Dirt on the judges? Good—we’ll know what the creep-in-chief is holding over on them.
Dirt on certain members of SCOTUS? Oh, come on. That’s so gay.
There isn’t enough room on the Internet to expose all the dirt on them.
As another freeper has indicated on a different thread — they need to just “do this”. Why threaten? Why say “we have stuff”? Just teach the Powers They Be that they crossed a line — it’s payback time, baby! The system is wholly corrupt, all the powerful people have secrets and things they want hidden. Bust that dam wide open. Let the people see that our political masters are all deeply flawed and are not our superiors.
Impossible. All judges are carefully vetted before being appointed.
The question is, which one of them has the most dirt.
An open government is an honest government...and ours is closed up so tight it’s like trying to get a dollar from a liberal.
If there’s anything to this “dirt” on SC justices, the ultimate goal is probably to force an early retirement of one of the justices seen to be hostile to the marxists ahead of any court challenge to their assault on the 2nd Amendment.
There’s another thread where practically everyone is cheering on these statists. People need to open their eyes. “Anonymous” isn’t what it pretends to be. And it sure as hell isn’t a friend of ours.
Alito 150 mb
Breyer 150 mb
Ginsburg 150 mb
Kagan 132.73 mb
Kennedy 108.35 mb
Roberts 22.78 mb
Scalia 150 mb
Sotomayor 100.62 mb
Thomas 150 mb
If they were serious, they’d have already put the info out there.
It sounds like they are threatening to wipe all of the governments servers.
The implication is that embarrassing information about the Justices had been located on the Gov website? I find this odd. This is either subterfuge or Anonymous got the info elsewhere.
no lawyer is going to have put real personal stuff in a file on a work computer. If s/he has, s/he deserves to be fired. It probably just has emails about cases which admittedly would be darned interesting.
Call their bluff.
Do tell, lets get it out there because we know they are being bullied with this info by Dear Leader.
There is no Anon. Hack. Its the goobernment itself, so that we all clamor for internet control and registered IP address. If all for the children! Think of the lives save. “The Rights Of A Few Have To Be Limited For The Safety Of Others!”
Probably the only thing the zero has done right is collect dirt on all everyone in DC. No doubt partially the beneficiary of Clinton’s secret files.
Is anarchy worse than a dictatorship?
Is anarchy worse than what we have now?
Need more ammo.
May the truth set us free!