Posted on 03/22/2011 6:18:22 AM PDT by Scythian
This could be the most important story of this decade.
Yep. These are the types hoping for civil war.
Until the price of food consumes their income, because of the fake money the Fed is pumping out. Did you not notice that the Fed is no amenable to a new world currency. Wake up good people are not in control, they could be, but they are not.
Just about to play it!
Short the Greenback?
Drudge had a link to the Business Insider story about this and now its gone.
I agree with Beck. Been listening to him for years. The vast majority of what he has brought to light has been 100% on the mark. Not only the truth but the right perspective as well.
My point was about the importance of his work and thank God there is a patriot alive today in Glenn to enlighten the country.
Just up on FR:
“Lawmaker Introduces $165 Billion Union Pension Bailout Bill”
$165 billion is just for starters...
“Unions want to dump pensions on taxpayers”
Unions job # 1 is to GET THEIRS no matter what.
Nothing else matters. Certainly not “the children”, as WI demonstrated.
Did I defame your god Breck, by suggesting that there are millions of gods (called people who invest in the market) who did better than his advice made you?
That would be Obama's Justice Department. The one that only prosecutes those of the evil race, right?
Finally, there is a single Google “News” report of this story - - from France.
Not a word from the ObamaMedia.
I am a card holder of Chase and also took out my son’s college loan from JP Morgan. Of course the government took it over after 2 years, but still it was originally from them.
I decided to go to their web site and get every e-mail address I could find. I sent them the link to the audio as well as the front page to
This way all levels will see this audio and attempt to destroy them. Lets see how viral this goes.
Out of 25 e-mail addresses that I sent out, I received 4 back stating out of office replies! Too funny....
Engineering civil war, actually.
WOW.... this link:
I know .. sanity shattering.
Only prayers ..
Yes - Economic Terrorism:
The concept of economic terrorism is disputed, and is generally used in a polemical or demagogic way to associate the term “terrorism” with a country, a company or a group accused of abuses.
Nevertheless, it is also used in a way more strictly defined to indicate an attempt at economic destabilization by a group. More precisely, in 2005 the Center of Security Policy of Geneva defined economic terrorism in the following terms:
Contrary to “economic warfare” which is undertaken by states against other states, “economic terrorism” would be undertaken by transnational or non-state actors. This could entail varied, coordinated and sophisticated or massive destabilizing actions in order to disrupt the economic and financial stability of a state, a group of states or a society (such as market oriented western societies) for ideological or religious motives.
These actions, if undertaken, may be violent or not. They could have either immediate effects or carry psychological effects which in turn have economic consequences.
The more places that people can see this, the better.
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