Posted on 10/08/2024 9:35:16 AM PDT by PJ-Comix
Has the extreme dumbing down of society happened several centuries EARLIER than depicted in the film "Idiocracy?" After watching the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris it would certainly seem that way. It is now impossible to listen to her meaningless word salads and empty platitudes without thinking "Idiocracy Candidate."
word salad harris. even Costco doesn’t carry enough dressing to fix one of her salads.
I’d much rather have President Camacho than Kamala.
But she is for abortion!! Does anything else matter? /sarc
There are people who are actually enthralled by her massive intellect.......................that is scary................
“But she is for abortion!! Does anything else matter?”
For a huge number of white suburban women, no, nothing else matters.
Every constituency needs an advocate and patron saint. She’s the patron saint of the intellectually challenged.
As someone has said:
Men vote in hopes of achieving an economy that is strong enough to let them work and support their family.
Women vote in hopes of achieving a society where they can murder their children.
Maya Rudolph was the lead female character in Idiocracy. She also portrays Kamala on Saturday Night Live. Hmm
The sad part about our present situation is that the Idiocracy crowd is more capable than the Biden Clown show of misfits, liars, pervs, felons, and just plain loathsome beings. And the religion of hate was at least extinct in Idiocrac.
My hubby said she was giving answers she had read from Hallmark cards!
I blame God.
He could have completed her assembly with a Rosetta Stone...
President Kamalacho?
There’s nothing so reassuring as a pleasantly retarded intellect. And the establishment loves her.
She’ll be easy to control and will do whatever her bosses tell her. And she’s 100% in on Ukraine. What more can you want?
“You have quadrupled the number of illegal immigrants.”
“But we have since cut that in half.”
So her big achievement is (at best) doubling the number of illegal immigrants coming across the border. That’s her selling point?
She sounds just like the female in the boardroom scene in Idiocracy.
Not much of a revelation. But to dems -— “She may be an idiot, but we’re voting for her anyway; Orange man bad!”
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