I agree.
It’s either Trump, or a GOPe approved nominee. Cruz will NEVER get the nomination under any circumstance.
That’s what bought and paid for career politicians do. Protect the party above all else because ultimately that is what feathers their nests. Birds of a feather...
Cruz is merely the GOPe’s weapon of convenience against Trump.
You’re right, us Cruz voters should just give up and go home and stay there till the elections are over in November. Sounds like a good idea.
As the two GOP front runners became clear, a lot of good people here have said: “I would choose A over B but in Nov I’d vote for either.”
It should be pretty obvious that Cruz will not be a choice in Nov.
So the choice is Trump or some establishment guy.
Why is this hard?
And Trump Supporters are voting for Hillary to be elected president. It would seem we’re at an impasse.
The last time a candidate didn’t have enough, was 1976. The convention boiled down to a contest between the no.1 and no.2 guys.
It might be that simple again. It might end up that only Trump or Cruz will be considered. Nobody can predict the future. The RNC would really do a lot of damage to the brand if they chose a third person.
who do we vote for if neither C or T win the nomination?
Nearly all of Cruz’s support on this forum is from Texas and they already voted.
According to the daily FR caucus, his support is dropping below 15%.
Cruz’s mission is only to block Trump by splintering a few delegates.
He will be repaid some how, but not at the convention.
If they are fool enough to run with him, he will lose worst than our last two.
The DNC can challenge him fifty times based on his lack of meeting the qualifications.
And what happens if Kasich also drops out and says the same. (Also not going to happen, because Kasich's kissed the establishment's back-side in the vain, delusional hopes that when the establishment DOES kick Trump and Cruz to the curb at the convention, they'll pick him.)
Even if that all happens, and Trump reaches the convention with 1,237 or more delegates, what is to stop the GOPe "neverTrumpers" from simply changing the temporary rule calling for 1,237 and deny Trump the nomination anyway?
I've got news, if the establishment doesn't want Trump and they don't want Cruz, they WILL find a way to appoint somebody else.
None of the infighting, backstabbing, and whining we do here on FreeRepublic is going to change that.
We see a lot of analyses like this that are based on the assumption that Reince Priebus is actually Clark Kent. He isn’t. At least that’s my opinion.
Also overlooked is the possibility that Trump, if he falls short, can still make a deal for the Rubio (171) and/or Kasich (143) delegates and fill in his first ballot shortfall. I consider this the most likely outcome for the convention.
But ...
There may well be established a “RULE” that keeps Rubio and Kasich for controlling/releasing their delegates on that crucial first ballot. Trump fans should be on the lookout for votes on any rule of this sort. Of course there is the possibility that there are already rules at the state level that could preclude this. I don’t know if that is so or not.
Also it is possible that Cruz could inherit the Kasich and/or Rubio delegates and actually finish ahead of the Trump. Somehow I don’t see this happening but it is a possibility that should be considered. I doubt if those votes would put Cruz over the 1237 threshold but they would make him the likely winner on the 2nd ballot. ‘Clark Kent’ would have to see this as a favorable outcome which I doubt will be the case.
Should Trump fail on the first ballot for whatever reason he still looks like he should be able to make a deal with Kasich + Rubio. VP and Secretary of State here we come. But, there will be defection from Trump in Round 2 and that favors Cruz, at least IMHO. It also assumes that my Clark Kent Rule is also true and that belief is not widely held around these parts.
In any case the Living In Interesting Times Rule seem to be quite applicable to 2016.
Cruz should take the hint from Rove. If there is no nominee going into the convention, the convention won’t select Cruz or Trump. That ‘new face’ comment from Rove was a warning shot to Cruz.
The problem is that the GOPestablishment don’t really care if they lose to Hillary. As many of them have said, they would rather lose to Hillary than have Trump or Cruz as their nominee.
Nope, we’re voting for Cruz to be the nominee, but go ahead and console yourself with this bit of crazy theory.
A very long vanity when you could have just said “Vote Trump”.
And no, I think Cruz would win on the 2nd or 3rd ballot. Preventing Trump from winning the requisite delegates is mission number one because Donald would lose in an epic landslide to Hillary - and probably take the Senate and perhaps even the House down with him.
TLDR: Vote Cruz
Tom Cotton would beat Hillary, but the GOPe would still exist afterward.
I want Trump to be nominated so he can take down the entire GOPe when he is crushed in November.
Neither Trump nor the GOPe is acceptable to me.
There will be a rule that candidate has to have won 8 or more states. The combine Cruz/Trump delegates will ensure this.
So Cruz will be the nominee.
If Cruz wins a majority of the remaining delegates then he will take the delegate lead from Trump going into the convention. If not, Trump will retain the delegate lead going into the convention. Neither is going to get enough delegates to win the nomination before the convention.
After the first vote, whichever of Trump or Cruz can win over the delegates pledged to Rubio, Kasich, Jeb!, Carson, Huckabee and the other losing candidates will win the nomination. The only way a candidate other than Trump or Cruz can win is if a majority of Trump’s and Cruz’s delegates bail and vote for someone else.
Since Trump had no ground operation in most of the states and was pretty clueless about the delegate rules, then there is a good chance many of Trump’s pledged delegates will turn on Trump after the first vote, but there is little chance that Cruz’s pledged delegates will turn on Cruz.
Trump supporters are now desperately trying to get Cruz to withdraw because it is the only possible way that Trump can win the nomination. Guess what? It’s not going to happen.
So far Landslide Donald has won 37% of the votes cast. The 63% of voters that voted against Trump so far are not going to be terribly upset when Trump does not get the nomination. On the other hand, more than 50% of Republicans polled say that they will never vote for Trump if the gets the nomination.