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  • Media can't win with Rove

    07/17/2005 8:38:16 PM PDT · by blogblogginaway · 16 replies · 1,138+ views
    OnlineAthens ^ | July 17, 2005 | Michael Goodwin
    It's a civil war in Washington. The combatants have an eye-for-an-eye mentality. The partisanship is heated and nasty. Republicans versus Democrats? Nah. This one pits the media against the White House. It's a war the media can't win, and shouldn't wage. The intense grilling White House reporters inflicted on presidential spokesman Scott McClellan last week over whether political guru Karl Rove leaked the name of a CIA operative was no ordinary give-and-take. It was a hostile hectoring that revealed much of the mainstream press for what it has become: the opposition party. Forget fairness, or even the pretense of it....
  • How CEOs Would Handle Rove

    07/17/2005 8:16:41 PM PDT · by blogblogginaway · 34 replies · 963+ views
    BusinessWeek online ^ | July 158 2005 | Francesca Di Meglio
    The first MBA President gets advice from B-school experts on how to manage the controversy surrounding the leak of a CIA agent's identity Much has been made of the fact that George W. Bush is the first U.S. President to hold an MBA (Harvard Business School, class of '75). So how's this for a B-school management problem: You're the CEO. One of your most trusted and powerful subordinates has been implicated in an internal probe of leaking highly sensitive corporate secrets to the media.
  • Plame security breach? It just ain't so, Joe

    07/17/2005 12:53:39 PM PDT · by FreeKeys · 25 replies · 1,375+ views
    Chicago Sun-Times ^ | July 17, 2005 | Mark Steyn
    Karl Rove? Please. I couldn't care less. This week finds me thousands of miles from the Beltway in what I believe the ABC World News Tonight map designates as the Rest Of The Planet, an obscure beat the media can't seem to spare a correspondent for. But even if I was with the rest of the navel-gazers inside the Beltway I wouldn't be interested in who ''leaked'' the name of CIA employee Valerie Plame to the press. As her weirdly self-obsesssed husband Joseph C. Wilson IV conceded on CNN the other day, she wasn't a ''clandestine officer'' and, indeed, hadn't...
  • Exploding Liberal Myths 10 The Plame Name Game

    07/13/2005 7:06:10 AM PDT · by stocksthatgoup · 46 replies · 1,453+ views
    Mens News Daily ^ | July 13, 2005 | by Joe Mariani
    Once again, the Liberal media is trying to ramp up hysteria over the "outing" of Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife, CIA employee Valerie Plame. The problem with their frenzy is that there's no substance to the charge, once all the angry flailing and faux outrage are done with..... In his 2004 book, Wilson revealed that "It was Saddam Hussein's information minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, often referred to in the Western press as 'Baghdad Bob,' who approached an official of the African nation of Niger in 1999 to discuss trade -- an overture the official saw as a possible effort to buy...