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    05/30/2003 1:15:20 AM PDT · by Timesink · 11 replies · 307+ views
    The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid ^ | May 30, 2003 | Donald L. Luskin
    BLAIR, BRAGG, DOWD ... KRUGMAN?Posted by Donald Luskin at 2:26 AM May 30, 2003I noticed that the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities was referred to as "a liberal group" in a New York Times article today (natch, the article was about something supposedly terribly wrong with President Bush's tax cuts). Is this something new for the post-Jayson Blair era? Nothing will ever stop the Times from being a mouthpiece for liberal advocacy groups, and reporting their opinions as news -- but perhaps at least the Times will now have the decency to disclose the political orientation of the source....
  • In-a-Gadda Da-Vida We Trust (Dowd alert)

    05/27/2003 9:11:29 PM PDT · by Pokey78 · 56 replies · 762+ views
    The New York Times ^ | 05/28/03 | Maureen Dowd
    By rolling over Iraq, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld hoped to deep-six the sixties. The president was down with that. He never grooved on the vibe of the Age of Aquarius anyway.Conservatives were eager to purge the decades' demons, from tie-dye to moral relativism, from Hanoi Jane to wilting patriotism, from McGovern to blaming America first, from Lucy-in-the-sky-with-diamonds to the Clintonesque whatever-gets-you-through-the-night ethos.In their preferred calendar, more Gingrichian than Gregorian, American culture fast-forwards from Elvis's blue suede shoes to John Travolta's white polyester suit.Whatever else has gone awry in the Mideast so far, the administration may have succeeded in exorcising...