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Keyword: cupich

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  • [Catholic Caucus] Faggocardinal Cupich Embraces The Spirit Of Satan

    12/18/2024 6:25:14 PM PST · by ebb tide · 1 replies
    Mundabor's Blog ^ | December 18, 2024 | Mundabor
    [Catholic Caucus] Faggocardinal Cupich Embraces The Spirit Of SatanThis guy really is too much of a scoundrel. It is already bad enough that this little, miserable sissy undermines Catholicism at every step. It is a whole different problem when he suddenly invents new categories and definitions that have no place whatsoever in Church history.Receiving Holy Communion is not a cooperative act. The communicants aren’t playing baseball. They are not carrying a coffin. They receive individually, and they only receive because they have made an individual assessment on whether they are both worthy of receiving, and willing to do so.The idea...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Is Kneeling for Communion a Disruption?

    12/17/2024 1:41:54 PM PST · by ebb tide · 5 replies
    Crisis Magazine ^ | December 17, 2024 | Fr. Casey Jones
    [Catholic Caucus] Is Kneeling for Communion a Disruption?It is important to remind the faithful of their canonical right to receive Holy Communion while kneeling, regardless of the form of the Sacred Liturgy that they attend.His Eminence Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago has recently written a letter in his archdiocesan publication discouraging the practice of kneeling for the reception of Holy Communion. Now, I state straightaway that I am not here to encourage anyone to be disrespectful to their ordinary, and it is not my place to theorize on motives. However, I wish to express my respectful disagreement and remind the...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Spitting in the face of Ugandan martyrs: Pope Francis massively pushing LGBTQ in Africa

    08/27/2024 5:48:38 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | August 26, 2024 | LifeSite News Staff
    [Catholic Caucus] Spitting in the face of Ugandan martyrs: Pope Francis massively pushing LGBTQ in AfricaOn this episode of Faith & Reason, John Henry-Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discuss Pope Francis encouraging homosexual activists in Uganda, Cardinal Cupich praying at the Democratic National Convention, and more.On this past week’s episode of Faith & Reason, John Henry-Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discussed Pope Francis encouraging homosexual activists in Uganda, Cardinal Cupich praying at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), near where a Planned Parenthood truck offered free abortions, a Francis-appointed Kentucky bishop celebrating an LGBT Mass after canceling...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Archbishop Viganò: Cupich’s DNC speech confirms ‘blood pact’ between ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’

    08/20/2024 8:44:11 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 4 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | August 20, 2024 | Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
    [Catholic Caucus] Archbishop Viganò: Cupich’s DNC speech confirms ‘blood pact’ between ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò called out Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago for his endorsement of Kamala Harris and the Democrat platform, describing the prelate as having supported 'the cult of perversion, disease, sterility, poverty, death.'Editor’s note: The following note has been taken from a post by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to X (formerly Twitter), originally published on August 20, 2024. The scandalous endorsements of Blase Cupich and the heretical ultra-progressive Jesuits in favor of Harris and Walz and the radical Left woke agenda confirm the...
  • [Catholic Caucus] The long road to replacing Cardinal O'Malley

    08/06/2024 7:38:16 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 5 replies
    The Pillar ^ | August 5, 2024 | Ed Condon
    [Catholic Caucus] The long road to replacing Cardinal O'MalleyThe announcement Monday that Bishop Richard Henning will replace Cardinal Sean O’Malley as Archbishop of Boston has ended one of the longest-running points of speculation in the Church in the United States. O’Malley steps down after more than two decades in charge of what has traditionally been one of the country’s most prominent sees. He turned 80 years old in June, aging him out of participation in a future conclave, and putting him more than five years past the nominal episcopal retirement age.The announcement of Henning as his replacement follows years of...
  • Priest Celebrates Lesbian [Pseudo] Marriage - One "Bride" Is Protestant Preacher

    05/04/2024 10:27:36 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 12 replies
    Gloria TV ^ | May 2, 2024 | Gloria TV
    Priest Celebrates Lesbian [Pseudo] Marriage - One "Bride" Is Protestant PreacherRev. Joseph Williams, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul in Chicago, Illinois, officiated at a pseudo-marriage for two women in his church. They posted video footage on social media on 22 April and Rev. Williams confirmed that the video is real (, 1 May).One of the women, Kelli Beard, is a United Methodist minister. She will become an associate pastor at an Arizona church starting in July. The other, Myah Knight, is a mental health therapist who runs a 'religious trauma support group'.Beard wore an off-the-shoulder champagne-coloured sequined dress, Knight...
  • Antichrists and Practical Heresies: Saint Augustine’s Warning

    03/03/2024 1:09:24 PM PST · by ebb tide · 6 replies
    The Remnant Newspaper ^ | March 1, 2024 | Robert Lazu Kmita
    Antichrists and Practical Heresies: Saint Augustine’s Warning Both the signs of the end and the signs of recognizing the antichrist have been left to us in the inspired texts with the purpose of warning us about the imminence of crucial historical events. Their purpose, however, is never to satisfy our human curiosity, but to urge us to repentance, to penance, to prayer – to a life of more intense and deep sanctity. From the numerous difficult and enigmatic passages contained within the sacred texts of the Bible, the most read are the prophecies concerning the end of the world. No...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Exclusive: Cardinals Cupich, McElroy say 'impossible to go back' to synods without lay voters

    10/31/2023 6:27:01 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 11 replies
    National Catholic Reporter ^ | October 31, 2023 | Joshua J. McElwee
    [Catholic Caucus] Exclusive: Cardinals Cupich, McElroy say 'impossible to go back' to synods without lay voters Two U.S. cardinals said one of the immediate results of Pope Francis' major summit on the future of the Catholic Church is that it should now be "impossible" to return to an era where lay men and women are not given both a voice and vote in major Vatican meetings. "It would seem to me impossible to go back now," said San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy on Oct. 29. "It would be wrenching to go back if you just had bishops there or just...
  • Cardinal Cupich to appear at ecumenical conference coordinated by Wiccan priestess

    08/16/2023 1:55:21 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 9 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | Stephen Kokx
    Cardinal Cupich to appear at ecumenical conference coordinated by Wiccan priestessThe Parliament of the World’s Religions conference, first held in 1893, was condemned by Pope Leo XIII in 1895, at which time he also forbade Catholics from attending any of the organization's future events.Left-wing Cardinal Blasé Cupich is set to appear at a scandalous ecumenical event in Chicago this week. The conference is coordinated by a Wiccan priestess and features more than 6,000 representatives of various forms of pagan and non-Catholic sects. The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions is being held at McCormack Place convention center from Tuesday, August...
  • A throng of interfaith leaders to focus on combating authoritarianism at global gathering in Chicago

    08/14/2023 8:04:37 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 12 replies
    National Catholic Reporter ^ | August 14, 2023 | David Crary
    A throng of interfaith leaders to focus on combating authoritarianism at global gathering in ChicagoMembers of the Cristo Rey Parish, Jain and Sikh community pose before the Parliament of World Religion Parade of Faiths, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2023, in Chicago.More than 6,000 people representing scores of religions and belief systems are expected to convene in Chicago starting August 14 for what organizers bill as the world’s largest gathering of interfaith leaders.For the Parliament of the World’s Religions, the week-long event marks a return to its roots – the organization was founded in Chicago in 1893. In the past 30 years,...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Blase Cupich Presides Over LGBTQ+ Mass In Lakeview: ‘God Brought Us Together Here As A Community’

    06/19/2023 5:54:04 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 10 replies
    Block Club Chicago ^ | June 19, 2023 | Heather Schlitz
    [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Blase Cupich Presides Over LGBTQ+ Mass In Lakeview: ‘God Brought Us Together Here As A Community’The cardinal held Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church as part of the Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach ministry's 35th anniversary.LAKEVIEW — Blocks away from the thumping bass, fishnet bodysuits and drag queens of Boystown’s Pride Fest, some gay Chicagoans celebrated queer identity in a different way Sunday: with an LGBTQ+ Catholic mass led by Cardinal Blase Cupich.As the bells rang at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and the first notes of the organ swelled, gay and lesbian churchgoers...
  • Cardinal Cupich on 10 years of Pope Francis: women, LGBT Catholics, sex abuse and what comes next

    03/14/2023 4:01:57 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 11 replies
    America Magazine ^ | March 13, 2023 | Michael J. O’Loughlin
    Cardinal Cupich on 10 years of Pope Francis: women, LGBT Catholics, sex abuse and what comes nextWhen Pope Francis named Blase Cupich as archbishop of Chicago in 2014, some interpreted the appointment as a signal that the pope sought to reorient the U.S. hierarchy. Francis, who was elected pope 10 years ago on Monday, has spent the last decade reforming the Vatican bureaucracy and trying to implement his vision of a church that acts as what he describes as a field hospital, responding with mercy to the needs of ordinary Catholics. In the United States, home to a vocal group...
  • [Catholic Caucus] A Church Called to Love Perfectly

    02/16/2023 2:24:21 PM PST · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    Chicago Catholic ^ | February 15, 2023 | Cardinal Blase J. Cupich
    [Catholic Caucus] A church called to love perfectlyAmong the many points of convergence between the late Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis is their emphasis on the power of grace, which is God’s love for his people. From different perspectives, both popes insist that this love is totally unconditional, mysterious, transformative and gratuitous. Pope Francis warns against the cold and hard gnostic logic that attempts to domesticate the mystery of God’s grace or even the mystery of our lives by pretending to have all the answers: “When somebody has an answer for every question, it is a sign that they...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Father Anthony Bus disciplined for inciting hatred (After asking to say Mass facing altar)

    02/09/2023 4:56:27 PM PST · by ebb tide · 5 replies
    California Catholic Daily ^ | February 9, 2023 | California Catholic Daily
    [Catholic Caucus] Father Anthony Bus disciplined for inciting hatredAfter asking to say Mass facing altarA well-known Chicago priest has been sternly reprimanded by Cardinal Blase Cupich after he wrote a letter to the prelate criticizing the decision to prohibit saying Mass facing east and noting how faithful Catholics are “cruelly demoralized” by persecution from Church authorities.Father Anthony Buś, C.R, of Chicago’s St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, has been seemingly ordered into a 10-day private retreat after earning the rebuke of Cupich who suggested the priest was publicly inciting “animosities or hatred against the Apostolic See or an ordinary,” due to his...
  • Host of Simulated Homoerotic Orgy Nears Purchase of Chicago Catholic Church

    02/02/2023 6:00:35 PM PST · by marshmallow · 10 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | 1/25/23 | Emily Mangiarcina
    Dan Davidson, whose venue ‘The Temple House’ has hosted a homoerotic, simulated orgy, confirmed to LifeSiteNews that he is preparing to buy St. Adalbert’s Catholic Church in Chicago, and inspections have begun.CHICAGO (LifeSiteNews) — The owner of a luxury event venue that has regularly hosted lewd performances, including a simulated homoerotic orgy and obscene, perverse music videos, is preparing to close on the purchase of the beloved, historic St. Adalbert’s Catholic Church in Chicago. Dan Davidson, who specializes in digital image projection for entertainment venues, told LifeSiteNews on January 17 regarding St. Adalbert’s, “I can confirm that engineers have just...
  • Cupich criticises Texas governor in migrants statement

    09/06/2022 3:12:43 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 27 replies
    The Tablet ^ | September 6, 2022 | Michael Sean Winters
    Cupich criticises Texas governor in migrants statement The Archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, has issued a strong statement of support for migrants and refugees who had been bussed to his city by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, with no provision made for their transfer or reception. In a rare move, Cupich criticised Abbott by name for his handling of the situation.“Wednesday night, Chicago received two busloads of migrants, including asylum seekers, sent from Texas on buses chartered by Governor Gregory Abbott. For weeks, the Texas governor has been sending migrant women, men, and children – including infants – to...
  • BREAKING: ‘Cardinal’ Cupich to shut down Institute of Christ the King in Chicago (No mercy for anything resembling Catholicism…)

    07/16/2022 9:55:57 AM PDT · by one guy in new jersey · 58 replies
    Novus Ordo Watch ^ | July 16, 2022 | (No author indicated)
    Although this has not yet been announced officially, the news has already been leaked: Tomorrow, July 17, the Archlayman of Chicago, ‘Cardinal’ Blase Cupich, will announce that the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) will be shut down in Chicago effective August 1. The ICKSP is a Traditional Latin Mass community founded in 1990 that uses only the Roman Missal of 1962. It is one of the so-called “Ecclesia Dei communities”, meaning they have always been in full communion with the Vatican II Church and are operating on the basis of the indult granted by “Pope” John Paul...
  • Lay 'reflection' raises doctrinal, liturgical questions in Chicago archdiocese

    06/21/2022 2:22:50 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 6 replies
    The Pillar ^ | June 20, 2022 | Michelle La Rosa
    Lay 'reflection' raises doctrinal, liturgical questions in Chicago archdioceseAs the Archdiocese of Chicago calls for liturgical orthodoxy in its implementation of Traditiones custodes, at least one parish has permitted lay people to give a homiletic reflection, despite the Church's requirements that a homily be given at Sunday Mass, and that homilies can be preached only by ordained ministers.The Archdiocese of Chicago declined to comment on liturgical and doctrinal questions concerning a June 19 Mass at Chicago’s Old St. Patrick’s Church. ShareInstead of a homily after the Gospel, the celebrant invited two men to the ambo to offer a Father’s Day...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Campus ministry director at Chicago Catholic high school is in a lesbian ‘marriage’

    05/27/2022 5:26:04 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | May 26, 2022 | Matt Lamb
    [Catholic Caucus] Campus ministry director at Chicago Catholic high school is in a lesbian ‘marriage’Mission and ministry director at Marist High School Kimberly Madonia is in a ‘marriage’ with a woman. CHICAGO (LifeSiteNews) – The campus minister for a Catholic high school in Chicago is in a same-sex “marriage.” Kimberly Madonia is the Director of Mission and Ministry for Marist High School. Marist hosted dissident, pro-LGBT priest Father James Martin earlier this month for a discussion on homosexuality and transgenderism. Madonia has been in the role for a year now after she left her previous job as a youth ministry...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Priests: Cardinal Cupich visited diocese before Pope removed Puerto Rican bishop

    04/30/2022 6:29:40 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | April 29, 2022 | Raymond Wolfe
    [Catholic Caucus] Priests: Cardinal Cupich visited diocese before Pope removed Puerto Rican bishopBishop Emeritus Álvaro Corrada del Río, S.J., reportedly said that the Vatican ‘secretly’ dispatched Cardinal Cupich to investigate Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres. ARECIBO, Puerto Rico (LifeSiteNews) – Priests in the Puerto Rican Diocese of Arecibo say they were told that liberal Cardinal Blase Cupich made a secretive visit to their diocese last year and was involved in the recent dismissal of Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres.According to an investigation by Catholic news site ACI Prensa, the current apostolic administrator of the diocese informed clerics that Cupich, the scandal-plagued archbishop...