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Q Anon: 09/17/18 Trust Trump's Plan ^
| 09/17/18
| FReepers, vanity
Posted on 09/17/2018 10:36:00 PM PDT by ransomnote
“Trust The Plan” |
YouTube |
President Trump |
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (The Plan) - 6 min |
YouTube |
Joe Masepoes |
Q - The Plan To Save The World - 13 min - popular introduction |
Threadreader |
Jason Wright |
Q Anon Is Real - Oct, Nov 2017 Q drops + commentary |
Threadreader |
ImperatorRex |
A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming: major Swamp Draining. - overview |
Twitter |
Paul Serran |
What is Q? - 31 point introduction |
Article |
Sundance |
Imagine You are Not a Politician, Yet You are Running For The Presidency - overview |
Thread |
Martin Geddes |
WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history - 4 min - quick overview |
“Pay Attention” |
Thread | |
Q drops - created by Q, searchable by date or drop number, many additional features |
Thread | |
Q drops - copied from Qs 8chan board |
Thread | |
Q drops - copied from Qs 8chan board |
Website | |
Q drops and research - includes extensive resources and links |
Website | |
Q drops - copied from Q’s 8chan board |
“The Truth Is Spreading” |
Thread |
Anonymous |
QProofs - compiled “proofs” that Q has trusted insider access to President Trump |
Oracles |
Bagster |
Oracle - warm and witty summaries of each day's thread |
Lexicon |
Swordmaker |
LexiQon - immense list of expanded acronyms and terms used by Q; invaluable reference |
Website |
Whitehouse | - President Trump's Executive Orders, Proclamations, Nominations, WH press briefings and news |
Website |
FBI | - new FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents and other media |
Website |
State Dept. | - Virtual Reading Room Documents Search |
Table |
Anonymous |
Q Threads - Our prior Q threads on Free Republic |
“Power to the People” |
YouTube |
Praying Medic |
Series of videos explaining Q-drops |
Twitter |
Praying Medic |
Immediate reactions to Q-drops |
YouTube |
Dustin Nemos |
Series of videos identifying Q content - Well reasoned; excellent documentation links |
Twitter |
ImperatorRex |
Includes Q-drop reactions |
Twitter |
Neonrevolt |
Includes highly detailed, investigative Q-drop reactions |
Thread |
SkyPilot |
Story of Q - collection of Q information |
“Silent Majority No More” |
Website |
White House |
Email the White House with your support and suggestions |
Website |
Congress |
Email Congress with your support and suggestions |
Website | |
Q Cards |
Thread |
Little Jeremiah |
Memes |
“Fight, Fight, Fight!” |
YouTube |
President Reagan |
A Time for Choosing - 3 min - 1964 speech set to Matthew Worth’s images |
YouTube |
President Kennedy |
The President and the Press - 20 min - 1961 speech on secret societies |
TOPICS: Conspiracy; Miscellaneous; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: banished; basement; drinkovaltine; goobers; maga; noproselytizing; noresults; q; qanon; quarantined; tomfoolery; trump; trustthescam
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To: MagnoliaB
To: gaijin
There are numerous Q posts that advise us to “Get Loud” and “Be Heard” and “Fight, Fight, Fight.” We devote time to researching the political game in play to broaden our knowledge of the players and know what to pray for, whom to vote for, and what to tell peers who ask. Our threads host twitter/phone call/email/message campaigns in support of POTUS and to pressure congress and the whitehouse regarding FISA, Kavanaugh, voting, and censorship. Outside of FR we are active in our private lives as voters/conservatives and in spreading the word (get out the vote, what’s really happening, what to watch for, whom to call or email in congress etc.).
Those of us whom believe Q is relaying valid information believe that there is a war going on against an enemy that wants to kill us, starting with infants and children. We’re MOTIVATED. We believe those in office during Obama’s “reign” came within one election (2016) of horrific plans to enslave and destroy us. One election. I haven’t seen that level of motivation on other forum threads (belief this is a present struggle for survival) - I see resignation and angry complaints that nothing will change when I’ve posted phone call/email campaigns in the forum.
We wouldn’t be on this thread, or this forum, if we didn’t think voting is of critical importance; we vote and press others to vote as if our republic depends upon it, because it does. Q drop’s remind us to VOTE, and also to “Enjoy the show.” That’s what leaders do - they work to balance our effort so we don’t burn out and can sustain our effort. Usually they say, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” and sometimes they say, “Sit Back and Enjoy The Show!”
Q knew that establishing an outpost for communication would be hard as we would be ridiculed/rejected by most people we know (in real life and online) and that once established, the optics of the plan would be hard for us to accept; we’ve had to watch and be patient even though we want some scalps (prison/arrests).
We’ve encouraged each other during the difficult parts of the wait (”Stay Together”) while hidden elements of the swamp were being pulled apart in in D.C.. Meanwhile, we were busy vigorously researching (ex. military tribunals, chain of command for recusal, LOAC, etc.). We’ve not been idle - lately I’ve been pinging the contact number for FReeQs to pressure congress to confirm SC nominee Kavanaugh and others are flooding our thread with info.
Q’s advice to “watch the show” and enjoy it came AFTER the hardest parts (for us) were behind us. We still research and communicate the “The Plan” and work to follow the reminders we are given, “Vote” “Get Loud” “Be Heard” “Fight!Fight!Fight!” as well as “Stay Together!” and “Pray.” At some point, we were ALSO advised to enjoy the show as it edged into view.
What’s sanctimonious and insulting is having people who don’t know what we do with our time (here or offline) tell us we’re doing nothing based on one phrase, “Trust The Plan” out of a library of phrases found in over 2000 Q posts; and they accuse of of “doing nothing” though our threads have (at the top) White House and Congress email contact information, inspirational speeches, a massive LexiQon of swamp related terms being written and maintained by our FreeQ and his team, we have a publication (The Oracle) written by another of our FReeQs, and numerous political analysts’ links (Twitter, Youtube, Websites) with titles like, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!”
I haven’t seen many Forum threads that continue to field the kind of resources, analysis, research, motivation, and inspiration to “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” that ours does, but that doesn’t stop others from targeting our thread as the “big disappointment.” Perhaps you should move thread to thread, ridiculing everyone on it for not “doing enough”; you know, get busy!
posted on
09/18/2018 3:13:58 AM PDT
To: MomwithHope
posted on
09/18/2018 3:21:08 AM PDT
(You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you might find, you get what you need.)
To: ransomnote; bagster
posted on
09/18/2018 3:22:59 AM PDT
("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
To: ransomnote
posted on
09/18/2018 3:30:22 AM PDT
(You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you might find, you get what you need.)
To: Steven W.
Blackmail? Also hears Sessions sent a letter to Robertss and Thomas.. thoughts ???
To: ransomnote
posted on
09/18/2018 3:47:56 AM PDT
Deaf Smith
(When a Texan takes his chances, chances will be taken that's fore sure)
To: YankeeMagic
Another FReeper said it was a pre-emptive strike against any lower court trying to stop his unrecusal.
To: ransomnote; oldngray; bagster; grey_whiskers; TEXOKIE; TXnMA; stylin19a; bitt; RoosterRedux; ...

LexiQonTuesday, September 18, 2018
3:55 AM PDT
To explore the Qomplete up-to-date LexiQon,
Qlick on the Q iQon above.
FreeQ Associate Editors:
TexOkie, CJ Wolf, KitJ, StormFlag
83,092 WORDS
~397 PAGES
All on One Very Long Web Page.
Link to List of Notable Resignations
Q Says We Should Watch
It turns out there is a very good reason why Q
is always saying to re-read the crumbs or Drops!
THEYVE CHANGED! Future DOES affect the Past!
The LexiQon needs editor FreeQs to compare sections of the
LexiQon with the referenced Q drops in the Aggregator Site used to
find anything that may have been amended by Q since the Drop was first put up.
If you can help, please Freepmail Swordmaker so a section of the LexiQon can
be assigned so no FreeQs are duplicating anothers efforts. Thanks! Swordmaker.
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Symbols & Numbers
Government Officials
who have been fired, resigned,
or who are not seeking reelection
Todays revisions and additions:
- Kavanaugh, Brett: (#2199) U.S. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh soon to be confirmed as U.S Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Nominated by President Donald Trump after the retirement of Justice Arthur Kennedy, Kavanaugh had completed a contentious round of hearings and, after all testimony was closed, and Kavanaugh was awaiting the vote of the Senate Judiciary committee, ranking minority member Senator Diane Feinstein, (D - California) suddenly announced she had been in possession for several months of an anonymous letter from a woman, who requested her letter and the incident there-in NOT be revealed, but who none-the-less, anonymously accused a teenaged Kavanaugh and another high school aged boy of, approximately thirty-five years ago, "locking her in a room against her will at a party, from which she eventually escaped. Feinstein demanded the nomination be sidelined until the allegation could be thoroughly investigated by the FBI. However, the FBI declined to investigate.
The letter, with sufficient details to identify the writer, was leaked to the Mainstream Media press (which we later learned already had it, along with the FBI, and other Democrat members of the Senate Judiciary committee who sat on it, since July!) and the story grew from merely "locking her into a room" to a "drunken" attempt at groping, attempted forced undressing, assault with the intent to commit rape, and an attempted rape of an underage minor, and "fear of he might take my life!" All of which went un-reported. However, they were not alone, and the other witness says it never happened, and Judge Kavanaugh claims not only did he not do it, he cannot recall ever being at a party such as the woman describes. The woman, Christine Blasey Ford, a Stanford (California) Professor of Psychology and Social Work, has been uncovered to be a leftist, anti-Trump activist who spent the weekend before she decided to "come out," scrubbing her social media histories, apparently to hide that very tell-tale trail of rabid leftism.
Ford claims the event "ruined her life". . . yet she went on from age fifteen, when this supposedly happened to her, to get four or more college degrees including two PhDs, one in Social Work and another in Psychology, marry successfully, give birth to four children, and become a full professor at a prestigious university. She says the traumatic incident really only came out in couples therapy in 2012, but Ford says she cannot recall exactly where, when, or even who was at the party where it happened, and told the therapist there were four unnamed boys, who have now been conflated down to two. We also now know that her parents were involved as defendants in an expensive foreclosure case in 1996 in which the judge who decided against them so that they lost their home, was Brett Kavanaugh's mother. Why did she not speak up then to challenge her attacker's mother hearing a case so important to her parents? (See FBI, President Donald Trump, U.S. Supreme Court).
- Oath of Office: (#2175, #2176) Q brings our attention to the U.S. Oath of Office, which although Constitutionally required, is, except for the Presidential Oath, not spelled out in the Constitution.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. U.S. Constitution, Article VI, clause 3.
It is, however, statutorily defined in Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code. It reads: I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Since the 80th Congress (19471949), Members have also been required to sign a written copy of the oath of office. (For more information see The Oath of Office).
- Reddit (#2165, #2198) Reddit is a social media content-sharing, blogging, and commenting site which held itself out as a place where free speech reigned supreme. Ironically, on September 12, 2018, the Q discussion SubReddit area on Reddit called /r/The_GreatAwakening was abruptly banned with no warning, due to "Inciting violence, harassment, and dissemination of personal information." It is highly unlikely that any of the participants making comments on those threads, unless they were deliberate trolls, made any such comments. In Q drop #2198 Q directs us to these Reddit use Statistics for the /r/The_GreatAwakening SubReddit which show the impact to usage the unwarranted take-down had:

A peak at /r/greatawakening traffic stats from before the ban
It is quite obvious the SubReddit was taken down for political reasons because of the political pro-Trump content. Previously, the same week as the take down of the Q discussion area, Reddit also took down a comedy discussion area for MillionDollarExtreme and associated subs /r/BillionShekelSupreme and /r/ChadRigh, belonging to what the administrators term an "Alt Right Comedy Troop. The reason again was described as content that violated Reddit's new content codes, specifically "violent content." In other words, it wasn't Liberal, Progressive, politically correct content.
Steve Huffman, better known on Reddit as spez, is the co-founder and current CEO of Reddit and responsible for the current censorship. BigLeaguePolitics broke the story that Top Moderators from Reddit revealed that it was an organized cabal of left-wing posters who organized the take down of /r/The_GreatAwakening on Reddit. A CBS employee, using a group of lefties, including "More than 30 covert left-wing actors have been identified coordinating with the plotters, including activists linked to Media Matters and the ACLU," who call themselves "BanOut2018, pretending to be Trump supporters posted inflammatory commentary in the Q forums which would instantly be given comparatively large numbers of up-votes by their organized cronies. These high positive responses to violent and harassing comments, which violate the rules of Reddit, naturally bring the moderators attention to the SubReddit. Enough of them, too frequently posted, result in the banning of the entire topic, regardless of the negative response from the regular users complaints and request the interloping trolls cease posting. The CBS employee has been identified by the top Reddit moderators as Gary Phillips, who serves as digital media administrator for CBS Studios International in Los Angeles.

BanOut2018 SubReddit Page
Phillips runs a private subreddit in which he makes clear his liberal ideology, and plans his covert actions against Trump subreddits according to copious information reviewed by the editorial staff. (Credit FreeQ Steven W.). (See BanOut2018, censorship, Gary Phillips, Media Matters, Social Media, Steve Huffman, Troll).
- Page, Lisa: (#1288, #1316, #1807, #1985, #1986, #1987, #2069, #2071) Lisa Page is a former FBI attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel assigned to Deputy Directory Andrew McCabe. She was the married mistress of the former Deputy Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok. Page is now a cooperating witness and was allowed to resign in lieu of being fired, although Q reports on May 5, 2018 she was actually fired. Latest revelations come from delving deeper into the emails between Page and Strzok show that Page was not the passive bystander she may have seemed at first blush. Two emails from April of 2017 speak about Strzok and Page conferring on "media leak strategy" and then after a leak Strzok compliments Page on what apparently is her successful leaks about Carter Page, which Strzok makes obvious Strzok that Lisa Page was instrumental in assuring were published.
- April 10, 2017, Strzok to Page: I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.
- April 12, 2017, Strzok to Page: Strzok warns Page two articles are coming out, one which is worse than the other about Lisas 'namesake'. Strzok added: Well done, Page.
- April 22, 2017, Strzok texts Page: article is out!" and "Well done, Page.
Neither Strzok nor Page were authorized to speak or contact anyone in the media about any ongoing FBI or DOJ matters. In Page's testimony before congress she stated emphatically that there was ". . . no evidence of collusion before Mueller appointment. (See Andrew McCabe, Carter Page, FBI IG Michael Horowitz Report, James Baker, Peter Strzok).
- Statement from the Press Secretary: (#2187) On September 17, Q Day, 2018, President Donald Trump announced the order to release the documents relating to the Carter Page Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application, the FBI and DOJ interview reports of Bruce Ohr, and the unredacted pertinent emails of the FBI and DOJ personnel involved. The text of the statement is as follows:
Statement from the Press Secretary
LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: September 17, 2018
At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications.
In addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.
(See Andrew McCabe, Bruce G. Ohr, Carter W. Page, Director of National Intelligence, Department of Justice, FBI, FISA, James Comey, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, President Donald J. Trump).
- SC, USSC: (#4, #6, #11, #14,#158, #570, #674, #1147, #1153, #1161, #1190, #1286, #1649) Supreme Court of the United States, the only Federal Court that is not a creature of Congress, all of which operate under the Department of Justice, which is a part of the Executive Branch and therefore subordinate to the Politically Appointed Attorney General of the United States and the Chief Executive, the President of the United States. The US Supreme Court is the only member of the Constitutional Court that is actually a co-equal branch of the government with the Legislative branch and the Executive Branch. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and no more than eight associate Justices. all of whom serve for life or until they choose to resign. Vacancies are filled by a nomination by the current sitting president with the advice and consent of the Senate. The current Justices of the Supreme Court are:
- Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr, Age 63, Nominated by President George W. Bush in 2005.
- Associate Justice Samuel Alito, Age 68, Nominated by President George W. Bush in 2006.
- Associate Justice Stephan Breyer, Age 80, Nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1994.
- Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Age 85, Nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993.
- Neil Gorsuch, Age 51, Nominated by President Donald J. Trump in 2017.
- Associate Justice Elena Kagan, Age 58, Nominated by President Barack H. Obama in 2010.
- Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Age 64, Nominated by President Barack H. Obama in 2009.
- Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Age 70, Nominated by President George H. W. Bush in 1991.
There is currently a vacancy on the Court with the retirement of Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. President Trump has nominated Washington D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace him on the Supreme Court. The Democrats are trying desperately to block his approval by first the Judicial Committee, and failing that, by the vote in the Senate by what ever means necessary. (See Justice Anthony Kennedy, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg).
Revisions and Additions made In the Last LexiQon Update:
- Carson, Representative André: (#2175, #2176) Congressman André D. Carson is the six term Leftist, Democratic U.S. Representative for Indiana's 7th congressional district, in office since a special election in 2008. The district includes the southern four-fifths of Indianapolis, including the downtown area. Carson is one of two members of Congress who is a Muslim. Carson has been listed by Q as one of three Democratic Congresspersons, Carson, Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), and Representative Gregory Meeks (D-New York), who, along with self-styled leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, who, in 2013 met with and dined with, the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism in the world then as well as today. (See Representative Andre Carson, DNC, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran, Representative Gregory Meeks).
- Carter, Ashton: (INFO) Former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter under President Barack Obama. Carter along with former CIA director James Clapper recommended the firing of the Director of the NSA Admiral Mike Rogers due to "poor performance" (many think it was actually due to Rogers refusal to politicize the NSA). (See President Barack Obama, CIA, former CIA Director James Clapper, NSA, former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers).
- Ellison, Representative Keith: (#1236, #1360, #2175, #2176) Keith Maurice Ellison is a Democratic, Leftist politician and lawyer who has been a six-term U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2007 and is currently the titular Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee since 2017. Ellison is a member of the DemocraticFarmerLabor Party, the Minnesota state Democratic Party affiliate. The district centers on Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs. Ellison has been listed by Q as one of three Democratic Congresspersons,Ellison, Representative Andre Carson (D-Indiana), and Representative Gregory Meeks (D-New York), who, along with self-styled leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, who, in 2013 met with and dined with, the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism in the world then as well as today. (See Representative Andre Carson, , Minister Louis Farrakhan, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran, Representative Gregory Meeks).
- Farrakhan, Louis: (#2175, #2176) Minister Representative Andre Carson, , Representative Keith Ellison, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran, Representative Gregory Meeks).
- Franken, Al: (#277, #1390, #1850) Democratic two term Minnesota U.S. Senator Alan Stuart Franken who resigned under fire due to sexual improprieties. Franken is an American comedian, writer, producer, author, and now former politician who served as a United States Senator from Minnesota from 2009 to 2018. He became well known in the 1970s and 1980s appearing regularly on Saturday Night Live. He was first elected in 2008, defeating as the Republican incumbent Michael Coleman who won the initial election by a very small margin. However, Franken was declared the winner after an automatic recount when an uncounted ballot box of uncertain provenance was discovered and a series of court arguments Franken's lead was increased to 312 out of over three million votes cast.
In November 2017, Leeann Tweeden, alleged that Franken forcibly kissed her on a USO tour in 2006 during a rehearsal for a skit. Franken was also photographed appearing to place his hands above or on her breasts while she was asleep on an airplane. She was wearing body armor and a helmet. Frankens comment about the incident, I certainly dont remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann ... As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasnt. I shouldnt have done it. There were many more women who came forward with similar experiences. Franken resigned in January of 2018, after several allegations of sexual misconduct were made against him. He claims that some are some simply not true In Drop #277, Q refers to Franken merely as "AL" as Franken Franken had just resigned his seat three days before on January 3, 2018, after saying he was going to resign, but delaying his departure for more than a month. (Research by LexiQon Editors StormFlag and Swordmaker).
- Meeks, Representative Gregory: (#2175, #2176) Ten term Congressman Gregory Weldon Meeks is the Leftist, Democratic U.S. Representative for New York's 5th congressional district, formerly in the 6th District since 1998. He is a member of the Democratic Party. The district formerly included, in the last congress, most of southeastern Queens, including Jamaica, Laurelton, Rosedale, Cambria Heights, Saint Albans, Springfield Gardens, Far Rockaway, and the John F. Kennedy International Airport. Meeks has been listed by Q as one of three Democratic Congresspersons, Meeks, Representative Andre Carson (D-Indiana), and Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), who, along with self-styled leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, who, in 2013 met with and dined with, the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism in the world then as well as today. (See Representative Andre Carson, DNC, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Iran, Representative Keith Ellison, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani).
Rogers, Admiral Mike: (#8, #14,#36, #120, 144, #151, #270, #585, #1380, #1980) Admiral Michael Rogers, former Director of the NSA (Good Guy). Admiral Rogers is native of Chicago, Illinois . He graduated from Auburn University in 1981. He received his commission via the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps. He began as a surface warfare officer (SWO) and was selected for re-designation to cryptology (now Information Warfare) in 1986. He is a distinguished graduate of the National War College and a graduate of highest distinction from the Naval War College. He is also a Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar XXI fellow; Harvard Senior Executive in National Security alumni; and holds a Master of Science in National Security Strategy. In 2003: during U.S. invasion of Iraq, Rogers joined the militarys Joint Staff, which works for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, where he specialized in computer network attacks. By 2007, Rogers had been elevated to serve as the director of intelligence for the militarys Pacific Command. His work in the Pacific lead, Rogers to become promoted to director of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2009. Shortly afterwards Rogers was named commander of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and commander of the U.S. 10th Fleet, with responsibility for all of the Navys cyberwarfare.
In 2014: President Barack Obama nominated Admiral Rogers to be his new director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and the commander of the United States offensive cyberoperations unit in the Department of Defense. He did not need to be confirmed by the Senate for director of NSA, but had to be confirmed by the Senate to head United States Cyber Command, for which the Senate unanimously confirmed him. In mid-2016: The Washington Post reported that Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James R. Clapper, Jr. had both recommended to President Obama that Rogers be terminated as director of the National Security Agency. Clapper and Carter had put Rogers on notice for poor performance in internal security and leadership style. His termination was reportedly delayed. Before the firing process moved forward, Rogers met with then President-elect Donald Trump without notifying his superiors, apparently to tell Trump about the surveillance of his campaign phones and Trump Tower itself via the Carter Page FISA warrant. Trump moved his offices and campaign to one of his Trump resort properties the day following Rogers' meeting with him (Swordmaker). Rogers was reinstated as NSA director in the Trump Administration. In January 2018: Rogers announced he would retire from the NSA in the spring. Rogers followed through with that resignation on May 4, 2018 when he officially handed over his position his successor Paul Nakasone. (Research Credit LexiQon Editor StormFlag). (See President Barack Obama, former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, NSA, Former CIA Director and DNI James Clapper, NSA Director Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone, Donald Trump).
posted on
09/18/2018 3:55:01 AM PDT
(My pistol self-identifies as an iPad, so you must accept it in gun-free zones, you hoplaphobe bigot!)
To: bagster; JockoManning
A Plan Was Activated.
A Logistical American Restoration Plan.
Using a Logical Analytical Research Process
to Leverage Awoken Rational Patriots,
and create a Legion of Awoken Anonymous Analytical American Research Patriots! (LA4P)
Now ((( They ))) Can't Stop the LARP, Q!!
(Time for the Required and Long Awaited Renegade Pain!)

Our detractors are welcome to dine on Little Avian Roast Parts any time now.
posted on
09/18/2018 3:55:36 AM PDT
To: gaijin
> “Its so GD sanctimonious and insulting.”
Then why are you here?
Freepers that follow Q just had last night their biggest vindication in a year. “Trust the Plan” is a rallying cry, a unity phrase.
If you find such phrases so abhorrent, there are plenty of other threads for you to follow and participate in like “I just had something interesting happen to me on Facebook”.
No one forced you to enter this thread.
Seriously, there are many things on the internet and on FR that are to me not worth my time, so I just move on. Why anyone would devote time to something so insulting to them is a mystery.
posted on
09/18/2018 4:44:12 AM PDT
(Article V (Proud Member of the Deranged Q Fringe))
To: bitt
posted on
09/18/2018 4:46:57 AM PDT
CJ Wolf
To: gaijin
Its so GD sanctimonious and insulting. Good thing you're not sanctimonious and insulting, eh?
Hypocrites like you bug me.
p.s. Get off our lawn.
posted on
09/18/2018 4:53:40 AM PDT
("Even bad men love their mamas".)
To: gaijin
Hillary, I keep telling you you’re drunk and to go home.
To: MagnoliaB
posted on
09/18/2018 5:06:16 AM PDT
To: ransomnote
posted on
09/18/2018 5:08:47 AM PDT
(May the Light shine and darkness remove, MAGA)
To: Revel
Do the fake media or even sometimes fake Fox ever mention Q at all? Have they ever? They have mentioned Snowden and Guccifer 2.0, but I don’t recall mentions of Q.
To: Yulee
To Q,
Or not to Q.
That’s the Question!
posted on
09/18/2018 5:12:55 AM PDT
Big Red Badger
(Despised by the Despicable!)
To: All
Just heard on Fox & Friends that a Source confirmed to them that POTUS has seen most if not all of the documents he ordered Declassified.
posted on
09/18/2018 5:15:00 AM PDT
(May the Light shine and darkness remove, MAGA)
To: ransomnote
Whoa. I've seen rants before, but that was the Mother of all Rants. Way to go ransomnote!
*and that's why she's the Mother of Dragons*
Hey gaijin. What she said.
posted on
09/18/2018 5:16:50 AM PDT
("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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