Posted on 09/08/2008 6:52:43 PM PDT by Grizzled Bear
My wife and I went gun shopping recently. I'm considering a Smith and Wesson MP 45. It will be my Birthday/Anniversary/Christmas present (although I'm hoping for a few boxes of ammo in my stocking).
I'm cautious about weapons that include plastic in their construction. Does anyone here have any practical, long term, experience with this model?
Or their budget guru did.......:o)
We’ll give you 500 of these for 300 of your old glocks per se......LOL !
The Glocks in .357 Sig wern’t holding up too well.
Uh ?... I have about 3000 plus rounds (at least) through one (Mod 31) in last 30 days on the widget range and shoot house. Nooo problems yet shooting speer 125gr on mine.
I honestly have no experience or opinion on the new lines of S&W autos. Just haven’t seen or shot one. Or those Springy XD thingies either. I’m a creature of habit and stick with 1911A1’s Browning High Powers, SIG series and Glockerware ! Boat load of S&W and Ruger wheel guns along with a few of the Mk I and II .22’s etc .........just haven’t played or carried a S&W auto shy of my original ASP.
Just passing on idle gunshop gossip and the like. :)
The new S&W has nice ergos if you don’t like the Glocks.
I’ll stick with my lightweight commander in .38 Super though.
The boycott is over, done, finished, kaput, over and yes, we won.
I always notice it’s the guys who want to boycott an American gun company but have a closet full of guns made in commie red China. Why is that?
No, they are made here in the US of A, all made before 1950 when the Gun Companies had no Pansies thinking of selling out.
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