Posted on 08/10/2015 6:04:56 PM PDT by Hojczyk
Maybe someone hags the full quote?
i thot you give the dog a cookie when he goes to the door to let you know he needs to take a dump. i think the dog gets a certain pleasure on his own when he takes a dump.
Kelly already doesn’t wear a lot of clothes.
She should have said, “I tried to do a good job for the GOPe.”
The Donald put the kibosh to that.
No, you violated principle #1 of journalism.
Don’t be the news, don’t make the news. Just report it.
She thinks she’ll be Jeb’s Press Secretary.
This is what I like. She comes on TV and says Trump felt he was mistreated. “ I do not.” She said, like Lois Lerner, I will not respond, THEN, she spends the next 4 minutes responding, characterizing the questioning the way she wants people to see it (I did nothing wrong, said Lois), but we don’t get to hear Trump characterize it the way he saw it in the next 4 minutes (i.e. Trey Gowdy, “That’s not how it works, Mr. Chairman!). She gets all of the airtime she wants, He gets what they will provide. So Megan, if you are going to say you will not respond, then don’t respond. Do not claim you will not respond, then characterize the questioning the way you want the public to see it, then move on to Ferguson. We are not that stupid.
She did a good job of making herself irrelevant.
Megyn is right - she did her job. Completely honest statement. She did what she was asked to do.
Ailes is the leading suspect for the betrayal of the GOP people’s choice.
If Me Gyn leaves Ailes needs to go too. He had Wallace and the Bear go after Trump. Also, they asked Ted inane questions and didn’t call on him much, shortchanging him both in time and asking him to answer a good question.
I expected this from CNN not FOX. Fox is in My Dog House
She is HOT !!
Megyn is right - she did her job. Completely honest statement. She did what she was asked to do.
Ailes is the leading suspect for the betrayal of the GOP people’s choice.
If Me Gyn leaves Ailes needs to go too. He had Wallace and the Bear go after Trump. Also, they asked Ted inane questions and didn’t call on him much, shortchanging him both in time and asking him to answer a good question.
I expected this from CNN not FOX. Fox is in My Dog House
News Alert! Donald Trump denies he did anything wrong. He refuses to ask forgiveness of anyone including Jesus Christ.
Megyn who?????
Megyn has blood coming out of her Fiorina
I’m a teetotaler.
I never turned on the tube.
And what did Dr. Strangelove reply? Oh, no! We are fair and balanced! Now, back to that clown car Trump...and that Jesus-freak Cruz.
She did such a great job I didn’t even watch her show Friday or tonight.
Really .. well I hope Trump and Cruz keep hissy-fitting all over this country .. because the American people are sick and tired of being lied to and cheated on.
We’re done!!!
All I hear on FR is that so and so isnt a Conservative or someone isnt this or that. I swear the collective IQ on FR has crashed to an unrecognizable level. So many here and others are willing to give Hillary or Bernie the Presidency just to show the GOP up. So sick really. Oh boohoo a moderator in a debate asked a tough question she must be an evilll liberal, clearly she isnt, and 0oor ol Donny was just ambushed. Bunch of babies anymore.
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