Alito 150 mb
Breyer 150 mb
Ginsburg 150 mb
Kagan 132.73 mb
Kennedy 108.35 mb
Roberts 22.78 mb
Scalia 150 mb
Sotomayor 100.62 mb
Thomas 150 mb
I’m guessing the files don’t actually contain much about the justices but more about the DoJ and the people who work there.
I could be wrong.
I’ve had managers who could waste that much disk space on a single indecipherable power point slide.
Looks like the Roberts file has been cleaned of the incriminating evidence. Probably the payoff for the ObamaCare decision.
Alito 150 mb
Breyer 150 mb
Ginsburg 0
Kagan 0
Kennedy 0
Roberts 22.78 mb
Scalia 150 mb
Sotomayor 0
Thomas 150 mb
Funny how files seem to disappear, just ask bubba