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Keyword: mccain4alqaeda

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  • 'Ordinary 'citizen' John McCain dispatched a trusted aide across the Atlantic to get dirty dossier

    01/13/2017 9:17:25 AM PST · by Kazan · 86 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 12 January 2017 | NIKKI SCHWAB
    The Guardian charted the path the dirty dossier made from a British intelligence professional to Sen. John McCain and then the FBI McCain, 80, put out a statement Wednesday saying that he was the bureau's source of the controversial dossier The Arizona Republican found out about the dossier's existence while at a meeting in Canada and dispatched an emissary to hunt it down He met an ex-British diplomat in Canada - now identified as Sir Andrew Wood -who in one version of events told him about the file Wood is a former associate of Tony Blair the ex-British prime minister,...
  • Vanity--Epic Fail for John McCain Mitt Romney Nov 3 rally in Mesa Az

    11/04/2016 2:47:51 PM PDT · by RooRoobird20 · 73 replies
    John McCain and Mitt Romney held a 'get out the vote" rally last night in Mesa AZ featuring free food and drink. 150 people showed up LMAO.
  • McCain: Trump Doesn't Understand Syria

    10/04/2015 9:38:30 PM PDT · by Helicondelta · 54 replies
    CNN ^ | October 04, 2015
    Sen. John McCain says that GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump doesn't understand the problems posed by Russia's new role in the Syrian conflict. "I don't think he understands very well the situation. And he's entitled to his opinion," the Arizona Republican said Sunday in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." McCain was pushing back against Trump's assertion last week that the United States should let ISIS and Syria's army fight -- and let Russia worry about ISIS there. Trump's comment came as Russia launched air strikes in the region. "Do we want to keep slaughtering...
  • The Blaze To Expose John McCain Benghazi Involvement

    04/30/2014 9:53:21 AM PDT · by ConservativeMan55 · 68 replies
    The Blaze ^ | 4/30/14 | N/A
    The Blaze's Investigative Reporting Show "For the Record" has been investigating Benghazi for a year. The hour long special will air tonight on The Blaze TV. Today, on The Blaze Instagram, they have been dropping hints that John McCain may be involved somehow. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4
  • McCain: Cruz 'Not Representing Us'

    10/12/2013 6:17:14 AM PDT · by bestintxas · 106 replies
    breitbart ^ | 10/11/13 | t lee
    On Friday, after blaming conservatives like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Obama administration's mishandling of military death benefits, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said Cruz simply did not represent the GOP. Fox News host Martha MacCallum mentioned that Cruz would be visiting President Barack Obama along with other Republican senators like Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) at the White House on Friday. She asked McCain, "How do you feel about him representing you there?" In response, McCain smirked before saying, "First of of all, Martha, please, he's not representing us there." Also in the interview,...
  • McCain To Fox News: No, The Shutdown Is The GOP's Fault

    10/11/2013 9:54:23 AM PDT · by Arthurio · 117 replies
    Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) channeled his inner-maverick Friday during an appearance on Fox News Channel, repeatedly reminding the conservative network that the government shutdown was brought about by the quixotic effort to halt the Affordable Care Act. When anchor Martha MacCallum asked him about the White House's handling of the suspension of death benefits to military families, McCain said that while the administration deserves blame it was a GOP-induced shutdown that caused the problem in the first place.
  • Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch

    10/11/2013 1:30:59 AM PDT · by Mr Radical · 10 replies
    BBC News ^ | October 11 2013
    Rebel forces in Syria killed as many as 190 civilians and seized more than 200 hostages during a military offensive in August, Human Rights Watch says.... A report by the New York-based group says the deaths occurred in villages inhabited predominantly by members of President Bashar al-Assad's minority Alawite sect near the city of Latakia. ... "This operation was a co-ordinated, planned attack on the civilian population in these Alawite villages." ... The report says ISIS [the 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant'] and Jaysh al-Muhajirin were [are]still holding the hostages, most of them women and children. ... "The...
  • Sen McCain: Sorry About That Whole “Wacko Birds” Deal, Guys:Apologizes Calling Tea Party "Wackos"

    10/10/2013 8:14:21 PM PDT · by lbryce · 131 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | October 10, 2013 | Jim Treacher
    Sen. John McCain said Thursday that he’s worried about the Republican Party’s future and the infighting that is dividing it, calling efforts by conservatives to unseat incumbent Republican lawmakers “wrong.” The famously wry McCain, R-Ariz., said he regretted calling the Tea Party wing of the Republican Senate conference “wacko birds” during budget negotiations, saying he’s learned to “never get personal” in political disputes… “I do worry about the Republican Party,” he said at the Hero Summit hosted by The Daily Beast. “It’s the first time I have ever seen Republican senators running ads, raising money that is being used to...
  • Lee: Establishment GOP Waged 'All-Out Attack' Against Cruz, Myself

    10/04/2013 4:43:30 PM PDT · by SoConPubbie · 79 replies ^ | 4 Oct 2013, 3:46 PM PDT | Larry O'Connor
    In an interview on Salem Radio's Hugh Hewitt Show, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) revealed that in a conference meeting of Republican Senators earlier this week, a group of Republicans waged an "all-out attack" on himself and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Hewitt: There was, allegedly, a Republican Senate conference earlier this week where your colleague Ted Cruz took a lot of slings and arrows. Were you there, Sen. Lee? Lee: Yes, Yes! I was there and normally I don't comment at all on closed door meetings among Republican Senators. It's a pretty strict rule we follow. The one exception I'll make...
  • EXCLUSIVE: McCain Hires Controversial[And Known Liar] Syria Analyst Elizabeth O'Bagy

    09/27/2013 1:38:56 PM PDT · by Dysart · 73 replies ^ | 9-27-2013 | Gordon Lubold
    Sen. John McCain has hired Elizabeth O'Bagy, the Syria analyst in Washington who was fired for padding her credentials, The Cable has learned. She begins work Monday as a legislative assistant in McCain's office. O'Bagy was a young but well-respected adviser at the Institute for the Study of War and had emerged quickly as an important voice among those arguing in favor of intervention in Syria. McCain and others had cited her work publicly before her nascent reputation collapsed when it was discovered that her claims to having a combined masters/PhD were false and that in fact she had not...
  • Free Syrian Army units ally with al Qaeda, reject Syrian National Coalition, and call for sharia

    09/26/2013 4:05:21 PM PDT · by Brad from Tennessee · 15 replies
    Long War Journal ^ | September 26, 2013 | By Bill Roggio
    Some of the largest Free Syrian Army brigades teamed up with an al Qaeda affiliate and other large Islamist groups to reject the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition and call for the establishment of sharia, or Islamic Law, throughout Syria. The move is a major blow to the US-backed Syrian National Coalition and Free Syrian Army, which the West has held up as the moderate faction of the Syrian rebellion. Abd al Aziz Salamah, the leader of Liwa al Islam, announced that 11 rebel groups, including al Qaeda's Al Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, signed a statement that...
  • FSA MANPADS Down Assad SU-22: Civvy Airliner Some Day?

    09/25/2013 7:11:30 PM PDT · by gaijin · 20 replies
    Syria Baynetna ^ | 9/25/2013 | me
    Five minute handycam videos show crash of apparent SU-22 amidst AAA and surface to air missile fire. Presumably taken by FSA rebels, video clip collection shows six different views of the same event. First clip is totally inconclusive, however subsequent clips in the collection suggest the most likely cause was a successful MANPADS hit. Fire is visible from the aircraft tailcone as the strike aircraft arcs through the sky and strikes the ground in a huge ball of smoke, with no pilot ejection discernible. After the success of Reagan's post-Lockerbie Libyan air raids Gaddaffi went on a years-long...
  • McCain Adviser to 'GQ': 'He [edited] Hates Cruz'

    09/24/2013 5:50:05 AM PDT · by servo1969 · 42 replies ^ | 9-23-2013 | Tony Lee
    For refusing to be co-opted by the Republican establishment and the permanent political class while trying to honor his campaign promises, particularly on defunding Obamacare, "top" Republicans actually sent opposition research on Cruz to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace before Cruz's appearance. This was the type of backstabbing that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin predicted in an exclusive op-ed for Breitbart News on Saturday in which she said she and Cruz should compare "shiv marks" the next time they meet. Palin subsequently called on Wallace to release the names of the "anonymous sources."
  • Aide Says McCain '[edited] Hates Cruz'

    09/23/2013 10:29:06 AM PDT · by Nachum · 98 replies
    TPM ^ | 9/23/13
    <p>A lengthy profile on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the October issue of GQ may compound his already-contentious relationship with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).</p> <p>In the piece by Jason Zengerle, an unnamed adviser to McCain explained the Arizona senator's aversion to Cruz.</p>
  • WSJ op-ed writer Elizabeth O’Bagy fired for resume lie

    09/11/2013 10:37:42 AM PDT · by Hoodat · 157 replies
    The Syria researcher whose Wall Street Journal op-piece was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain during congressional hearings about the use of force has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for lying about having a Ph.D., the group announced on Wednesday. “The Institute for the Study of War has learned and confirmed that, contrary to her representations, Ms. Elizabeth O’Bagy does not in fact have a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University,” the institute said in a statement. “ISW has accordingly terminated Ms. O’Bagy’s employment, effective immediately.” O’Bagy told POLITICO’s Kate Brannen...
  • McCain: Putin wants US to take use of force off the table - unacceptable.

    09/10/2013 3:00:59 PM PDT · by maggief · 41 replies
    Twitter ^ | September 10, 2013
    Putin wants US to take use of force off the table - unacceptable. "Putin: No US strikes for #Syria deal" Vladimir Putin: No U.S. strikes for Syria deal - Tal Kopan Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that for the proposed Russian agreement that Syria turn over its chemical weapons to work, the United States must take military action off the table....
  • Fireworks: Man At McCain Town Hall Tells Him "I'd Have You Arrested For Treason"

    09/07/2013 5:21:25 AM PDT · by maggief · 85 replies
    Real Clear Politics ^ | September 7, 2013
    <p>On Friday, a man attending a town hall hosted by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in Prescott confronted the senator and told him he should be arrested and charged with treason for supporting al Qaeda in Syria.</p> <p>"We the people want you to be representative of the people and for this great nation, but for far too long now on the rest of Congress, including the executive branch of government, along with the judicial and legislative have turned your back on the American people and their core values and principles. I can say with great confidence and speak on behalf of all Americans that your actions against this country are treasonous. All of you -- against the will of the American people -- have aided and abetted the enemy," said the town hall attendee.</p>

    09/06/2013 1:49:18 AM PDT · by kingattax · 12 replies
    Breitbart´s Big Government ^ | 9-5-13 | MICHAEL PATRICK LEAHY
    Republican leaders in Washington, including Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Senators McCain (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), and Corker (R-TN), are supporting President Obama's call for an American attack on Syria, but Tea Party groups around the country are united in their opposition to such military action. Tea Party activists appear to be virtually unanimous in their support for the position taken by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), who said on Tuesday the United States "should not serve as Al-Qaeda's Air Force."
  • 'Catastrophic' John McCain: GOP's worst nightmare

    09/03/2013 5:14:34 PM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 39 replies
    WND ^ | 9/3/2013 | Pamela Geller
    Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Monday, according to Bloomberg News, that “the U.S. must follow up with more assistance to Assad’s opponents to shift the balance of power in the conflict … dismissing concerns that some rebels have militant ties. ‘Those who say we don’t know who the opposition are, they are either not telling the truth and they know the truth or they are badly mistaken.’” This is rich coming from a man who posed with known jihad kidnappers in Syria. Back in May, McCain went to Syria to meet with the opposition. While there, he posed for a...
  • Top U.S. Republicans Back Syria Strike as Refugee Crisis Mounts

    09/03/2013 3:24:38 PM PDT · by goodwithagun · 19 replies
    Reuters ^ | Sept. 3, 2013 | Yara Bayoumy and Jeff Mason
    U.S. President Barack Obama won the backing of two top Republicans in Congress in his call for limited U.S strikes on Syria to punish President Bashar al-Assad for his suspected use of chemical weapons against civilians.