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Keyword: classification

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  • Trump Should Immediately Stop Federal Agencies From Hiding Documents By Needlessly Marking Them Classified

    11/14/2024 9:54:26 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 12 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 11/14/2024 | Sean McMeekin
    Files should be open to the public unless otherwise specified, not secret by default. We the people have a right to know what our government does in our name, and to know our own historyEarly in his third presidential campaign, Donald Trump vowed to establish a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to “declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and abuses of power.” The phrase “Truth and Reconciliation” recalls bodies established to investigate abuses by toppled Communist regimes such as East Germany’s, or the former apartheid government of South Africa. The framing suggests that Trump views the entire...
  • Biden ‘Abused Classification System’ To Hide Iranian Assassination Plots, Cruz Says

    03/01/2024 12:11:23 PM PST · by Twotone · 6 replies
    Washington Free Beacon ^ | February 29, 2024 | Adam Kredo
    The Biden administration suppressed information about Iran’s efforts to assassinate U.S. officials to ensure Congress and the American public were kept in the dark, according to a lawmaker on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "What Americans don’t know is that the Biden administration has gone to great lengths to hide the extent and persistence of those threats" from Iran, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) said during a Senate hearing Wednesday on Tehran’s network of terror proxies. Those threats include active plots to assassinate former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and other top U.S. officials. The administration has been "abusing the...
  • Ron DeSantis presses Joe Biden on declassifying 9/11 documents

    09/11/2023 7:26:01 PM PDT · by Reno89519 · 52 replies
    Florida Politics ^ | September 11, 2023 | A.G. Gancarski
    'A selection of documents and answers remain unclear.' Gov. Ron DeSantis visited New York City for the annual commemoration of the 9/11 terror attacks 22 years ago. And the Florida Governor and 2024 presidential candidate is calling on the current President to make public information that is currently classified about how those attacks came to happen. “And now, decades later, we as a nation still owe full transparency and accountability to these grieving families. Yet too many politicians have broken past promises to them, and that is wholly unacceptable,” DeSantis said. DeSantis called on President Joe Biden “to publicly commit...
  • "'Stunning’ Executive Order Would Politicize Civil Service" - Define Stunning

    10/22/2020 1:42:46 PM PDT · by PK1991 · 97 replies
    Government Executive Magazine ^ | 10-22-2020 | Erich Wagner
    President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order creating a new classification of “policy-making” federal employees that could strip swaths of the federal workforce of civil service protections just before the next president is sworn into office. The order would create a new Schedule F within the excepted service of the federal government, to be composed of “employees in confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating positions,” and instructs agency heads to determine which current employees fit this definition and move them—whether they are members of the competitive service or other schedules within the excepted service—into this new classification.
  • Docs Reveal FBI Cover Up of ‘Chart’ of Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton

    02/15/2019 3:05:36 PM PST · by detective · 32 replies
    Judicial Watch ^ | FEBRUARY 15, 2019
    Shortened title. Full title: Judicial Watch: Docs Reveal FBI Cover Up of ‘Chart’ of Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton ‘I’ll make sure Andy tells Mike to keep these in his pocket’ (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 186 pages of records from the Department of Justice that include emails documenting an evident cover up of a chart of potential violations of law by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Judicial Watch obtained the records through a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOJ failed respond to a December 4, 2017...
  • Memo, memo, who’s got the memo?

    02/10/2018 12:27:24 PM PST · by Kaslin · 13 replies
    Hot ^ | February 10, 2018 | JAZZ SHAW
    At the moment, the President does. Or at least he did yesterday.Of course, we’re speaking of Memo 2.0, otherwise known as the Schiff memo. It was crafted in response to the already infamous memo from Devin Nunes, allegedly filling in the “missing” information which Democrats claim was intentionally left out of Memo 1.0 for partisan reasons. After saying that he planned to release it soon, Trump reversed course and said that it would be going back to the Intelligence Committee for a second pass due to security reasons. (CNN) President Donald Trump won’t release the Democratic rebuttal to the Republican...
  • FBI Missed Clinton Emails MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG

    02/07/2018 11:43:55 PM PST · by Trump_vs_Evil_Witch · 99 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | 02/07/2018 | LUKE ROSIAK
    The FBI didn’t flag that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent — something that seemingly would have been one of the first and most obvious checks in an investigation, and one that FBI agents instantly recognized put the facts at odds with Clinton’s public statements..... .....The ommission allowed Clinton to repeatedly and prominently state that she had “never received nor sent any material that was marked classified” on her private email server while secretary of state. She even said so at major debates, and because the FBI hadn’t...
  • What can the FBI do about Hillary Clinton without a grand jury?

    01/24/2016 12:58:03 PM PST · by Kaslin · 84 replies
    Hot ^ | January 24, 2016 | JAZZ SHAW
    It almost seems like old news at this point, but the Hillary Clinton email server story arc continues to dump one damaging headline after another on the head of the presumptive Democrat nominee. We saw the recent revelation that some of the material stashed away in that bathroom closet contained data relating to human intelligence at the highest level. We then heard former Attorney General Michael Mukasey say it’s time to charge her with mishandling classified documents. And yet nothing seems to happen beyond scattered rumors from mostly nameless sources saying that the FBI is busily digging away. Why is...
  • New cancer classification system shows promise as lifesaver

    08/09/2014 9:34:04 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 10 replies
    SFGate ^ | 08/09/2014 | Victoria Colliver
    Classifying cancer tumors by their molecular structure rather than the tissue or organ where they were found, such as the breast or bladder, may lead to more accurate diagnoses and potentially better treatments and outcomes for patients, a new study finds. In the largest undertaking to analyze and compare different cancer types based on genomic sequencing, researchers found at least 10 percent of tumors - and possibly as high as 30 to 50 percent - would be identified differently if oncologists determined their diagnoses by a tumor's molecular makeup. "The old system classifying cancer by the tissue of where it...
  • Issa: Obama administration classifies jobs with political purpose.

    06/06/2012 5:26:09 PM PDT · by Carriage Hill · 12 replies ^ | June 6, 2012 | Fox News
    The Obama administration on Wednesday acknowledged a wide-ranging definition of “green jobs” that includes bus driver, bicycle-shop clerk and other unexpected lines of employment, which the chairman of the GOP-led House oversight committee said is being done for “clearly political purposes.” GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, made the assertion during a hearing on how the administration counts so-called green jobs and the Labor Department’s recent change to how reporters can access key unemployment reports and other information. The Labor Department "has jeopardized the integrity of employment data in some cases for...
  • Dispute Over Classification Of New Species Of Prehistoric 'Human'

    10/30/2004 7:53:02 AM PDT · by blam · 25 replies · 993+ views
    ABC Net ^ | 10-28-2004 | Alison Caldwell
    Dispute over classification of new species of prehistoric 'human' The World Today - Thursday, 28 October , 2004 12:22:00 Reporter: Alison Caldwell ELEANOR HALL: The discovery of the dwarf humans or hobbits, as we just heard one the scientists calling them, has generated enormous interest and excitement among anthropologists around the world. But not all of them agree with the Australian scientists that this is a new species of human. Jeffrey Schwartz, who is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh in the Untied States, says while the discovery is extraordinary, the creature is more like an ape than...
  • Diversity thumbs on the scales

    06/23/2003 12:42:05 PM PDT · by TBP · 9 replies · 233+ views
    The Washington Times ^ | June 22, 2003 | John Hasnas
    <p>Any day now, the Supreme Court will announce its decision on the constitutionality of the University of Michigan's affirmative-action policies. Advocates for minorities hope the court will uphold the program. It should not. Such a decision will almost certainly damage the long-term interests of the very groups the proponents of diversity seek to protect.</p>