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Keyword: cultureofsheep

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  • Time for the sun to set on the Culture of Sheep

    05/15/2007 7:13:41 AM PDT · by bamahead · 39 replies · 5,839+ views
    Buckeye Firearms Association ^ | May 15, 2007 | Tim Inwood
    My first memory of encountering the “anti-self defense culture”, which I call the “culture of sheep”, was a cold morning in January 1975. I was in the sixth grade and was riding the school bus. Suddenly, another student sitting in the seat ahead of me turned and began striking me. This was completely unprovoked. Naturally I struck back in defense. The bus driver separated us and drove on to Holmes school. Before I knew it I was before Principal Will Allen. Also standing there was Mark, the kid who started the fight. Allen asked what happened, and Mark told a...