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  • Jared Kushner and the Mystery of the First US Lockdown

    08/25/2022 12:20:20 PM PDT · by lightman · 34 replies
    epoch times ^ | 25 August A.D. 2022 | Jeffrey Tucker
    The possibility of U.S. lockdowns—never attempted on this scale in the history of pandemics—was already in the air in early March 2020. The theory of lockdown had been floating around for 15 years but now China was first to try it, and claim enormous success, however fraudulently. Incredibly, the United States was set to try it out too but getting Trump on board was going to take some doing. The federal government had the quarantine power since 1944. That much we knew. But just how expansive could its exercise be? Would they dare quarantine the well with the sick? How...
  • The Pope and the Cause of Freedom

    10/30/2001 6:11:28 AM PST · by sendtoscott · 5 replies · 1,916+ views ^ | October 25, 2001 | Jeffrey Tucker
    The Pope and the Cause of Freedom by Jeffrey Tucker[Posted October 25, 2001]Ten years ago, Pope John Paul II released Centesimus Annus, an encyclical, at once subtle and sweeping, that addressed the future of the post-communist countries of Europe and the general subjects of freedom, society, and faith. The document represented the fullest embrace that the Catholic Church has given in the modern period to classical liberal ideas, particularly as they apply in the economic sphere. In CA, the Pope argues that socialism failed, not just because it was bad economics, but mainly because it rejected the "truth about ...