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Keyword: fayda

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  • GOTTA SEE THIS-Baghdad.Sarqat,Chamchamal,Fayda,Qushtapa,Tapa Korra,Dohuk,Irbil,Kalak,Qoratu

    03/26/2003 1:12:18 PM PST · by Diogenesis · 113 replies · 1,090+ views
    Yahoo, AP, Reuters, and the usual suspects | 3/27/03 | The Armies of Good against the Axis of Evil
    GOTTA SEE THIS - War for Enduring Freedom 03/27/03 - Baghdad, Sarqat, Chamchamal, Fayda, Qushtapa,Tapa Korra, Dohuk,I rbil, Kalak, Qoratu BREAKING: Baghdad.- Evil to Dust BREAKING: Chamchamal - Coalition warplanes attack BREAKING: Fayda, Qushtapa, Tapa Korra BREAKING: Dohuk, Irbil, Kalak, Qoratu BREAKING: Sarqat - Ansar al-Islam ========= Chamchamal ========= In Chamchamal, Coalition warplanes pound front-line Iraqi positions. In Chamchamal, a Kurd security guard shows a terrorist bomber's belt filled with TNT made by Ansar i-Islam. Near Chamchamal, Kurdish militia. ========= Sarqat ========= THE FACE OF THE ENEMY In Sarqat, an Ansar al-Islam [al-Qaeda] terrorist. ========= Fayda ========= Fayda, controlled by...
  • GOTTA SEE THIS-WarEndur.Freedom 03/25/03-Tikrit,Baghdad,Fayda,Al Faw,Najaf,Nasiriyah,Basra,Umm Qasr

    03/24/2003 4:16:36 PM PST · by Diogenesis · 101 replies · 2,138+ views
    Yahoo, AP, Reuters, DOD, IraqiTV, ..., and the usual suspects. Many brave photographers | 3/25/03 | The Armies of Good against the Axis of Evil
    GOTTA SEE THIS - War for Enduring Freedom 03/25/03 - Tikrit, Baghdad, Fayda,Al Faw,Najaf,Nasiriyah,HMAS Kinimbla,captured mines, Basra, Az Bayr, Az Zubayara, Umm Qasr BREAKING Tikrit - Mailbox for the Baath Party Baghdad - Mutisystem Organ Failure for Saddam? Tense and Post-surrender Errors in Speech Fayda, north of Mosul - new attacks on Iraq Southern Iraq - oil wells burn Southern Iraq - Iraqis freed by the USA Southern Iraq - headquarters of the 51st Iraqi Mechanized Infantry Division Al Faw -British Royal Marines bring justice to the Baath party Najaf - Weapons hot Nasiriyah - Battle at the Euphrates River...