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  • The Candy Crowley Tipping Point (Jeffrey Lord)

    10/18/2012 8:43:51 AM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 39 replies
    The American Spectator ^ | 10/18/2012 | Jeffrey Lord
    She got it wrong. She interfered. She took a side. Candy Crowley may finally have done something else as well: so visibly tipping the scales of media bias that the end result makes Mitt Romney the next president. Taken all together, CNN's Candy Crowley, in her zeal to intrude on the presidential debate and save President Obama from himself, may just have provided the televised moment that finally sparks a revolt against the four years of fawning coverage of President Obama. Becoming to the liberal media what the Tet Offensive was to Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War. For four...