when we didn't have experimental shots and drug shills, too. But, again, that was BEFORE your time.
Now, the experts are ignored, insulted, and rebuked in favor of Dudes on Twitter, unverified people putting up memes or videos on Bitchute.
Experts like Lancet? Like CDC? Fake Dr FRAUDci?? Or, REAL docs, who have been banned/censored from most platforms....for speaking the truth, and trying to warn people about the adverse effects of these shots?
More blather from the n00b vax troll.
This is what Q did. Now the cancer has spread. Today it’s vaccines, tomorrow? Who knows, perhaps a well played Psych-Ops. And nothing convinces me y’all won’t fall for it.
Well, there you go, again. Whenever you don't have FACTS to back up your blather, you seem to resort to Q.
You sound triggered and unhinged....just like the crying leftist who doesn't get their way.
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