Posted on 05/06/2020 9:14:04 AM PDT by ransomnote
Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.
Q describes this awakening as follows:
"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)
We discuss Q drop content on our threads to learn the truth about the capture of our country, after a lifetime of reading, watching and listening to lies and distortions used to control us and tame the American spirit. The truth shall set us free.
For summaries of Q drops (i.e., posts) discussed on our threads, I invite you to read the latest editions of The Oracle, which include helpful links and quotes to explain Q drop content.
Q drops can be found here in their original format.
Links to our Q threads, and Q drops posted on our threads, are listed in this table.
The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?" Another excellent source for identifying Q's involvement with President Trump is found at the website titled
Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement.
Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see.
In the battle between Good and Evil, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. The changes heading our way and the information revealed will, at times, be very difficult to face, but we will face it together. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger for having reclaimed the truth and freedom of thought.
Where We Go 1, We Go All
Note: Links in the post above are included in a resource table linked in Post #2 below, along with many additional excellent links to the best Q analysts and information sources we've identified.
Thanks, Ransomnote!
Rescued from Festival! :)
Finestein reminds my of the old lady in the Goonies
Puts Murky in a new light.
What is Murky’s China Connection and does it flow thru DiFiChiSpy?
CBS denies faking scene of crowded Michigan testing clinic alleged in Project Veritas sting
CBS News has denied faking a scene of novel coronavirus testing in Michigan by padding the drive-thru line with clinic workers to make the health center look busier than it was, as alleged in a Project Veritas expose released Wednesday.
Employees of Cherry Health in Grand Rapids said they lined up in their vehicles outside the COVID-19 testing tent for a May 1 segment on CBS Morning News, according to an interview with an unidentified clinic insider and hidden-camera discussions with staffers.
In a statement to the Washington Times, CBS News denied that the crew staged such a scene, which would be a clear breach of journalistic ethics.
CBS News did not stage anything at the Cherry Health facility. Any suggestion to the contrary is 100% false, said the statement, which was also posted on the Project Veritas website. These allegations are alarming.
The network said that nobody involved with the story featuring on-camera reporter Adriana Diaz was aware that anyone in the line was a clinic employee, but discovered after contacting Cherry Health that at least one staffer was involved in padding the line.
We reached out to Cherry Health to address them immediately, the CBS statement read. They informed us for the first time that one of their chief officers told at least one staffer to get in the testing line along with real patients. No one from CBS News had any knowledge of this before tonight.
The network added: They also said that their actions did not prevent any actual patients from being tested. We take the accuracy of our reporting very seriously and we are removing the Cherry Health portion from the piece.
CBS returns to their Dan Rather model - #Fake but “Accurate”
In before 100, which is rare for me!
Lawmakers are not exempt from arrest for felonies.
DOCTORS IN BLACK - PlanDemic, global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, health & freedom
Swinestein deserves at a minimum GITMO to await military tribunal & maximum punishment for TREASON. Nothing less will do. The evidence is plentiful. The NSA & Q-team have it all. Enough already yet.
I betcha if they arrested the spy connected folks in the Senate and House, we would lose 1/3 of the Senate and 1/2 the House including a large number of staffers.
Sadly, no joke.
In before todays festival. Good afternoon MOD.
Heck we’d lose that many if they just unsealed the sex harassment hush money database.
Grenell is Gay but appears to be a loyal American.
Grenell is prodding Schiff to release the 53 impeachment transcripts or Grenell will go ahead and do it.
Schiff has been the subject of stories related to deaths and murders of gay males at a Standard Hotel whose bodies have not been found but where large stores of muriatic acid barrels have been found way beyond the normal use for swimming pools.
Schiff has also been associated with a major Democratic fund raiser now in jail for the possible negligent homicide of a a gay male who dies after drug fuels sex at the fubraiser’s house. This was not the first death that had happened at this man’s house.
Grenell, again, noted to be gay, may very well know of these stories and has other information and wishes to really screw with Schiff over what he has done to vulnerable young male gays as well as other sex workers and under-age children.
This will be interesting to watch....
(I can qanon with the best of them...from time to time)
China has been applying to the USA since the 1990’s some of the the same processes the British used in the 1800’s to control China
They are when Congress is in session, aren’t they?
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