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  • Impeachment is Killing the Democrats in Battleground States

    12/09/2019 6:19:39 AM PST · by EyesOfTX · 17 replies
    DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
    Axios is reporting that morning that new polling shows President Donald Trump gaining ground in three key battleground states as this impeachment clown show plows along. The new polls, conducted by Firehouse Strategies, show the President gaining tremendous ground vs. Quid Pro Joe Biden in the three key states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which were decisive in his 2016 victory over the Pantsuit Princess. Biden vs. Trump in battleground states The President’s biggest gains have taken place since September, when the Democrats and their media toadies kicked off their whole Ukraine scam as a pretense for impeaching Mr. Trump....
  • Business Insider: Trump Has a Bigger Set Than Everyone Else

    12/07/2019 11:05:37 AM PST · by EyesOfTX · 21 replies
    DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
    If these people didn’t exist, you couldn’t make them up in a million years. – I kid you not, the hacks at Business Insider are now attacking President Donald Trump for his choice of … wait for it … SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS. I swear I do not make this stuff up – who could? Some genius who writes for BI named James Pasley posted a photo-essay detailing the fact that President Trump has pair of rather large, um, salt and pepper shakers. As with most other things, including key parts of his anatomy, the Presidents shakers are substantially larger...
  • U.S., Canada Wildly Disparate Jobs Reports Expose Biden’s Buffonery

    12/06/2019 1:01:02 PM PST · by EyesOfTX · 20 replies
    DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
    Hmmmm…what could possibly be the reason for this? So hard to guess… – By now you’ve likely seen the news about today’s massive November jobs report for the U.S. Trump economy: 266,000 new jobs created for November, record low unemployment rate of 3.5%, record low unemployment rates for Blacks, Hispanics and women, and a 3.1% year-over-year real wage growth. Combine that with an inflation rate of just 1.4%, and you have a U.S. economy performing at peak performance levels. But hey, you don’t have to believe me – just ask Jim Cramer, no fan of President Trump, who responded thusly...
  • Why the Horowitz Report Will Likely do Nothing to Advance the Cause of Justice

    12/03/2019 10:26:45 AM PST · by EyesOfTX · 49 replies
    DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
    Just a reminder: Do not put any hopes on Michael Horowitz doing anything to help bring the Coup Cabal to justice. – As we have repeatedly pointed out, Mr. Horowitz’s job is to investigate and provide cover for the bureaucracy that pays his salary. His internal role at DOJ is to “investigate” alleged wrongdoing among its employees and then to provide rationale arguing why that wrongdoing was nothing more than violations of internal policies, a simple lack of candor, innocent mishandling of documents, etc. He might make the occasional criminal referrals targeting low-level functionaries – the Peter Strzoks and Lisa...