COME ALL YE flame-eaters, snake charmers, stilt-walkers, tall-bikers, unicyclists, jugglers dancers, poets, puppeteers, clowns, costumers, performing artists, video artists, sound artists, light artists, artists of any kind, gamers, dreamers, builders, theatricians, poster/zine/book makers, movers and shakers, bakers, alarmists, thinkers, logistic kings and queens, researchers, organizers, creators and activists: 2 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS: PROPAGANDIZING AGAINST PROPAGANDA How to be sensitive within the social/political landscape + be able to communicate dissenting ideas and gestures. And . . . discuss participation in “The Good American” + CIRKUS TENT events for the Philadelphia Fringe Festival August 30 - September 8. AT THE CIRKUS TENT...