That barely covers DC Comics from start to end.
Does it come with a warranty?
It will be found about 10,000,000 years from now by an ape-like creature who will eat it....
But this ultimate cliffhanger will not reveal the answer to the question of whether western civilization survives.
> Part of the motivation for the far-out project is to leave a copy of humanity’s knowledge not just in the cloud, but far beyond the clouds, should the impacts of climate change or a potential nuclear war do us or the planet in at some point in the future.
Right. Climate change.
Anyway, should some catastrophe befall humanity, how will the survivors reach it?
Theres no mention of Joy Behar on this, is there?
If any aliens see a photo of Joy Behar, theyll fry this planet to a crisp!
Beresheet actually means “Be Light!” not “Let there be light”
The Wiki edit function will be difficult.
A great idea. But the Borg already have us under observation.
The UN will protest their obvious attempt to occupy the moon as soon as the lander touches down. Prorests will begin in Palestine. //Sarc//
Early reports said it contained a digital copy of the Torah (Old Testament). Later stories consistently omit that.
This is intended to be found by whom, and why?
And buried within all those pieces of data is a grand master plan to build a giant gantry housing a space vehicle that can travel through wormholes to distant planets.
“backup of humanity”
Absolutely HORRIBLE title.
Definition - humanity - THE HUMAN RACE.
The disc does not “back up” THE HUMAN RACE.
If they had said “backup of human history” they would have been correct. If they needed to shorten it, they could have said “backup of history”.
But “backup of the human race” it is not.