Children of the Dark sneak around and hide.
First question is are they expecting someone other than themselves to pay for the ‘big wedding?’
In your example (and many others, no offense) it’s a female victory celebration.
Sadly, our children don’t always turn out as we would want them to. Often times I ask myself, what did I do wrong? Everything is acceptable, whatever makes you happy. Living in Sodom. Beam me up Lord.
My question is this:
Why would any guy want to buy the cow as long as he is getting the milk for free?
When it comes right down to it, nobody really needs a wedding. The legalities can be taken care of in the most utilitarian way. So any wedding, regardless of whether the couple lives together, has kids - or not - is just a “big party.”
It depends. If you are a Christian, then it is God’s blessing upon the union. It also clears the moral problem created by living together “in sin”. If you are not a Christian, then it is an opportunity to publicly proclaim your love for one another and your intention to stay together forever. In either case, it creates a new legal position for each of them. If one is in the hospital, the other has specific rights of visit, consultation, and information not available outside of this new legal position.
As a Christian, I have trouble understanding living together without this commitment. It cheapens the entire relationship, and tarnishes not only their purpose together but their Children born out of wedlock. Marriage is hard enough as it is - why burden it further with no commitment.
Marriage is a public commitment of two people often under God with witnesses.
Wedding celebrations are for celebrating to satisfy someone s ego. Sometimes the bride, sometimes the groom, sometimes the parents.
We have perverted so much of His Word and Will that it loses perspective. As far as I'm concerned, the ceremony isn't the important part - sex either establishes the commitment or shows it to be hedonistic "recreation".
God let Satan take everything from Job except for his shrew of a wife - I think that's significant in itself...
Breaking that contract will cost a minimum of lawyer fees, and probably much more. But when children become involved in that dissolution, it becomes a hammer to pay for the children produced, and that is the good thing.
Now sometimes they can collect from the father even if there is no marriage contract.
You should be happy that they are even bothering to get married.
Marriage is, and always has been, a religious institution showing commitment to be joined in the eyes of God.
Liberals have made it a government institution that they can redefine at-will to suit their agenda.
A wedding is far more than a commitment between a man and a woman.
It signifies as God established it, that the two (man and woman) become ONE flesh.
Each literally belongs to the other.
It is no surprise that in today’s culture that marriage has degenerated so far... because God has been rejected by it.
Marriage and wedding are two very, very different things.
I’m not really sure what your post is about, but the NJ Family Court System has convinced to never get married again for any reason. I can take any objections that the Good Lord may have had with that when i apply for entrance.
Our daughter was married in October.
Before they got married, we talked to the kids about what the day meant to us. (They asked.)
We told them we saw it as they day where we stood before our family and friends and made a commitment to each other before God. We saw the people attending the wedding as witnesses who had an obligation to do what they could to ensure that our vows were upheld—they were making a commitment to us.
The reception was a different story. It was a fun party celebrating our new “family.”
My children are pretty traditional that way.
I think there has always been a lot made out of the reception and everything that goes around it. Like everything else these days, its “significance” has been lost and the bling has been exacerbated.
Human beings are biologically programmed to reproduce a certain way, and to develop a specific kind of relationship in order to nurture the offspring.
Marriage is an umbrella term for the many customs and laws that have evolved to protect that relationship. Whether one wants to consider secular laws or religious customs (which were not always separate), the basis of marriage is still the biological imperative.
In the legal system, there are a lot of laws regarding the children. What happens if one parent dies? If both die? What becomes of the children? What happens to property the parents owned if the children who should inherit the property are too young to legally do so? Etc.
I have never seen people who would like to see government get out of marriage and designate marriage as a purely religious institution explain how these issues would be handled in the absence of the legal marriage contract.
Nor have I ever seen the “gay marriage” advocates, including those on the Supreme Court who declared that “gay marriage” is a thing, explain exactly what “gay marriage” is supposed to be, and how it fits into existing marriage law pertaining to children and inheritance. (Do gays really need a pseudo-marriage certificate to leave their property to their favorite partner?)
Are you sure? Not saying you're wrong, just that it sounds counter-intuitive and I just don't know any better; this implies that a man shacking up with some broad can be assessed the same alimony and child support as a married man. Who knew?
It’s a commitment to procreation. Not necessarily that they will, but a M/F couple will tend to, and all are best served by the parents permanently responsible for caring for kids & each other.
Societies have spent thousands of years developing marriage as an institution for good reasons regarding reproduction, yet ours now refuses to acknowledge that reason, opting for confused “feelings”.
A wife got so mad at her husband she packed his bags and told him to get out.
As he walked to the door she yelled, “I hope you die a long, slow, painful death.”
He turned around and said, “So, you want me to stay?”