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Keyword: melzbollah

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  • Gibson links anti-Jewish rant with Lebanon war

    10/14/2006 6:50:10 PM PDT · by familyop · 17 replies · 885+ views
    Reuters by way of Ynetnews ^ | 13OCT06 | Reuters
    Hollywood superstar tells Good Morning America last summer’s anti-Semitic outburst grew out of his concerns over violence raging between Israel, Hizbullah Actor Mel Gibson says his drunken, anti-Semitic outburst at police this past summer may have stemmed in part from lingering resentment he harbored over the barrage of Jewish criticism leveled at his 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ.” In an interview aired Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Gibson also suggested that his statement to police that “Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” grew out of his concerns over the violence raging between Israel...
  • Mel Gibson predicts fall of U.S. [A strange analysis, relax and enjoy the ride before it all ends]

    10/04/2006 12:06:53 PM PDT · by SJackson · 118 replies · 3,930+ views
    Arab American News ^ | 10-4-06 | Neal AbuNab
    Sometimes it feels like we're always in a race with time. We're always in a hurry to get things done or racing to get somewhere fast or just trying to meet somebody else's deadline. Being in a hurry is part of our nature. Impatience to fulfill our most basic needs is imbued in our creation. A baby cries forcefully demanding its milk while a fully-grown corporate executive pounds his fist on the table demanding work be done. We're always racing but we never seem to catch up. Now, superstar Mel Gibson is telling us to relax and enjoy the ride...