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Posts by briant

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  • Vers le dépeuplement du monde (Swiss story on underpopulation)

    07/20/2005 3:19:27 PM PDT · 20 of 28
    briant to briant

    last paragraph blunder: "...societies will have to review their organization in depth."

    oops... societies should be businesses or companies.

  • Vers le dépeuplement du monde (Swiss story on underpopulation)

    07/20/2005 3:14:59 PM PDT · 19 of 28
    briant to briant
    1)Rien ne se passe comme prévu. Alors qu'on croyait le monde menacé de surpopulation, les démographes brandissent aujourd'hui un nouveau risque: la dépopulation. Loin de continuer à se multiplier comme elle l'a fait de manière spectaculaire depuis deux siècles, l'humanité s'apprêterait tout au contraire, d'ici à une cinquantaine d'années, à diminuer en nombre. Le constat, dressé ces derniers temps par différents chercheurs, a été confirmé lundi par le président de l'Union internationale pour l'étude scientifique de la population (IUSSP), le démographe français Jacques Vallin, en ouverture du XXVe Congrès international de la population, une manifestation majeure qui a lieu tous les quatre ans et réunit cette semaine à Tours quelque 2000 participants...

    Nothing happens as predicted, whereas it was thought that the world was threatened with overpopulation, demographers hold up a new risk: depopulation. Far from continuing to multiply as happened in a spectacular manner over the last two centuries, humanity quite on the contrary, over the next 50 years, is preparing to diminish in number. The report drawn up recently by different researchers, has been confirmed Monday by the president of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the French demographer Jacques Vallin, while opening the 25th International Congress on Population, a major meeting which takes place every fours years and brings together this week in Tours some 2,000 participants...

    5)La fin de la «transition démographique» ne paraîtrait pas aussi dramatique cependant si un autre phénomène ne se produisait pas à l'autre bout de l'existence. L'élévation de l'espérance de vie se couple avec une très forte baisse de l'indice de fécondité. On a longtemps considéré que ce dernier chiffre diminuerait progressivement dans les sociétés développées pour se stabiliser autour de 2,1 enfants par femme, soit le niveau nécessaire à la reproduction d'une population. Or, cette limite a été enfoncée...

    The end of the "demographic transition" would not seem as dramatic however if another phenomenon was not happening at the other end of life. The increasing life expectancy in coupled with a very strong decrease in the fertility rate. It has been long thought thats this latter number would progressively decrease in developed societies and stabilize around 2.1 children per woman, this being the number needed for the replacement population. However, this number has been breached...

    6)En Europe, l'indice est tombé à 1,4, avec des pointes à 1,2 dans différents pays de l'est et du sud du continent. En Asie orientale, il est descendu à 1,6, avec un record mondial de 0,8 à Hongkong. Des chiffres spectaculairement bas. Des chiffres longtemps considérés, aussi, comme exceptionnels. De nombreux démographes s'attendaient à ce qu'ils remontent après quelques années ou, au moins, qu'ils soient compensés par la natalité d'autres régions du monde. Or, là encore, la réalité s'avère surprenante. Non seulement le taux de fécondité des pays développés reste très bas, mais celui de nombreux pays en voie de développement dégringole à son tour...

    In Europe, the fertility rate has fallen to 1.4 with rates of 1.2 in different countries in the east and south of the continent. In East Asia, it has fallen to 1.6, with a world record of 0.8 in Hong Kong. Spectacularly ow numbers. Also numbers long considered to be exceptional.
    Numerous demographers expected that the numbers would increase after some years or at least, that they would be compensated by the birth rates in other parts of the world. However, once again, reality proves surprising. Not only does the birth rate of developed nations remain low, but those of numerous developing countries are falling as well...

    Pour assurer la survie du système, les sociétés devront revoir leur organisation en profondeur. Aujourd'hui, les pays développés ont à leur disposition les ressources offertes par l'immigration, dont ils profitent déjà grandement pour conserver leur population. Mais ce n'est là qu'une solution à court terme puisque les réservoirs de migrants sont condamnés à se tarir à leur tour dans quelques décennies. Il s'agira plus profondément de changer notre rapport au travail. La mesure à prendre la plus évidente serait d'élever sensiblement l'âge de la retraite. Mais il faudra cependant revoir entièrement le découpage de la vie entre temps de formation, de travail et de repos...

    To insure the survival of the system, societies will have to review their organization in depth. Today, developed countries have at their disposal resources offered by immigration, of which they already greatly profit to conserve their population. But this is only a short-term solution since the reservoirs of immigrants are destined to dry up, in their turn, in several decades. It is, more importantly, an issue of changing our relationship with work. The most evident measure to take would be to sensibly raise the retirement age. But it will however be necessary to review entirely the division of life between training, work and relaxation...

    I translated the 1st, 5th, 6th and 9th paragraphs. Should give you the gist of it. I'm too lazy to do the whole thing. LOL
  • Vers le dépeuplement du monde (Swiss story on underpopulation)

    07/20/2005 1:45:01 PM PDT · 1 of 28
    Depopulation? I didn't know where to post this, and couldn't find it in English, so if you parle francais, lire s'il vous plait. This is great as it is so reminiscent of the whole global global warming issue. It would be great if someone has a English periodical version. I'll translate more later.
  • Caption this photo

    04/07/2005 4:16:12 PM PDT · 49 of 55
    briant to meandog

    clinton: Bless me father for I have sinned.

    Pope: Get my chair, I'll be a while.

  • Did Christiane Amanpour really say John Paul II was "the first NON-CATHOLIC Pope"??

    04/04/2005 4:41:09 PM PDT · 14 of 46
    briant to E. Pluribus Unum

    LOL, which would also be wrong.

  • Professor's sudden dismissal stuns students(Aryan Race Nation)

    04/03/2005 6:22:33 PM PDT · 232 of 567
    briant to LauraleeBraswell

    Buchannan is the prototype.

  • San Francisco May Regulate Blogging

    04/03/2005 6:15:03 PM PDT · 26 of 79
    briant to Brian Mosely

    If they get away with this, our country is officially done--if it's not already.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/02/2005 2:04:52 PM PST · 137 of 145
    briant to briant

    The people you want to control everything from whether you can get drug x to whether you have to sell that drug are the problem.

    The people WHO want to...

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/02/2005 2:02:54 PM PST · 136 of 145
    briant to JLS
    It is just hypocritical for a pharmacy to complain about government interference when its whole existence depends on government intervention.

    If there were no government at all there would be pharmacies there always have been under different guises. Someone will see a product the people want. The irony here is that the government precludes people from freely buying a product and then sets demands on the sellers that are, in their eyes. immoral. The people you want to control everything from whether you can get drug x to whether you have to sell that drug are the problem.

  • Talk-show host says he shot 2 men while under siege (OH)

    04/02/2005 1:56:16 PM PST · 6 of 56
    briant to Mr. Mojo
    None of the men appeared to be armed, but "there’s no doubt in my mind they would have killed somebody," said McCleary, 51, who runs a security company and hosts a Sunday night talk show on WTVN (610 AM).

    They don't have to be armed if multiple attackers are present, or if some monster like the clown in that pizza place assault is attacking you. If this story is accurate, good job. I seen many videos of roaming packs of thugs attacking people who very much needed to run into a guy like this.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:59:06 PM PST · 82 of 145
    briant to marsh_of_mists

    Doctors being perfecly just and moral, every one.

  • Professor's sudden dismissal stuns students(Aryan Race Nation)

    04/01/2005 5:45:42 PM PST · 35 of 567
    briant to familyop
    "For the ten years or so preceding the exposing of him as a Nazi, his preferred topics were very much like the material issued by those who call themselves "paleo-conservatives," if not a little more subtle."

    Nice slur.

  • Professor's sudden dismissal stuns students(Aryan Race Nation)

    04/01/2005 5:43:27 PM PST · 33 of 567
    briant to Pikamax

    ...La Raza would have made him a hero.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:28:55 PM PST · 66 of 145
    briant to Schwaeky

    They make the guy pulling the "trigger" have to do it from afar. They don't see their evil up close and the guy doing the deeds can say he had no choice. Typical statist evil set in motion.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:22:36 PM PST · 60 of 145
    briant to marsh_of_mists

    There are many pharmacist, doctors, grocers (the food industry is regulated), airlines and other venders who are regulated. This does not mean they have to be they same. You can go elsewhere.

    You are the one who said the phamacists should do what the government says, or ban birth control pills. This is not what I am saying. You seem to want more governemt mandated restricction I want less. I.e. go to another phamacist, don't entangle him in your, what he sees as, sins, and don't argue that birth control pills have to be banned because phamacist x doesn't want to prescribe it.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:17:04 PM PST · 53 of 145
    briant to Chiapet
    Go to another pharmacist, there are plenty. Beyond that, if you are worried about someone stealing you rights, worry about the government; they are the ones who require you to go the pharmacist in the first place.

    Government requires you to go the the state sanctioned person to get a product. Government requires state sanctioned person to perform acts incompatible with their conscious. So who is the real thief of liberty the pharmacist? I don't think so.
  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:13:52 PM PST · 50 of 145
    briant to marsh_of_mists
    Sorry, but we are not automatons in this society. We are free people and this road you want to go down where all educated licensed people just follow orders tends to result in government sectioned evil and then government mandated evil.
  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:08:24 PM PST · 41 of 145
    briant to JLS

    So what.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:08:02 PM PST · 37 of 145
    briant to traderrob6

    The "just follow orders" crowd is in full effect. If you have a job with some responsibility or some government regulation (every job), then you'd better check your humanity and beliefs at the door. It's beyond people that they could go elsewhere.

    BTW, this article refers to the government mandating that pharmacist do this. We are not talking about a pharmacist being fired by a private employer.

  • Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control

    04/01/2005 5:04:22 PM PST · 32 of 145
    briant to marsh_of_mists

    So basically if you find birthcontrol pills objectionable you either a) can't be a pharmacist or
    b) no one at all can have bcp?