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Keyword: mesika

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  • Mesika: PA Killed Oslo, Time for Annexation

    11/30/2012 2:37:48 AM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 12 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 30/11/12 | Maayana Miskin
    ..... “Not only would it be the only useful response,” he added, “but first and foremost, it would be the morally and historically right thing to do. Judea and Samaria are the heart of the Jewish people.” ..... “Over the years the state of Israel has been the only one keeping the accords, while the Arab terrorist entity, imported from Tunisia, has regularly ignored it. But the appeal to the UN means the declaration of the accords’ death… Therefore the state of Israel has nothing to stop it from annexing all the communities it has established in Judea and Samaria,...
  • PA Furious at EU for Hosting ‘Terrorist’ Yesha Leader

    06/03/2012 7:32:58 AM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 4 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 3/6/12 | Tzvi ben Gedalyahu
    Gershon Mesika in Europe Shomron Regional CouncilA Palestinian Authority minister has blasted the European Union for hosting Shomron leader Gershon Mesika, whom it called a “terrorist.” Mesika two weeks spoke to the EU Foreign Affairs Commission of the Parliament in an unprecedented visit to the Brussels-based EU parliament. It was the first time a leader of Judea and Samaria spoke at an official parliamentary meeting, and it clearly infuriated the Palestinian Authority, which is heavily dependent on EU financing. An official letter to European Union members from the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the PA stated that "The Ministry of Foreign...