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Keyword: yominpostelnik

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  • The Defamation of Yomin Postelnik: The Depravity of the Left and Those Who Push for Divorce

    05/06/2014 10:05:50 AM PDT · by PoliticalEthics · 7 replies
    Black and Right ^ | 05/06/14 | Dan Levy - Guest to Black and Right
    Yomin Postelnik's columns on many subjects often challenge one's outlook. Most see that as a positive thing. But in the worldview of the left, which views any opposition as a nuisance that needs to be crushed, such outspoken activism has become cause for attack. Attacks on Yomin's columns and on him personally weren't unprecedented. A few years ago a particular atheist group went on a relentless campaign to ban his columns and to smear him personally. They accomplished little, other than proving the original point of his column that touched it all off, that atheists do not act or...
  • Endorsement of CDR Tom Garcia (Conservatives Uniting Throughout Florida)

    08/17/2010 10:27:44 PM PDT · by Leah at A Better Florida · 3 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 08/17/10 | CDR Tom Garcia
    Some elections are more important than others. This is especially true of one state race in particular. In South Florida, one candidate said that “our shores are the frontline in defending our nation,” and proposed comprehensive shoreline surveillance. This inexpensive program would have the potential to save many lives. It would also curb illegal immigration, saving our state hundreds of millions every year by getting to the root of the problem. ... He’s also a man of action. When the earthquake in Haiti hit, Yomin mobilized a coalition of candidates in a way that is unmatched. He’s also the only...
  • Religious Jewish Candidate Revolutionizing Republican Message in South Florida

    06/01/2010 8:47:01 PM PDT · by Leah at A Better Florida · 18 replies · 530+ views
    Red Hampshire ^ | 06/01/10 | Sheridan Folger
    LTC Allen West isn’t the only conservative candidate or race to watch in Florida. While West, whom I’ve supported for several years may indeed convey conservatism in a more effective, honest and articulate way then most . . . there is another conservative in Florida that we should all be proud to support. Very few conservatives are able to rally a crowd. Our party has intellectuals like Bobby Jindal and a plethora of other talent, but few candidates are able to provide a mix of common sense conservatism and an ability to convey that message in equal measures of force...
  • Kendrick Meek and Democrats Maligning GOP as GOP Candidates Save Lives

    01/18/2010 3:42:58 AM PST · by Leah at A Better Florida · 7 replies · 442+ views
    A Better Florida | 01.18.10 | A Better Florida Team
    Has anyone noticed how Kendrick Meek is all over the press about Haiti, while he does precious little to help Haitians in Haiti? The sad part is, there are real efforts underway by Republicans, who are branded as racists as Democrats play politics with every natural disaster. Here are true stories of GOP candidates who've put aside their businesses, campaigns and everything else to bring real help to Haiti. One of them, Tom Garcia, even risked his life. They don't want illegal immigration, which would also hurt Haitians, who would be left to fend for themselves in a foreign land...
  • Endorsement of Major General Paul Vallely, US Army, (endorses Yomin Postelnik for Florida House 91)

    01/12/2010 10:41:17 AM PST · by Leah at A Better Florida · 3 replies · 219+ views
    A Better Florida ^ | 01/12/10 | Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely
    To all Concerned Citizens, I’ve decided to endorse Yomin Postelnik in the race for Florida House of Representatives, District 91. Yomin’s reach goes far beyond the district and his voice is a needed one in the fight for America’s values. Yomin will make an excellent legislator, as he is a strong defender of conservative solutions and one who knows that we cannot back down in the fight for moral values. He also understands the original intent of the Constitution and will fight to uphold it on the state level against further liberal power grabs from DC, as is clear from...
  • A House of "Representatives," Not a House of Lords (Difference Between Most Republicans and Dems)

    08/18/2009 7:28:59 PM PDT · by Leah at A Better Florida · 4 replies · 363+ views
    A Better Florida ^ | 08/18/09 | Yomin Postelnik
    Public opinion polls show what we’ve always known: That Americans want their doctors, not government bureaucrats, guiding their healthcare decisions. The attempt to ration care and, specifically, to place the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in charge of what treatments doctors can and cannot pursue for their patients, has reminded Americans that conservatism, not radical socialism disguised as big government liberalism, is where compassion and common sense lie. Even the media has finally been forced to report on the public outcry against socialized so-called “medicine.” If the TV media were this slow to report on non-agenda based items, you’d...
  • When Attending a House of Worship, Make Sure to do What the One Who We Worship Wants of Us

    07/29/2009 3:41:51 PM PDT · by Leah at A Better Florida · 7 replies · 495+ views
    American Daily Review ^ | 07/29/09 | Yomin Postelnik and Rev. O'Neal Dozier
    It is true that worship is one of the most fulfilling aspects of an individual’s life as well as an integral part of family living. But real worship must go beyond prayer and recognition. It must be a sincere desire to connect with our Creator. On the simplest level, one wouldn’t greet a member of their favorite sports team and present them with the jersey of an opposing team. One would not go to the White House to ask a favor of a Democratic president and begin their supplication by telling the President what a great Republican they are, or...
  • Why I’m Running for State Representative (Yomin Postelnik)

    07/09/2009 6:24:46 PM PDT · by Leah at A Better Florida · 6 replies · 281+ views
    Canada Free Press ^ | Jul. 9, 2009 | Yomin Postelnik
    The issues before us are vast. On the state level, we can and must work to curb the excesses of government. We must also win back the battle of ideas, and this can be accomplished by fighting for hearts and minds on a local level. The positions we advocate for are right. We need only to advocate for them more effectively. A local representative can provide a voice on these issues by explaining the benefits of time tested conservative solutions and by demonstrating the fallacy of liberal, feel-good ones. For this reason, I’ve decided to run for State Representative and...
  • You Know Your Candidate is an Effective One When the National Media Falsely Portrays All Around Him

    07/30/2008 4:50:29 AM PDT · by Yomin Postelnik · 8 replies · 115+ views
    Canada Free Press ^ | 07/30/08 | Yomin Postelnik
    Attacking everyone within the ten mile radius of a candidate only shows his effectiveness. But more importantly than all that, I simply do not believe that Ms. Fairbanks’ column does justice to Allen West. It seems to have gone to great lengths to portray Allen’s positive qualities as if they were negative ones.