Keyword: novusordo
Deforming the ClergyDoes the Novus Ordo Mass by its nature alter the nature of the priest from one who performs a sacrifice to one who is in charge of a ceremony?It happened again a while ago. The Mass was honoring a former member of the parish who had just professed final vows. Visiting clergy were present. After the procession, when all were assembled on the altar, the pastor made the sign of the cross, looked at the packed house, gave a big smile, and said, “Yep, just another ordinary Mass at St. ‘X’.” A laughter of good will broke out....
A Real Threat: Rocky Horror Cupich ShowThe Maundy Thursday Eucharist at notorious St Sabina Parish in Chicago Archdiocese was a kind of Protestant service with some "words of consecration".Being Novus Ordo, the performance had no altar but a banquet table around which sat twelve men and women dressed as vice presidents of the banquet - as if a banquet needed a president.It included choreographed dances, purple lighting effects, disco ball strobe lights, brutal noise with crashing cymbals and yelling and tinkly piano music.During the show, Father Michael Pfleger celebrated his own person.Chicago's Cardinal Cupich who supposedly cares about Catholic doctrine...
[Catholic Caucus] Reposting: A most important historical document: the 1969 Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani (the original GIRM) - "The Lord's Supper, or Mass, is the sacred meeting or congregation of the people of God assembled, the priest presiding, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord..."Eleven years ago, in 2011, we in RORATE were proud to be the first to make available online, for the first time, a document that had then become extremely rare: the very first GIRM (General Instruction of the Roman Missal), published together with the 1969 Novus Ordo Missae.From our post:***7. Cena dominica sive Missa est sacra...
"This man needs to stop going after every single Catholic publicly that he disagrees with. It is bad decorum and does not make the Church look good."
Cardinal Cupich takes the lead after Vatican's dubia by issuing major restrictions on TLM and sacraments. ...
It seems some traditions are more cherished than others. Pagan Aztec dance ritual recently performed in St Mary of the Lake church in Chicago’s Uptown. ...
Big news about sacred tradition and Traditionis Custodes emerged over the weekend. ...
In this blistering segment of a TV panel discussion, the great Spanish traditionalist Miguel Ayuso expresses, more succinctly than one will find it anywhere else, the basic difficulties thoughtful Catholics have with the last Council in its origins, execution, and results. ...
The Mass of Paul VI “Well Celebrated”—a Myth! (Guest Article by Cyril Farret d’Astiès) Rorate Caeli is pleased to offer a translation of Paix Liturgique newsletter 833 of November 15, 2021, with permission of the editor Christian Marquant. Cyril Farret d’Astiès’s article is preceded and succeeded by remarks from Paix Liturgique.INTRODUCTIONA few weeks ago, a group of priests, religious and lay people, led by our friend Denis Crouan of the association “Pro Liturgia,” seized the opportunity of the publication by Francis of his motu proprio Traditionis custodes to launch a plea to our pastors to “finally” implement the Novus...
We must give up our firmly held beliefs. What does that even mean?
[Catholic Caucus] Revenge of the Rigid: On Rejecting Grillo, Primitivism, and the Electric SlideI often like to imagine how the radical liturgical reforms after Vatican II would have proceeded in the internet age. Certainly the quick availability of information and the means by which to network globally in seeking answers would have made the position of the extreme wing of reformers more precarious, and certainly the analog “fog of war” which the Bugniniites hid behind would have been more easily penetrated. A great example of what things may have looked like come from our own Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, who has...
Priest Refuses Communion For Dog - Is Reported To Sexual Abuse HotlineOne reason Father James Goins, pastor of St Thomas More University Parish in Norman, Oklahoma, prefers saying Mass towards God is not to be distracted by the bad behaviour of adults during Mass, he wrote on (August 23).Goins as seen many things during Mass: a man vaping, women in beach dresses, men with hats who “almost always push back when asked to remove it.”His highlight was a woman who wanted to share Communion with one of her dogs. When Goins rebuked her, she became so angry that she...
[Catholic Caucus] The "Roman Rite" of the Costa Rica Bishops (Video)The Costa Rica bishops were among the first to “forbid” the Roman Mass after Traditionis Custodes. The video down below shows what they “allow” in their churches.The liturgical clown in the video is Father Sergio Valverde Espinoza of Cristo Rey del Universo Parish in San José. He is an example of what the Costa Rica bishops consider a legitimate expression of their “Roman Rite.”(Click on article link to view video)
DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican ConnectionWhat if I were to tell you that a key Council Father at Vatican II was also an honored guest speaker early on at the World Economic Forum in Davos? What if I were to also tell you that, in addition to being close to Klaus Schwab 40 years ago, this archbishop also held a secret meeting in the middle of the night under the streets of Rome to plot the downfall of the traditional Catholic Church at the close of Vatican II? Wild conspiracy theory? A plot from a Malachi Martin...
Does Francis Want to Strengthen the Society of Saint Pius X?If Francis were to restrict the Roman Mass, this would be an “abuse of power,” Bishop Schneider told @CatholicHack in a July 9 video interview.Forcing priests to preside the New Rite would be for Schneider a "violation of spirituality." He doesn’t believe Benedict XVI's claim that the Roman Mass [which is of apostolic origin] and the 1970 New Rite are “two forms” of the same rite [otherwise the New Rite would not have been called "new"]. Schneider calls them “two different rites" because there are "big differences."He explains that concelebration...
Abp. Viganò Tells Abbé Barthe: Derailing of Vatican II, Creation of New Mass are Results of “Revolutionary Forces Infiltrating the Church”In a new and extensive interview with Abbé Claude Barthe (first published here), author of Le Messe de Vatican II (“The Mass of Vatican II” — see here for a review in English), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò fields several questions related to the Second Vatican Council and the creation of what he calls “Montini’s Novus Ordo,” referring to the new rite of Mass created after the Council by the Consilium (liturgical committee) under the direction of then-Fr. Annibale Bugnini and...
In new interview, Abp. Viganò discusses Vatican II, decline of Marian devotion, and the Novus Ordo MassMay 6, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – In a new interview, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once more returned to the topic of the Second Vatican Council, the loss of Marian devotion followed by that Council, as well as the deficiencies of the Novus Ordo Mass.Speaking with the Italian website Radio Spada – this is the second installment of two parts of an interview (here part one) – the Italian prelate sees a satanic involvement in the decline of devotions to Our Lady after the Council...
[Catholic Caucus] After mystical experience, priest announces Communion only on the tongue and kneelingh2 class="art-title"?Fr. Fredy Leonardo Herrera Fuentes in Bogotá, Colombia, told parishioners that 'from this moment in our parish, it’s only going to be possible to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling down.'April 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In February, a priest was caught on video having a mystical experience during Mass after which he went straight to the pulpit to announce that from that moment on, Holy Communion at that parish would only be given on the tongue and kneeling. The video, which has gone viral...
In a recent video by the Jesuit magazine America, it is admitted that Vatican 2 and the New Mass of 1969 (Novus Ordo Missae) is a RUPTURE and that the Tridentine Catholic theology of the 16th century is no longer welcome by Modernist heresiarchs in the NewChurch. James Martin, Pope Francis, and the Jesuit complex infiltrating Rome don't want the Traditional Latin Mass for THEOLOGICAL REASONS. ...
A Tribute to Father Yves Normandin (1925 – 2020), Hero of the Traditional Mass in Canada: “We ought to obey God, rather than men.” A Tribute to Father Normandin (1925 – 2020) by Jean-Claude Dupuis, PhD Father Yves Normandin died on December 30, 2020. He left his mark on the history of the Church in Quebec. In 1975, the humble parish priest of Sainte-Yvette in Montreal became famous for continuing to celebrate the traditional Mass in Latin. Archbishop Paul Grégoire relieved him of his duties for “disobedience.” Fr. Normandin and his traditionalist supporters occupied the church of Sainte-Yvette illegally...