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  • MSNBC’s Sharpton Invited to White House to Discuss How to Work with GOP — No, Really

    11/08/2014 1:25:19 AM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 62 replies
    Mediaite ^ | November 7, 2014 | Joe Concha
    There’s obvious and then there’s painfully obvious. And in the case of Al Sharpton declaring that Tuesday’s resounding defeat for his party was not the fault of an unpopular president nor inept candidates, but of Hillary and Bill Clinton, it’s painfully obvious where the activist/host/liaison is getting his marching orders are coming from: Valerie Jarrett. As he’s enjoyed mentioning in the past, Sharpton has a direct line to the White House. He’s visited numerous times, trades daily emails with Ms. Jarrett. So when the Democrats went down in flames three days ago, guess who President Obama met with the next...