Does Gaetz come from a wealthy - REALLY wealthy - family? If not, why would anyone, particularly a former DOJ official, believe a US Congressman had $25M laying around to make an embarrassing story go away?
I’m not saying I disbelieve Gaetz. But, my advice would be to get out in front of this story in something more substantive and convincing than a ‘tweet.’
I think skepticism in a case like this is always warranted...skepticism of all parties. When the parties involve the NY Times, FBI, DOJ and a politician, robust skepticism is warranted, of everyone.
Could be 25 million by hook or by crook knowing he has access to all kinds of things.
It really makes me wonder how often GOP have caved when they dont have the money to pay up. Might explain some of the stuff we have seen.
While my history is as clean as the driven snow, I do know that almost anything against a high profile Conservative can be the death knell of their career.
Shamed by every media out there, there can be only one outcome - If he/she apologizes - its over.
I’m backing Matt. He’s a keeper.
I’m not saying I disbelieve Gaetz. But, my advice would be to get out in front of this story in something more substantive and convincing than a ‘tweet.’
Yes, man up Matt.
You sound like deep state scum
So says the newbie. I never trusted the guy, but I will not take unnamed sources’ and the New York Times’ word over his.
Seems pretty obvious that the NY Times leaked the info in order to alert McGee he is the subject of an investigation into extortion.
Question is, who leaked to the Times?
On the contrary. When the NYeT and the alphabets aligned against Trump, nearly everything Trump said was true nearly every time. Grade it at Rush's 99.8% truth rating by The Sullivan Group.
My appreciation for Gaetz has grown considerably in the past year or so, mostly because he represents Trump-like fortitude in his Committee assignments whether the camera is on or off; and he has been a real asset on Bannon compared to Huey, Dewey and Louie.