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Keyword: johannhari

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  • European Fascist Movements are Led by Homosexuals According to Gay Journalist

    05/07/2009 5:55:01 AM PDT · by ReformationFan · 12 replies · 988+ views
    LifeSiteNews ^ | 5/6/09 | Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
    European Fascist Movements are Led by Homosexuals According to Gay Journalist Says gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the Third Reich By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman BRITAIN, May 6, 2009 ( - With the rise of an increasingly militant and even violent homosexual movement which has threatened and assaulted Christians for their opposition to their political agenda, homosexual activists in the U.S. and Europe have been increasingly accused of "homofascism." Now, a self-described "gay left-wing" journalist in Britain has admitted that the fascist tendency of homosexuals is far more than...
  • Whoops, what a giveaway

    05/08/2008 12:55:51 PM PDT · by LJayne · 4 replies · 66+ views
    The Spectator ^ | 5/08/08 | Melanie Phillips
    The charge that he is a bigot has clearly got under Johann Hari's skin.
  • McCain Should Be Feared, Writer Says

    02/10/2008 2:09:16 PM PST · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 61 replies · 462+ views
    Newsmax Insider Report (email) | February 10, 2008 | Newsmax
    1. McCain Should Be Feared, Writer Says Presidential hopeful John McCain is being billed as the Republican that liberals can live with, but his credentials as a “bipartisan progressive” are in fact a “lazy, hazy myth,” according to liberal pundit Johann Hari. “The truth is that McCain is the candidate we should most fear,” writes Hari, a columnist for The Independent in Britain, in an article that appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. “Not only is he to the right of Bush on a whole range of subjects, he is also the Republican candidate most likely to dispense with Hillary Clinton...