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  • Far-left Ilhan Omar is pictured with her first husband AND her second [brother] husband [tr ed]

    07/18/2019 7:16:35 AM PDT · by C19fan · 42 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | July 18, 2019 | Ross Ibbetson
    An incendiary photo purports to show Donald Trump's sworn enemy Ilhan Omar with two of her husbands - one allegedly her brother - at the same event. Trump caused uproar yesterday when he repeated the suggestion that the Democrat Congresswoman had married her own brother. The explosive rumor first appeared during her election campaign in 2016 and prompted a furious response with Omar calling it an Islamophobic slur. However, her conjugal arrangements are baffling in large part because she has failed to fully explain an apparent overlap in her unions to Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi (her first and current husband) and...