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  • Teleprompter must go!

    06/11/2016 11:31:13 AM PDT · by Java4Jay · 100 replies
    I was a Cruzer yet will vote Trump because we can't let Clinton get in. Trump must get off the teleprompted speeches or he's sure to lose. He's so bad I wonder at times if he's doing it on purpose.
  • Plouffe: Trump is 'lazy'

    06/11/2016 3:51:03 PM PDT · by Hojczyk · 70 replies
    Politico ^ | June 11,2016 | By KRISTEN EAST
    Trump's decision to give a set of remarks — with the aid of a teleprompter — earlier this week is just one example of how the candidate is lazy and unwilling to go about the traditional means of campaigning, Plouffe said. "It's so offensive as a practitioner," he said. "Get on your plane and go to Ohio. It's not that complicated … I think he's actually quite lazy. He's lazy." Plouffe, who is now an adviser at Uber, went on to say that Trump is "not doing basic things" that are expected, or required, of a major party's nominee, such...
  • POLITICO Florida Playbook: RUBIO’s Cruz problem? – BUSH’s Cuban comment...

    12/29/2015 1:06:01 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 10 replies
    The Politico ^ | December 29, 2015 | Matt Dixon and Kristen East
    A STRANGE COMPARISON -- "Marco Rubio's big problem--and his party's," by The Washington Post's Paul Waldman: "Believe it or not, the Iowa caucuses are just over a month away. And Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) -- establishment darling and the cognoscenti's assumed front-runner -- is heading to Iowa for a bus tour, bringing along a shiny new endorsement from Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, head of the special committee on Benghazi. Can you feel the excitement? Probably not, which is why this is an excellent demonstration of Rubio's problem, and the problem the GOP is facing as the actual voting...