Posted on 09/22/2020 7:57:32 PM PDT by PROCON
That youre not supposed to do this should go without saying but MTA bosses believe they need a rule explicitly banning defecating on the subway.
The new rule is on the agenda for an MTA meeting Wednesday. The rule will ban defecating on the citys subways, buses and transit facilities.
Transit rules previously mandated $100 fines for straphangers who "create a nuisance, hazard, or unsanitary condition (including, but not limited to, spitting or urinating).
Creating an unsanitary condition surely includes pooping but MTA officials think they have to be more specific.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I have photos of an aunt, now deceased, who grew-up in New York City. As a young woman in early 1950s, she wore a pill-box hat and long gloves, and rode the subway downtown where she worked as a legal secretary.
A very different time with very different standards.
Silly me... I would have already thought that was quite a no-no.
Democrats should add "pooing wherever" to their platform.
But you can puke for free on the subway.
I bet New Yorkers miss Giuliani, at least the sane ones, if there are any left.
If you cant get off the train, you eventually gotta poop
Charlie handed in his dime at the Kendall Square station
And he changed for Jamaica Plain
When he got there the conductor told him, “One more nickel”
Charlie couldn’t get off of that train!
But did he ever return?
No he never returned and his fate is still unlearned
(Poor old Charlie)
He may ride forever ‘neath the streets of Boston
He’s the man who never returned.
More laws that only law abiding citizens will follow. Criminal poopers don’t follow pooping laws.
Maybe they could hand out free butt plugs.
Pooping on the platforms is still ok, though?
Thought MTA stood for “More Turds Allowed”!
Or maybe that was what the Kingston Trio was singing about in their song “M.T.A”, 1958. /sarc
#4. Never saw that photo of the rare “Marxist Shit Snake” in the grass.
What’s a female Marxist Shit Snake called? “Michele”.
With those ‘long dresses’, who’s gonna notice that poop left on the floor. I’ve seen a video of it being done. Or ‘who’ it was since their face was covered.
What kind of a shit hole is NYC they actually have to pass a law telling people not to crap in public?
Yet Noo Yawkers mock & ridicule the rest of the country as “backward”.
Stop blaming the politicians; blame the ignorant people who voted for them. Hope they feel it most.
"Don't poop in the subway darling, don't stand in the pouring rain...."
Life imitates Seinfeld:
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