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  • Freeper Question: What did Marco Rubio say about Barack Obama in 2009?

    02/08/2016 9:56:15 AM PST · by LS · 27 replies
    self | 2/8/2016 | LS
    I have a question that no one seems interested in asking, and which Google seems to have cleverly sanitized (if that's possible): What did Marco Rubio and Chris Christie say about Barack Obama's election and about Obama in 2009? Remember Rush Limbaugh's famous "I hope he fails" line---he knew what Obama was. Well, what did Rubio and Christie say? I Googled this and nothing comes up except Rubio's recent comments. I find that odd. Surely Rubio was asked about this at the time. Surely he had some comments, but if he did, they are certainly buried now. National Review can...