Uh ?... I have about 3000 plus rounds (at least) through one (Mod 31) in last 30 days on the widget range and shoot house. Nooo problems yet shooting speer 125gr on mine.
I honestly have no experience or opinion on the new lines of S&W autos. Just haven’t seen or shot one. Or those Springy XD thingies either. I’m a creature of habit and stick with 1911A1’s Browning High Powers, SIG series and Glockerware ! Boat load of S&W and Ruger wheel guns along with a few of the Mk I and II .22’s etc .........just haven’t played or carried a S&W auto shy of my original ASP.
Just passing on idle gunshop gossip and the like. :)
The new S&W has nice ergos if you don’t like the Glocks.
I’ll stick with my lightweight commander in .38 Super though.