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  • BREAKING: Evangelical ‘Social Justice Strategizer’ Now Facing Financial Investigations

    08/26/2019 9:59:46 AM PDT · by Morgana · 4 replies
    pulpitandpen.org ^ | AUG 7, 2019 | staff
    After an expose’ on Zack Exley by Pulpit & Pen several weeks ago, it seems that the sugar-daddy of woke evangelicalism might be in trouble with federal prosecutors for corruption and the unauthorized diversion of campaign dollars to his own pet-projects and shell companies. Zack Exley isn’t an evangelical, but he spent half a decade strategizing how to get evangelicals to vote Democrat before serving on campaigns for Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Now the man who thought up how to get Christians to embrace “Social Justice” to change their voting patterns—and who is funneling cash to ‘woke’ organizations...
  • Justice Democrats PAC Paid $200K to Cofounders’ Consulting Firm

    08/05/2019 10:22:43 AM PDT · by DeathBeforeDishonor1 · 4 replies
    Free Beacon ^ | 8/5/19 | Joe Schoffstall
    The political action committee for Justice Democrats disbursed hundreds of thousands of dollars to a consulting firm that was co-launched by one of its own founders, Federal Election Commission filings show. The Justice Democrats PAC, the committee that was instrumental in electing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y) into the House of Representatives, collected $820,000 in contributions during the first half of the year, its mid-year campaign records show. During this time, the PAC reported spending just south of $700,000. The PAC's biggest beneficiary was Middle Seat Consulting, a digital firm that supports campaigns and groups focused on "racial justice, climate...
  • The Brains Behind AOC Part II

    03/24/2019 1:03:09 PM PDT · by Pelham · 16 replies
    YouTube ^ | 3-22-2019 | "Mr Reagan"
    There is a lot more to this video than just something about AOC. It's about the brains behind the whole New Congress/ Justice Democrats movement that elected AOC, Tlaib, Omar and the rest. The "brain" is Zack Exley, who has managed to stay out of the spotlight. Zack and his comrades. What they have managed to do is identify and exploit a weakness in our nominating process. They pose a serious threat to American elections. And they plan to do to Republican districts what they did to Democrats this last time.
  • The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    03/08/2019 4:08:02 PM PST · by beejaa · 88 replies
    YouTube ^ | Mar 8, 2019 | Mr Reagan
    AOC is, for all intents and purposes, a hired actress hired by a group called by the Justice Democrats. An Indian guy from Texas, Saikat Chakrabarti, Zack Exley, plus Cenk Uygur of Young Turks fame have all been involved in getting her elected and giving her the script that she's been reciting. People behind the Bernie Sanders campaign also worked to get her elected. The video is 23.04 minutes long, but it's worth it.
  • MoveOn.org's anti-Catholic Paranoia (MoveOn.org and George Soros Alert)

    05/27/2005 4:29:38 PM PDT · by Jacob Kell · 20 replies · 1,531+ views
    FrontPageMagazine.com ^ | May 27, 2005 | Don Feder
    Democrats lost the evangelical vote decades ago. As the last election showed, they are now in danger of permanently losing Catholics. But the left has devised an ingenious technique for winning back disaffected Catholics – insult their Church and its leader. And they thought of this all by themselves? As part of the campaign to defeat the Republican push to end the judicial filibuster, on May 17, 2005, MoveOn.org, PAC ran an ad appealing to anti-Catholic paranoia. The broadside was an altered photo that showed Pope Benedict XVI standing outside the Supreme Court’s chambers. The pontiff appears to be holding...
  • UK Labour Party hires Moveon.org "garbage man"...

    02/27/2005 6:35:49 PM PST · by Coastal · 58+ views
    Michelle Malkin.Com ^ | February 27, 2005 | Michelle Malkin
    Democrat political operative Zack Exley, known as "the garbage man" for publishing fake photos of President Bush with cocaine residue under his nose, has been hired as a campaign consultant by Britain's Labour Party. A Labour spokeswoman told The Independent that Exley was hired specifically because of his experience working for MoveOn. For those who have been living in a cave for the past year, that's the left-wing activist group that compared President Bush to Hitler. Exley worked for the Kerry campaign and has ties to The Ruckus Society, a radical organization that, as Lowell Ponte reports, has "links to...
  • The Garbage Man Moves On To London (Labour Party Hires MoveOn.org Slimeball!)

    02/27/2005 2:23:54 PM PST · by KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle · 4 replies · 423+ views
    Michellemalkin.com ^ | 2/27/05 | Michelle Malkin
    Democrat political operative Zack Exley, known as "the garbage man" for publishing fake photos of President Bush with cocaine residue under his nose, has been hired as a campaign consultant by Britain's Labour Party. A Labour spokeswoman told The Independent that Exley was hired specifically because of his experience working for MoveOn. For those who have been living in a cave for the past year, that's the left-wing activist group that compared President Bush to Hitler . Exley worked for the Kerry campaign and has ties to The Ruckus Society, a radical organization that, as Lowell Ponte reports , has...
  • Kerry's Whining Over Third Party Ads Rings Hollow

    08/23/2004 9:55:51 AM PDT · by FlyLow · 20 replies · 1,089+ views
    GOPUSA ^ | 8-23-04 | Jimmy Moore
    "They're funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Republican contributor out of Texas. They're a front for the Bush campaign. And the fact that the president won't denounce what they're up to tells you everything you need to know -- he wants them to do his dirty work."--- Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry commenting on the new Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ad I really love irony as much as the next guy, especially in the world of politics. But does anyone else see the tremendously ironic hypocrisy coming from the lips of John F. Kerry last...
  • A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP (Kerry Campaign/MoveOn.org)

    08/23/2004 3:50:40 AM PDT · by kattracks · 19 replies · 1,297+ views
    AmericanSpectator ^ | 8/23/04 | The Prowler
    A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP On Friday, Kerry campaign spokesman Debra Deshong was telling any reporter who would listen that there was a big difference between the negative advertisements being run by George Soros-funded MoveOn.org and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: "MoveOn.org is an independent organization that existed well before the Kerry campaign," she said, whereas the veterans group "is not an independent group." Deshong denied that the campaign had any knowledge about MoveOn.org's financing or motives or plans in its almost $20 million attacks against President Bush. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has spent about $800,000 on its advertising. In fact,...