Posted on 08/26/2020 6:22:21 PM PDT by cornfedcowboy
Please post links to info and live video.
thats was the 36 year old with his lil toy skate board...KOWABUNGA no more....heh heh..
more evil MSM:
Tweet: Zaid Jilani
I have never seen a headline like this
Jacob Blake had knife in car but was otherwise unarmed, Wisconsin DOJ says as it releases name of Kenosha officer who shot him in the back
27 Aug 2020
note the url headline below: “Jacob Blake had knife car but otherwise unarmed tased Kenosha Officer Rusten Sheskey shot in back”
updated headline!
26 Aug: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul said Jacob Blake had knife in car but would not clarify if responding officers knew about it
by Sophie Carson, Devi Shastri and Sarah Volpenhein, Milwaukee Journal SentinelPublished 6:51 p.m. CT Aug. 26, 2020 | Updated 8:50 p.m. CT Aug. 26, 2020
there is, as yet, no proof Blake didn’t drop the knife in the car when he leaned into it.
Beto is deeply saddened.
Come back and fiiigghhhtt!
I don’t think punk is an adequate word for someone who was about to murder another person. I’m convinced that’s what the mob was trying to do
I just turned the channel to CNN - they interrupted the RNC to cover the riots. Guests seemed to be saying, The violence has got to stop - must not be popular with the focus groups ... wheres that popcorn gif ?
Every citizen should understand the Tueller drill.
I hope so. If it isn't impacting the majority of voters negatively, we are in serious trouble come Election Day.
Then they had better contact their lord and savior Obama and his troll ValJar as I'm sure they are pulling the strings behind some of this BS (and Soros, of course).
What are Americas greatest influences, and what holds America together?
In 1974, the American political theorist Russell Kirk wrote The Roots of American Order, identifying the beliefs and institutions that nurtured the American soul. His narrative might be called a tale of five cities, because he attributes Americas founding to Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London, and Philadelphia. This infographic sketches out Kirks narrative about our nations greatest influences, as summarized by author John Zmirak.
*Play dangerous games, win dangerous prizes.
Skateboard dude died for his country.
Millions will stay home and play video games because they can see that playing street revolutionary is a dangerous hobby. Skateboard dude saved lives.
Yep, its very true.
Yes, he chose poorly.
My old backyard (16 years ago) was totally destroyed. We lived in the 3rd precinct in Mpls for 20 years. OMG! Drove through there two weeks ago. Everything is gone! No police station, no bank, no Target,no huge Cub Foods,no Wendy’s, no Arby’s, no medical clinics. It’s all burned down. I used to look at pictures of Detroit and couldn’t imagine that happening to my love/hate city I called home for so many years.
This has to stop.
Theres truth there...I hope these stupid kids wake up and realize this isnt a game.
>The rioters all need to be executed
Time to do the needful
>The mob of rioters, traitors, and assorted vermin is almost all white.
Commies come in all colors, the only good commie is a dead commie
The blacks wanting free TV probably all went home.
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