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  • The Rush Limbaugh LIVE Radio Show Thread - Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    07/20/2010 8:07:41 AM PDT · by IMissPresidentReagan · 189 replies · 2+ views
    The EIB Network ^ | 07/20/2010 | Rush Limbaugh
    AND NOW . . . amidst billowing clouds of fragrant, aromatic first- and second-hand premium cigar smoke. . . it is time for . . . that harmless, lovable little fuzz ball, the highly-trained broadcast specialist, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have, from behind the golden EIB microphone, firmly ensconced in the prestigious Attila-the-Hun chair at the Limbaugh Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies, serving humanity simply by showing up, and he’s not retiring until every American agrees with him, do NOT doubt him, with shrieks of joy at the mere mention of his name...
  • Developer Begins Process to Seize Justice Souter's Homestead

    06/29/2005 7:52:11 PM PDT · by DaveTesla · 148 replies · 4,235+ views
    The Autonomist ^ | Wednesday, June 29, 2005 | Rocco DiPippo
    Last week, I reported on the Supreme Court's Kelo vs City of New London decision, which seriously weakened Constitutionally guaranteed private property rights. Now, in what can only be viewed as an attempt at pure poetic justice, a budding developer, businessman Logan Darrow Clements, has begun the process of seizing Supreme Court Justice David Souter's homestead in Weare, New Hampshire and replacing it with a hotel. Citing the Kelo decision, Clements has contacted Weare's building official, saying: "Although this property is owned by an individual, David H. Souter, a recent Supreme Court decision, "Kelo vs. City of New London" clears...

    10/24/2003 10:24:35 AM PDT · by .cnI redruM · 14 replies · 242+ views
    The New Republic ^ | Post date 10.16.03 | Louis Klarevas
    awrence F. Kaplan argues that, despite the political elite's growing intolerance of casualties in Iraq, the public remains steadfast in its support of the operation, including a willingness to incur a significant number of American fatalities ("Willpower," September 8 & 15). In his words, there is an "absence of a correlation between casualties and public support." Well, not quite. Kaplan reaches this conclusion based on both a superficial reading of some of the academic literature as well as a blanket acceptance of conclusions derived from problematic social science (e.g., the research of Gelpi/Feaver and Kull/Ramsay). A more discerning review would...